Shaqil Haziq Official (@shaqilhaziqofficial) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Shaqil Haziq Official टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Shaqil Haziq Official
4,950 सदस्य
8,767 तस्वीरें
375 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 13:03

समान चैनल

Dato Scalper M1
8,964 सदस्य
Syazwan Syafiq (MSTA, CFTe)
5,351 सदस्य
Fadzil Zahari Group
2,836 सदस्य

Shaqil Haziq Official द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Shaqil Haziq Official

27 Feb, 00:49


UOBKH Retail Market Monitor
27 February 2025

FBMKLCI: 1,588.71 (+20.68)
Support: 1,556, 1,546
Resistance: 1,600, 1,618

Bursa Top Gainers:
CDB (+3.2%), PCHEM (+2.7%), MRDIY (+2.7%)

Bursa Top Losers:
NESTLE (-1.7%), PMETAL (-0.40%), KLK (-0.19%)

Bursa Trade Statistics
Local Institutions (42.31%): +RM24.53m
Local Retail (17.51%): -RM6.41m
Foreign (40.18%): -RM18.12m

Global Equity Indexes
MSCI Asia : 188.94 (+1.20, +0.64%)
NASDAQ : 19,075.26 (+48.87, +0.26%)
S&P500 : 5,956.06 (0.81, +0.01%)
DJIA : 43,433.12 (-188.04, -0.43%)

USD/MYR : 4.4277 (+0.0122)
SGD/MYR : 3.3095 (+0.0025)

Crude Oil : $72.53 (+3.37)
Gold : $2,918.23 (-5.91)

US stocks were mixed after the close on Wednesday, as gains in the Technology, Utilities and Industrials sectors led shares higher while losses in the Consumer Goods, Telecoms and Healthcare sectors led shares lower. At the close in NYSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 0.43%, while the S&P 500 index climbed 0.02%, and the NASDAQ Composite index gained 0.26%. Rising stocks outnumbered declining ones on the New York Stock Exchange by 1,386 to 1,380 and 92 ended unchanged; on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, 1,806 rose and 1,471 declined, while 147 ended unchanged. (Source:

Stocks To Watch:

1) HARBOUR (KLSE: 2062)
Technical BUY with +13.7% potential return
* Last: RM1.46 TP: RM1.57, RM1.66 SL: RM1.34
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: NO

2) HARNLEN (KLSE: 7501)
Technical BUY +29.5% potential return
* Last: RM0.39 TP: RM0.475, RM0.505 SL: RM0.345
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

3) JHM (KLSE: 0127)
Technical BUY with +30.8% potential return
* Last: RM0.39 TP: RM0.475, RM0.51 SL: RM0.335
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

This material is a service for investors and does not represent a buy or sell call. Usage of this information is at your own risk. You are advised to conduct your own independent evaluation, due diligence and risk assessment before investing. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

For the full research report, please log in to
Shaqil Haziq Official

27 Feb, 00:05


Dah masuk kelas saham tapi masih terapung?

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Shaqil Haziq Official

26 Feb, 15:15

Shaqil Haziq Official

26 Feb, 00:50


UOBKH Retail Market Monitor
26 February 2025

FBMKLCI: 1,568.03 (-16.22)
Support: 1,556, 1,546
Resistance: 1,600, 1,618

Bursa Top Gainers:
IHH (+0.83%), MISC (+0.82%), PETDAG (+0.38%)

Bursa Top Losers:
SDG (-3.4%), TM (-2.9%), AXIATA (-2.8%)

Bursa Trade Statistics
Local Institutions (38.66%): +RM194.64m
Local Retail (18.81%): +RM81.47m
Foreign (42.53%): -RM276.11m

*Global Equity Indexes*
MSCI Asia : 187.74 (-1.95, -1.03%)
NASDAQ : 19,026.39 (-260.54, -1.35%)
S&P500 : 5,955.25 (-28.00, -0.47%)
DJIA : 43,621.16 (+159.95, +0.37%)

USD/MYR : 4.4155 (-0.004)
SGD/MYR : 3.3070 (+0.0073)

Crude Oil : $69.16 (+0.23)
Gold : $2,924.19 (-24.815)

US stocks were mixed after the close on Tuesday, as gains in the Healthcare, Basic Materials and Consumer Services sectors led shares higher while losses in the Technology, Oil & Gas and Consumer Goods sectors led shares lower. At the close in NYSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.37%, while the S&P 500 index fell 0.47%, and the NASDAQ Composite index fell 1.35%. Rising stocks outnumbered declining ones on the New York Stock Exchange by 1,542 to 1,251 and 62 ended unchanged; on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, 2,109 fell and 1208 advanced, while 103 ended unchanged. (Source:

Stocks To Watch:

1) KENANGA (KLSE: 6483)
Technical BUY with +21.0% potential return
* Last: RM0.975 TP: RM1.08, RM1.18 SL: RM0.915
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: NO

2) SCICOM (KLSE: 0099)
Technical BUY with +18.5% potential return
* Last: RM0.84 TP: RM0.945, RM0.995 SL: RM0.795
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: NO

3) HSSEB (KLSE: 0185)
Technical BUY with +19.2% potential return
* Last: RM0.99 TP: RM1.11, RM1.18 SL: RM0.845
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

