MQAB174 💣 @seafoamgreen777 Channel on Telegram

MQAB174 💣


All things are possible through that down. 🎰⚡️🦅

MQAB174 💣 (English)

Welcome to our Telegram channel, @seafoamgreen777, where we believe that all things are possible through God. Our channel is a space for positivity, inspiration, and motivation. We encourage our members to jot down their dreams, aspirations, and affirmations, knowing that with faith and perseverance, anything is achievable. Whether you're looking for daily doses of faith, encouragement, or just a community to uplift you, our channel is the perfect place for you. Join us as we share stories, quotes, and messages that remind us of the power of belief and determination. Let's journey together towards a brighter tomorrow, one filled with hope and endless possibilities. Remember, with God on our side, we can conquer any challenge that comes our way. Come be a part of our uplifting community and let's spread positivity and faith to all those who need it. Together, we can inspire each other to achieve our dreams and reach new heights. Join @seafoamgreen777 today and embrace the power of faith and belief in making the impossible possible.

MQAB174 💣

14 Jan, 06:36

I like it but it’s sus 😂

MQAB174 💣

14 Jan, 06:36


MQAB174 💣

14 Jan, 06:32

Like, my vibe is way up…way way up….out of nowhere…kinda interesting 🤔

MQAB174 💣

14 Jan, 06:16

Something feels different all of a sudden…last couple days. I feel like I have more energy or something…anybody else? 🤔

MQAB174 💣

10 Jan, 21:08

A few days ago, before the snow came, we had also discovered this apparently rare naturally formed ‘ice spike’ in an old plant stand. Never seen one of these before, so it was pretty interesting. It’s basically an upside down icesicle.

MQAB174 💣

10 Jan, 21:08

You learn something new everyday 😁

MQAB174 💣

10 Jan, 21:00

We never get this kind of snow here anymore. A long time ago, I lived in the Rockies for 7 years…I think I’ve missed this aesthetic a bit. Feels quite lovely to see it today. ⛄️

MQAB174 💣

10 Jan, 20:55


MQAB174 💣

09 Jan, 20:40

Sorry I’ve been so quiet. I’m doing ok, just busy with life…super busy. I feel like I’ve never been busier actually…. I have a lot of time consuming projects going on, and a lot of life responsibilities, but it’s good for my soul and mind for me to keep busy. It really helps, and I highly recommend offline hobbies to anyone feeling exhausted with everything seemingly going on in the world (like I am 😬). My computer has been down, and my phone kinda sucks to use when I have a bunch of lengthy dm replies to send. Hoping to get my computer back this week and get back to everyone soon. Again, thanks to everyone for being patient with me as I catch up on dms. I hope you all are having wonderful new year so far, even though we know it likely isn’t the real new year 😂🤦‍♀️. Ah well, what can ya do. Hopefully this year we will receive some much needed important truths. We really do deserve it! 🤍

MQAB174 💣

01 Jan, 05:34

Well…It’s 2025…and this year I want need some spectacular shit to happen, and I want need some friggin answers! 😅😂🎉. How bout you?!

MQAB174 💣

31 Dec, 05:34


MQAB174 💣

30 Dec, 07:53 you can see, I'm still grasping at straws 🤣😅😭

MQAB174 💣

30 Dec, 07:52

Jimmy Carter marker...
3 11 🪞11.3? 🤔

MQAB174 💣

29 Dec, 23:49

We shall see…. Anyway, Hope everyone had a blessed, merry, and bright Christmas, and wishing all of you a Happy New Year! 🤍🎉😘

MQAB174 💣

29 Dec, 23:48

If I recall correctly, pretty sure Jimmy Carter’s public passing was supposed to be some sort of huge marker 🤔

MQAB174 💣

13 Dec, 05:24

I will be back 🤍

MQAB174 💣

03 Dec, 00:47

Anyway... 🤍

MQAB174 💣

02 Dec, 20:23

It's just really irritating knowing we have enough panels on our house, and battery storage, to power everything here, plus some. But, we still have an electric bill 😐...while they're always stealing what we generate, since it was set up to circulate back into their grid system. It makes no scam 😑.

