Welcome to Krishi Shiksha, a Telegram channel curated by Sachin Vishwakarma. This channel is dedicated to providing valuable resources for students pursuing BSc. Agriculture. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced student seeking previous year question papers, this channel has got you covered. Here, you will find a wide range of important questions, previous year question papers, and notes that will help you excel in your academic journey. Sachin Vishwakarma, the channel curator, is a knowledgeable individual passionate about agriculture education and committed to sharing his expertise with fellow students. Join Krishi Shiksha today to access essential study materials and enhance your learning experience in the field of agriculture. Stay updated with the latest resources and ace your academic pursuits with the help of Krishi Shiksha!
15 Jan, 04:31
14 Jan, 13:52
02 Jan, 08:38
11 Nov, 02:52
08 Nov, 03:56
05 Nov, 07:13
05 Nov, 07:12
01 Nov, 03:01
25 Oct, 02:43
21 Oct, 17:08
21 Oct, 17:08
30 Sep, 15:20
30 Sep, 15:19
30 Sep, 15:18
30 Sep, 14:58
05 Sep, 02:42