RV𝕏 Lite Repo (@rvx_lite_repo)の最新投稿

RV𝕏 Lite Repo のテレグラム投稿

RV𝕏 Lite Repo
Main Channel : @rvx_lite

Chat : @rvx_lite_chat
32,746 人の購読者
118 枚の写真
36 本の動画
最終更新日 11.03.2025 07:44


27,433 人の購読者
12,673 人の購読者
APC - Android Ports Cloud
8,020 人の購読者

RV𝕏 Lite Repo によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

RV𝕏 Lite Repo

26 Dec, 18:23


Hey everyone! 😊
Hope you're all doing well!
You know how I was using devuploads to upload apk files? Well, it turns out they delete files if no one views or downloads them for 30 days.

So, back in July 2023, I made a private Telegram channel called "RVX DUMPS" to keep a backup of those files. 👍

But guess what? I found an even better solution! 👏 I'm moving everything to @Uplodash now. They have unlimited storage, so the files will never get deleted! 😳
Plus, downloading from
@Uplodash is super easy and fast – you can even do it right from your Telegram app! 🚀

I've already moved most of the recent files, and some older ones too. I'll be updating it every month to make sure everything stays safe. 😉

Here's a quick tutorial about how to download files from RVX-LITE-BACKUP Folder :

Enjoy! 😄
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

15 Dec, 21:36


RV𝕏-Music (v7.24.51)
Non-root APK files 🗃️

For Armeabi-v7a users :
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

06 Dec, 11:18

RV𝕏 Lite Repo pinned «»
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

25 Nov, 14:27


Can anyone please confirm if this is working for them or if they are still experiencing any crashes on Android 5-6 : https://t.me/rvx_for_a6_7_chat/9855
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

20 Nov, 19:58

RV𝕏 Lite Repo pinned «»
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

15 Nov, 20:36

RV𝕏 Lite Repo pinned «»
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

11 Nov, 15:14

RV𝕏 Lite Repo pinned «»
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

11 Nov, 15:14


RV𝕏 Lite Repo

11 Nov, 15:12


RV𝕏-Music (v7.24.51)
Non-root APK files 🗃️

For Armeabi-v7a users :
RV𝕏 Lite Repo

11 Nov, 15:11


RV𝕏-Music (v7.24.51)
Non-root APK files 🗃️

For Arm64-v8a users :