MQAB174 💣

02 Dec, 20:09

Hoping 'free energy for all' happens soon 😓🙏. From all my research, everything right now is basically a total scam. Apparently, the energy we get from the grid, it doesn't just get 'used up', like they make it it vanishes and is just gone after we've 'used it'. Instead, it's always circulating, being perpetually recycled, throughout the entire grid system...hence, the term 'electrical current'. When you plug something into an outlet, the energy goes in one prong, and right back out the other...instantly returning back to the grid system, to be used again. Is this what some of you have come to understand too? So, seems all they really have to do is make sure there is enough wattage in circulation for everyone's needs...right 🤔? We have enough hydro-electric dams and solar farms here to meet that, I would think. I can see paying a small fee for things like grid equipment repairs and workers wages etc, but actually would be nice if that was something our (forced) state tax money was covering...seems feasible. I just don't get why we're all having to pay so much $, every single month, for energy that is literally being constantly recycled...other than to make greedy men more rich. I'm no electrician though, and I don't know how it all works, so maybe I'm wrong, idk. How much power are they actually having to generate if what's there is never being truly 'used up' and 'gone'. Just trying to make sense of it...🤔🤷‍♀️. Either way...feels like a total scam...probably is, like many other things. Ugh...🤦‍♀️ Just had to vent for a second back to work 💪. You can always dm me @seafoamgreen, and let me know if you have thoughts you'd like to share (about anything, ever). Like I said though, at the moment, it might be a while before I can get back to you 😅.

MQAB174 💣

02 Dec, 19:37

Side panels can be great if you have the proper battery packs to store the extra energy. In that case, your stuff will stay on if the grid goes down, even without sunlight, which is ideal and convenient. However, they are a huge pain in the ass sometimes, and the breakers here were poorly setup. So, I have to shut down basically all the important things to just work on one area...frustrating because I end up rushing to get things like the fridge turned back on. There are legalities here with the electric company. They're still forcing us to be on their grid, and because of that they basically end up stealing much of what is generated, even though they won't admit it...meaning we still have to pay them monthly for grid energy (grrr). I have found that many solar companies are total scammers too, which is frustrating when you need help. Our panels were already wired into everything, and also into the main grid. Can't really change that without massive expense, so we're just having to work with it.

MQAB174 💣

02 Dec, 19:16

I'm sorry if I haven't replied to your dm or voice message yet. I have been so stupid busy 🤦‍♀️. We had an electrical issue with our solar panels that kind of threw me for a loop, and still haven't gotten everything back in working order yet. I'm also just trying to push through and get a lot of other things done right now, in hopes that I can have a bit of peace from time to time the rest of the month. Anyway, thanks for being patient with me...really appreciate it. Once I get the majority of things sorted and done, I will hopefully have time to catch up, and spend a couple of days just getting back to everyone. I love you. 🤍

MQAB174 💣

28 Nov, 20:54

Anybody else feel like that?
I'm guessing yes...🤍

MQAB174 💣

28 Nov, 20:53

Seriously'll have the most bland conversations, surface level only, and some people still get offended and/or leave the room. Two people literally pretended to be asleep on the couch today, just to avoid conversation 🤣. If only they knew what I was really thinking 😬😂🤦‍♀️. I used to let it all out, but I just don't have the energy for it anymore...people always start acting funny or weird. Then come the awkward silences...likely signaling they think you've gone completely insane. I just hold everything back these days. Seems to make everyone's holiday experience more pleasant/comfortable, I guess, plus I don't get any scolding/wtaf/please stfu looks from my mother anymore 😁😂🎉.

But what I really want to know... Why is it that everyone in my family just seems so different than me 🤔? Felt that way as long as I can remember...that we just don't have too much in common, aside from being family members. Although, I've always felt that being/remaining relatable is important...if you don't want to be instantly tuned out/thought of as a crazy person 😂😅. So, I do always go out of my way to find common ground with people, but it's just interesting because you'd think with family, especially close ones, that wouldn't always be so difficult to do 🤔. Anyway, the whole entire's truly all so strange...🤷‍♀️. Really looking forward to a time where things like this might make more sense to me.

MQAB174 💣

28 Nov, 19:04

Anyway 😂

MQAB174 💣

28 Nov, 18:55

If this isn’t the theme for me today, I don’t know what is. 🤦‍♀️

MQAB174 💣

24 Nov, 16:11

11:11 🤍

MQAB174 💣

20 Nov, 04:47

The wide road to hell feels like Heaven.

The narrow path to Heaven feels like hell.

MQAB174 💣

16 Nov, 04:52

I promise Gus isn’t spoiled at all 😂

MQAB174 💣

16 Nov, 02:46


MQAB174 💣

16 Nov, 00:18

2.0 or no...a deception is still a deception...even if the deception was possibly being used for a good purpose. I think the lesson here is how easy it is to deceive people. All you have to do is pose as a hero, and say all the right things they want to hear. Don't be deceived.

