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Sarrthi IAS
"New Start"

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Last Updated 01.03.2025 11:17

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Start Your UPSC 2026 Prep Now!
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The Mindset That Makes a UPSC Topper

You say, “UPSC is tough.” True.
You say, “The syllabus is vast.” Yes.
You say, “Only a few get selected.” That’s a fact.

But the real question is – do you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?

Fixed Mindset: "I’m bad at answer writing, I’ll never improve."
Growth Mindset: "If I practice daily, my writing will get better."

Every topper struggled at some point. The difference? They believed in the power of yet.

🚀 You can’t solve PYQs yet.
📖 You don’t know the syllabus yet.
✍️ You don’t write great answers yet.

But if you start today - with consistency, patience, and the right mindset - you won’t just prepare for UPSC 2026. You’ll transform into the kind of person who cracks it.

Are you ready? Let’s begin.

📌 Fill the form now & Start your Prep!

The last set of videos in the mapping series. The often neglected: Oceans.
Learn about the important features of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in this video! 😊

🚨 UPSC 2026 – The Clock is Ticking!

~450 days. That’s all you'll have.

The question paper will be in front of you. Will you recall the answers or regret the wasted time?

No more distractions. No more “Kal se padhunga.”

Deep work, daily discipline, one topic at a time.
Wasted days = Inevitable failure.

~450 days left. The choice is yours.

UPSC 2026 Aspirants - Fill the form & connect 1:1 with us!

We all have biases while attempting a UPSC test, even if we don’t realize it!

These biases also affect our performance in the actual UPSC Prelims Exam.

When answering a question, we act on two types of biases:
Positive Bias – Based on facts and knowledge.
Negative Bias – A feeling that “something seems wrong” even without certainty.

If you analyze your tests, you may find that Negative Bias often overpowers Positive Bias, leading to poor results.

So, how do you eliminate these biases?

Watch Varun Sir explain how to overcome them and boost your UPSC Prelims Score!

"The Mindset That Cracks UPSC"

Fixed Mindset: “I’m not good at this.” 🚫
Growth Mindset: “I can’t do this… yet.”

UPSC isn’t about how smart you are today - it’s about how willing you are to grow.

Struggle with PYQs? → Practice daily.
Can’t recall concepts? → Revise smartly.
Weak in answer writing? → Improve step by step.

Every topper once struggled. The difference? They didn’t give up.

2026 is yours - if you start with the right mindset.

Are you ready?

If you want to start your UPSC 2026 Prep, Connect with Us.

Fill the form

UPSC has asked 34 questions from IR in last 5 Prelims! Here is my analysis of high yielding areas of IR for Prelims:

*Evidence based polity strategy* and a live demonstration of how to read laxmikant!

Transcription Factors & Gene Regulation | Explained

Transcription Factors are proteins that bind to DNA and control gene expression. They play a crucial role in cell differentiation, identity, and response to the environment.

This is not an easy concept to grasp, yet it's an essential topic - especially since it's part of the NCERT. In the Science & Tech Course, Shivin Sir breaks it down in-depth, making it easier to understand.

These concepts can’t be memorized in isolation - a strong foundation is key to truly understanding them.

Now, if UPSC asks a question on this topic, you'll already have a solid understanding of the various levels of gene regulation - helping you tackle it with confidence!

Watch it Here -

UPSC 2026: The 1% Who Will Succeed

UPSC isn’t about who studies the most - it’s about who studies the deepest.

💡 Cal Newport in Deep Work says:

"The ability to focus deeply is the new superpower in a distracted world."

Most aspirants will waste months in endless strategy videos, switching study plans, & convincing themselves they are ‘preparing.’

The 1% who clear UPSC will:

Cut distractions & commit to focused study
Build a structured routine & master answer writing
Train for deep concentration—not just passive reading

2026 is decided today. You either build intense focus now or regret later.

Who do you want to be?

If you are a serious UPSC 2026 Aspirant, you must talk to our UPSC Counsellor & see where you are in this journey.

Fill the form & talk to us!

Science and Tech handwritten revision notes for first 3 classes.