What's new for NVDA 2024.4.2?
Fixed bug with with reading math in Chromium Browsers (Chrome, Edge.
Humanware Brailliant BI 40X devices running firmware version 2.4 now work as expected.
In Word or Excel, it is now possible to double-press the comment gesture to read the comment or note in a browsable dialog. You can now use the review cursor selection command to select text in PowerPoint. NVDA also no longer brailles garbage characters when showing row or column header text in tables in Word when using the object model.
A new setting has been added to configure the timeout to perform a multiple press gesture, such as the report time/date command.
You can now configure how NVDA shows text formatting in braille, and set NVDA to show the start of paragraphs in braille. NVDA can now speak the character at the cursor when performing a braille cursor routing action. Cursor routing reliability has been improved, and support for routing keys in PowerPoint has been added. All lines of cells will now be used when using a multi-line braille display via HID braille. NVDA is no longer unstable after restarting NVDA during an automatic Braille Bluetooth scan.
eSpeak NG has been updated, adding support for the Faroese and Xextan languages.
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