Sheeple Bashers Telegram Posts

A bit of light hearted escapism in a dark and disturbing world. Thanks for passing by! 🙏
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Please note, we won't contact you directly - if this happens, it's an imposter pretending to be us!
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Last Updated 06.03.2025 09:25
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The latest content shared by Sheeple Bashers on Telegram
How is Two Tier Justice news? This has been going on for a while. Only now, the scum media want to join the party coz some sheep have started noticing.
Man films himself crying because he feels Zelensky was mistreated
Pathetic clueless clown
Pathetic clueless clown
This story is ABSOLUTELY BONKERS! In a nutshell, the photographer Dave Slater 'trained' a monkey to take a selfie which resulted in a copyright lawsuit & even the monkey taking him to court! SERIOUSLY! It's not an April Fool's joke!
You can skip to 15:35 for interview with Dave Slater! ⬇️
You can skip to 15:35 for interview with Dave Slater! ⬇️