MQAB174 💣

15 Nov, 23:41

Fascinating...just two years ago he was paying for his employees abortions, as well as providing transgender benefits.

MQAB174 💣

15 Nov, 23:41

Elon calls out abortion........murder 👏👏👏👏

MQAB174 💣

09 Nov, 23:47

It is a path of genuine bravery, and it surely isn't for everyone.

MQAB174 💣

09 Nov, 23:46

I will add... When you question or speak about things that go against what the majority supports/thinks/does, then you certainly, and instantly, will know what it feels like to truly be a 'black sheep', or someone who 'goes against the crowd' and takes a 'narrow path'.

MQAB174 💣

09 Nov, 23:44

Question... I hear so many people refer to themselves as a 'black sheep', someone who 'goes against the crowd' and takes 'the narrow path. So, can you really be, or do, any of those things if you consider yourself part of 'the majority'?

It's an interesting to think about isn't it? Especially when you understand and realize who 'the majority' is right now these days.

MQAB174 💣

03 Nov, 20:16


MQAB174 💣

03 Nov, 20:16

War on natural remedies 1961 to 1975: funded by the AMA.

🤔Imagine being arrested for selling basil?!

MQAB174 💣

29 Oct, 05:44

MQAB174 💣

29 Oct, 05:44

I have a friend who has dedicated her life to helping and saving animals, many that were on 'death row'. She now has a no-kill shelter in Canada where she specializes at taking in elderly animals, and giving them a loving home to live out the rest of their lives. She truly works her butt off to make sure all her animals are eating the best species appropriate diet possible, and she treats any ailments 100% naturally to ensure they live as long, happy, and comfortable as possible. She selflessly always puts their needs before her own.

Patricia helps and teaches so many every single day, including me, and never expects or asks for anything in return. I know she could really use some help feeding the animals at the shelter right now. No pressure of course, but I just wanted to share her donation site in case anyone feels moved to help out. 🤍

MQAB174 💣

27 Oct, 06:25

'Am I The Only One, That's The Lonely One, Or Is It You Too?'

MQAB174 💣

27 Oct, 06:22

'So Tell Me One Thing...'

MQAB174 💣

27 Oct, 06:18


MQAB174 💣

26 Oct, 09:26

Fascinating 🤓

MQAB174 💣

26 Oct, 09:17

Don’t mind me…just workin on my playlist some more 😎⚡️

MQAB174 💣

26 Oct, 09:11

(1977 Studio Version)

MQAB174 💣

26 Oct, 09:08

Terrapin Station, Winterland Ballroom, 12/31/78

MQAB174 💣

26 Oct, 08:55

"I'm Uncle Sam, that's who I am; Been hidin' out in a rock and roll band." 🥸

MQAB174 💣

26 Oct, 08:13


MQAB174 💣

20 Oct, 05:54

I Love You 🤍

MQAB174 💣

13 Oct, 18:22

I'm going to be catching up and replying to dm's today as much as possible. I have been so super slammed in my personal life, and dealing with a lot lately. I have a ton of voice messages to listen and reply to also. Thanks to everyone for being patient with me, and sorry I've been MIA for a while. I hope everyone has had a wonderful relaxing weekend so far. All my love 🤍

MQAB174 💣

11 Oct, 03:26

Yeah I know it's probably some weather mod crap...but it still looks pretty sweet

MQAB174 💣

11 Oct, 03:18

We have 'northern lights' action happening here again tonight. Isn't really intense yet, but gonna keep checking. Will post pics if I get any nice ones.

MQAB174 💣

10 Oct, 04:00

Really hard to tell exactly what's going many differing reports. Just want everyone to be ok 😓🙏

MQAB174 💣

10 Oct, 03:37

It made landfall at 7:30 FL time. It is all over my other telegram channels. 1.5 million people without power. Storm serge in several places at 6 ft. Rain and wind bad. Over 100 tornadoes before storm got there. It is clear we won't get the real story till morning

MQAB174 💣

10 Oct, 02:40

Really hoping this is true 🙏. Was wondering why I hadn't been seeing any pictures or videos, because I heard it was supposed to make landfall earlier this afternoon. 🤔

MQAB174 💣

10 Oct, 02:39

BREAKING: In a remarkable turn of events, the eye of the storm has collapsed, and Hurricane Milton has been downgraded to a Category 2.


MQAB174 💣

08 Oct, 07:59