🇷🇺 РУССКИЙ ОПОРНИК | ГРУЗ 200 ХОХЛЫ is a Telegram channel that is dedicated to sharing content for mature audiences only. The channel provides a platform for like-minded individuals to discuss and share materials related to various topics. The username @russian_opornik_gruz200_bot serves as a way for users to provide feedback and submit content, particularly related to humorous or satirical content involving individuals from Ukraine. It is important to note that the channel's content is intended for entertainment purposes and should be approached with a light-hearted attitude. To show support for the channel, users have the option to contribute monetarily through the provided link. Join 🇷🇺 РУССКИЙ ОПОРНИК | ГРУЗ 200 ХОХЛЫ for a unique and entertaining experience!
04 Jan, 19:24
04 Jan, 19:14
04 Jan, 18:58
04 Jan, 18:48
04 Jan, 18:18
04 Jan, 17:57
04 Jan, 12:05
04 Jan, 12:00
04 Jan, 11:54
04 Jan, 11:52
04 Jan, 10:21
04 Jan, 09:52
26 Dec, 17:32
26 Dec, 11:48
26 Dec, 11:10
26 Dec, 09:06
26 Dec, 08:48
26 Dec, 07:41
25 Dec, 20:08
25 Dec, 19:57
25 Dec, 19:52
25 Dec, 17:06
25 Dec, 16:53
09 Dec, 19:34
09 Dec, 19:05
09 Dec, 18:49
09 Dec, 18:47
09 Dec, 15:21
09 Dec, 15:09
09 Dec, 14:00
09 Dec, 13:56
09 Dec, 13:50
08 Dec, 12:12
07 Dec, 19:01
07 Dec, 18:41
07 Dec, 18:10
07 Dec, 18:07
07 Dec, 10:57
07 Dec, 10:45
04 Dec, 15:45
04 Dec, 15:41
04 Dec, 15:22
04 Dec, 15:19
04 Dec, 14:56
04 Dec, 11:26
04 Dec, 11:04
01 Dec, 09:31
01 Dec, 09:14
01 Dec, 09:06
01 Dec, 09:04
30 Nov, 21:03
30 Nov, 19:39
30 Nov, 15:42
30 Nov, 15:35
30 Nov, 13:36
30 Nov, 12:46
30 Nov, 12:16
30 Nov, 12:09
27 Nov, 16:31
27 Nov, 15:30
27 Nov, 15:18
27 Nov, 14:29
27 Nov, 14:20
27 Nov, 11:59
27 Nov, 10:33
24 Nov, 14:40
21 Nov, 20:35
21 Nov, 20:30
21 Nov, 20:28
21 Nov, 13:24
21 Nov, 13:16
21 Nov, 12:53
21 Nov, 11:50
21 Nov, 10:56
13 Nov, 18:58
13 Nov, 17:49
13 Nov, 16:43
13 Nov, 10:07
13 Nov, 09:45
13 Nov, 09:32
30 Oct, 16:53
30 Oct, 15:45
30 Oct, 10:56
30 Oct, 10:38
25 Oct, 16:41
25 Oct, 16:07
25 Oct, 13:19
25 Oct, 13:04
25 Oct, 09:41
25 Oct, 09:17
25 Oct, 09:15
25 Oct, 09:07
25 Oct, 09:00
25 Oct, 08:59
25 Oct, 08:56
24 Oct, 20:13
21 Oct, 12:27
21 Oct, 11:53
21 Oct, 11:12
21 Oct, 11:06
21 Oct, 10:40
21 Oct, 10:37
21 Oct, 10:36
21 Oct, 10:33