﴿فَإِنِّي قَرِيب﴾ is a Telegram channel created with the purpose of spreading positivity, kindness, and love. The channel, managed by the username @sab_ms, serves as a platform for sharing ongoing charity in memory of a beloved grandfather. The title, which translates to 'I am near' in English, encapsulates the essence of the channel's message - that even in difficult times, there is always someone close by offering support and compassion. Through heartwarming messages, inspiring quotes, and acts of kindness, ﴿فَإِنِّي قَرِيب﴾ aims to uplift and comfort its followers, reminding them that they are never alone. Join this channel to be part of a community that spreads love and positivity, and to contribute to ongoing charitable efforts in honor of a cherished loved one.
19 Jan, 17:27
19 Jan, 17:27
19 Jan, 17:27
19 Jan, 17:27
08 Jan, 21:43
02 Jan, 18:41
27 Dec, 18:54
13 Dec, 13:17
02 Dec, 17:53
05 Nov, 12:10
27 Oct, 19:08
23 Oct, 17:05
19 Oct, 16:54
15 Oct, 16:33
12 Oct, 18:56
12 Oct, 18:55
12 Oct, 18:55
11 Oct, 09:53
11 Oct, 09:52
11 Oct, 09:51
20 Sep, 09:39
20 Sep, 09:39
20 Sep, 09:39
20 Sep, 09:39