This material is a service for investors and does not represent a buy or sell call. Usage of this information is at your own risk. You are advised to conduct your own independent evaluation, due diligence and risk assessment before investing. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

For the full research report, please log in to
Shaqil Haziq Official

26 Feb, 00:00


Benda wajib nak kena buat sebelum masuk saham

Tengok LIVE dekat sini:
Shaqil Haziq Official

25 Feb, 14:37

Shaqil Haziq Official

06 Feb, 00:38


UOBKH Retail Market Monitor
6 February 2025

FBMKLCI: 1,574.51 (+9.95)
Support: 1,542, 1,546
Resistance: 1,600, 1,617

Bursa Top Gainers:
GAMUDA (+4.8%), YTLPOWR (+4.3%), YTL (+3.7%)

Bursa Top Losers:
QL (-1.1%), SDG (-0.61%), MRDIY (-0.60%)

Bursa Trade Statistics
Local Institutions (42.79%): +RM85.44m
Local Retail (20.48%): -RM20.34m
Foreign (36.73%): -RM65.10m

Global Equity Indexes
MSCI Asia : 184.22 (+1.61, +0.88%)
NASDAQ : 19,692.33 (+38.31, +0.19%)
S&P500 : 6,061.48 (+23.60, +0.39%)
DJIA : 44,873.28 (+317.24, +0.71%)

USD/MYR : 4.4253 (-0.0102)
SGD/MYR : 3.2815 (+0.0012)

Crude Oil : $71.26 (-1.34)
Gold : $2,867.69 (+25.75)

US stocks were higher after the close on Wednesday, as gains in the Telecoms, Financials and Healthcare sectors led shares higher. At the close in NYSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.71%, while the S&P 500 index gained 0.39%, and the NASDAQ Composite index added 0.19%. Rising stocks outnumbered declining ones on the New York Stock Exchange by 1,909 to 860 and 86 ended unchanged; on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, 2,156 rose and 1,135 declined, while 136 ended unchanged. (Source:

Stocks To Watch:

1) ADB (KLSE: 0276)
Technical BUY with +21.1% potential return
* Last: RM1.23 TP: RM1.39, RM1.49 SL: RM1.09
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: NO

2) AEMULUS (KLSE: 0181)
Technical BUY with +33.9% potential return
* Last: RM0.28 TP: RM0.345, RM0.375 SL: RM0.235
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

3) CARIMIN (KLSE: 5257)
Technical BUY with +23.6% potential return
* Last: RM0.805 TP: RM0.92, RM0.995 SL: RM0.755
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

This material is a service for investors and does not represent a buy or sell call. Usage of this information is at your own risk. You are advised to conduct your own independent evaluation, due diligence and risk assessment before investing. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

For the full research report, please log in to
Shaqil Haziq Official

05 Feb, 13:33


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Shaqil Haziq Official

05 Feb, 00:26


UOBKH Retail Market Monitor
5 February 2025

FBMKLCI: 1,564.56 (+10.93)
Support: 1,542, 1,546
Resistance: 1,600, 1,617

Bursa Top Gainers:
CIMB (+2.4%), SUNWAY (+2.3%), PBBANK (+1.2%)

Bursa Top Losers:
NESTLE (-1.8%), PCHEM (-1.4%), CDB (-1.3%)

Bursa Trade Statistics
Local Institutions (38.44%): -RM9.64m
Local Retail (19.60%): +RM28.13m
Foreign (41.96%): -RM18.49m

Global Equity Indexes
MSCI Asia : 182.61 (+2.65, +1.47%)
NASDAQ : 19,654.02 (+262.06, +1.35%)
S&P500 : 6,037.88 (+43.31, +0.72%)
DJIA : 44,556.04 (+134.13, +0.30%)

USD/MYR : 4.4355 (-0.026)
SGD/MYR : 3.2803 (+0.0013)

Crude Oil : $72.60 (+0.20)
Gold : $2,841.94 (+28.80)

U.S. stocks were higher after the close on Tuesday, as gains in the Oil & Gas, Technology and Consumer Services sectors led shares higher. At the close in NYSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average added 0.30%, while the S&P 500 index gained 0.72%, and the NASDAQ Composite index climbed 1.35%. Rising stocks outnumbered declining ones on the New York Stock Exchange by 1919 to 844 and 89 ended unchanged; on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, 2246 rose and 1057 declined, while 123 ended unchanged. (Source:

Stocks To Watch:

1) GFM (KLSE: 0039)
Technical BUY with +27.1% potential return
* Last: RM0.24 TP: RM0.29, RM0.305 SL: RM0.21
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

2) GUH (KLSE: 3247)
Technical BUY with +20.6% potential return
* Last: RM0.315 TP: RM0.355, RM0.38 SL: RM0.285
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

3) JTIASA (KLSE: 4383)
Technical BUY with +22.3% potential return
* Last: RM1.30 TP: RM1.53, RM1.59 SL: RM1.17
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

This material is a service for investors and does not represent a buy or sell call. Usage of this information is at your own risk. You are advised to conduct your own independent evaluation, due diligence and risk assessment before investing. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

For the full research report, please log in to
Shaqil Haziq Official

04 Feb, 13:33


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