Shaqil Haziq Official (@shaqilhaziqofficial) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Shaqil Haziq Official टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Shaqil Haziq Official
4,950 सदस्य
8,767 तस्वीरें
375 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 13:03

समान चैनल

Matmemorex Reborn
40,725 सदस्य
6,212 सदस्य
5,129 सदस्य

Shaqil Haziq Official द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Shaqil Haziq Official

04 Mar, 00:22


UOBKH Retail Market Monitor
04 March 2025

FBMKLCI: 1,571.79 (-3.31)
Support: 1,556, 1,546
Resistance: 1,600, 1,618

Bursa Top Gainers:
PPB (+3.4%), CIMB (+2.4%), MRDIY (+2.2%)

Bursa Top Losers:
NESTLE (-5.1%), AXIATA (-4.3%), GAMUDA (-3.4%)

Bursa Trade Statistics
Local Institutions (40.91%): +RM13.04m
Local Retail (20.70%): +RM55.09m
Foreign (38.39%): -RM68.13m

Global Equity Indexes
MSCI Asia : 184.66 (+1.28, +0.70%)
NASDAQ : 18,350.19 (-497.09, -2.64%)
S&P500 : 5,849.72 (-104.78, -1.76%)
DJIA : 43,191.24 (-649.67, -1.48%)

USD/MYR : 4.4628 (+0.0028)
SGD/MYR : 3.3147 (+0.0078)

Crude Oil : $68.33 (-1.91)
Gold : $2,892.10 (+23.72)

US stocks were lower after the close on Monday, as losses in the Oil & Gas, Technology and Basic Materials sectors led shares lower. At the close in NYSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.48% to hit a new 1-month low, while the S&P 500 index fell 1.76%, and the NASDAQ Composite index fell 2.64%. Falling stocks outnumbered advancing ones on the New York Stock Exchange by 2,034 to 761 and 64 ended unchanged; on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, 2,741 fell and 589 advanced, while 89 ended unchanged. (Source:

Stocks To Watch:

1) AGX (KLSE: 0299)
Technical BUY with +15.2% potential return
* Last: RM0.56 TP: RM0.62, RM0.645 SL: RM0.515
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

2) COASTAL (KLSE: 5071)
Technical BUY on breakout with +24.3% potential return
* Last: RM1.40 TP: RM1.62, RM1.74 SL: RM1.22
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: NO

3) EDGENTA (KLSE: 1368)
Technical BUY with +14.4% potential return
* Last: RM0.80 TP: RM0.865, RM0.915 SL: RM0.725
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

This material is a service for investors and does not represent a buy or sell call. Usage of this information is at your own risk. You are advised to conduct your own independent evaluation, due diligence and risk assessment before investing. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

For the full research report, please log in to
Shaqil Haziq Official

04 Mar, 00:00


Cara Pilih Saham Bagus (Fundamental)?

Tengok LIVE dekat sini:
Shaqil Haziq Official

01 Mar, 01:04


Hujung mingu tak tahu nak buat apa?

Boleb tonton video ni ya

(i) Screener Saham Paling Padu 2025


(ii) Charting Software + Screener Paling Padu


Selamat berhujung minggu!
Shaqil Haziq Official

28 Feb, 13:29


Kenapa Penting Kena Ada Dalam Circle Coach Shaqil Haziq

Tengok perkongsian student kita dekat sini:
Shaqil Haziq Official

28 Feb, 08:42

Shaqil Haziq Official

28 Feb, 00:45


UOBKH Retail Market Monitor
28 February 2025

FBMKLCI: 1,586.60 (-2.11)
Support: 1,556, 1,546
Resistance: 1,600, 1,618

Bursa Top Gainers:
PMETAL (+5.0%), YTL (+3.2%), MRDIY (+2.6%)

Bursa Top Losers:
PETDAG (-3.5%), IOICORP (-2.6%), PPB (-2.5%)

Bursa Trade Statistics
Local Institutions (36.51%): +RM118.23m
Local Retail (18.00%): -RM37.45m
Foreign (45.49%): -RM80.78

Global Equity Indexes
MSCI Asia : 188.07 (-0.87, -0.46%)
NASDAQ : 18,544.42 (-530.38, -2.78%)
S&P500 : 5,861.57 (-94.49, -1.59%)
DJIA : 43,239.50 (-193.62, -0.45%)

USD/MYR : 4.4677 (+0.004)
SGD/MYR : 3.3157 (+0.0062)

Crude Oil : $70.14 (-2.39)
Gold : $2,879.52 (-38.71)

US stocks were lower after the close on Thursday, as losses in the Technology, Utilities and Consumer Services sectors led shares lower. At the close in NYSE, the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 0.44% to hit a new 1-month low, while the S&P 500 index fell 1.58%, and the NASDAQ Composite index fell 2.78%. Falling stocks outnumbered advancing ones on the New York Stock Exchange by 1,914 to 860 and 74 ended unchanged; on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, 2,375 fell and 921 advanced, while 121 ended unchanged. (Source:

Stocks To Watch:

1) CMSB (KLSE: 2852)
Technical BUY with +23.2% potential return
* Last: RM1.12 TP: RM1.24, RM1.38 SL: RM1.04
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

2) CYPARK (KLSE: 5184)
Technical BUY WITH +18.1% potential return
* Last: RM0.80 TP: RM0.895, RM0.945 SL: RM0.745
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

3) FAVCO (KLSE: 1961)
Technical BUY with +12.6% potential return
* Last: RM1.75 TP: RM1.91, RM1.97 SL: RM1.59
* Timeframe: 2 weeks to 2 months
* Shariah: YES

This material is a service for investors and does not represent a buy or sell call. Usage of this information is at your own risk. You are advised to conduct your own independent evaluation, due diligence and risk assessment before investing. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information.

For the full research report, please log in to
Shaqil Haziq Official

27 Feb, 14:35

Shaqil Haziq Official

27 Feb, 13:59


17 Minggu Pelabur Asing Keluar Mana boleh bua duit! Ini ada yang dah naik dekat 37% dalam tempoh market turun dan sendu!

Ada yang kata masa market menjunam dan pelabur asing keluar tak boleh buat duit. Sebenarnya dalam pasaran saham ni ada je peluang.

Cuma sama ada kita pandai nak ambil peluang atau pun tak sahaja.

Macam saham ni, dia keluar signal "Invest" pada bulan October 2024. Lepas dah semak semua formula SHAQ, risiko rendah kita Bismillah.

Adakah 100% dia akan naik? TAK.

Cuma kita buat projection awal - awal untuk agak agak ke mana hala tuju saham ni nak ke mana.

Lepastu? kita follow the "trend" sahaja.

Btw mana yang nak belajar kaedah pakar macam ni boleh bermula dengan download ebook saham strategi saham sebenar dekat link bawah:


Disclaimer: Ini bukan cadangan pembelian saham, benda dah naik.

Shaqil Haziq Official

27 Feb, 13:34


Apa yang Coach Shaqil Haziq (SH) kongsikan dah memang complete!

Tengok perkongsian student kita dekat sini:
Shaqil Haziq Official

27 Feb, 08:14


Macam tak ramai yang nak ni.