Hayat √ الحياة is a Telegram channel created by @sdrajader200 with the motto 'وعندما تبدأ بحساب نجوم السماء لاتنسَ نفسك' (When you start counting the stars in the sky, do not forget yourself). This channel, which began on August 8, 2016, aims to inspire and motivate its followers to appreciate the beauty of life and to remember to take care of themselves while navigating through life's challenges. Through a series of posts, quotes, and reflections, Hayat √ الحياة provides a space for self-reflection, personal growth, and positivity. Join this channel today to start your journey towards a more mindful and fulfilling life.
12 Dec, 09:00
18 Nov, 08:01
23 Sep, 14:01
06 Aug, 13:12
05 Aug, 05:43
08 Jul, 16:19
02 Jul, 11:10
27 Jun, 09:14
27 Jun, 09:11
23 Jun, 18:54
22 Jun, 20:23
22 Jun, 09:54
20 Jun, 10:57