Publicaciones de Telegram de The Russian Kitchen

A space created for all those who would like to discover more about Russian cuisine and the country's culinary traditions. Created by @russiabeyond
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El contenido más reciente compartido por The Russian Kitchen en Telegram
At first glance, it might appear that breakfast is not taken as seriously in Russia as it is in the United States. A brief comparison: Working in Manhattan, I was surrounded by places where you can order all the omelets, pancakes, home fries and bacon (all complete with buttered toast) that your arteries could handle. There were also bagels and lox, pastries and more. My co-workers and I would eat breakfast at the office with great ceremony. It was an important part of our day, on par with lunch and dinner.
Throughout Russian history bread has always held a special place on people’s tables. For most Russians it had a sacred meaning, from the ritual scones of ancient Rus’ to the stale crumbs of besieged Leningrad. Life in Russia would have been impossible without bread, and the different types of bread are as varied as life itself. Here’s our small list of the most important ones.
Know any Russians who don’t like Philadelphia rolls or Caesar salad? We don’t...
Every Russian is familiar with kefir since early childhood. Refreshing and healthy, its sour and slightly bitter taste distinguishes it from different kinds of dairy products. Some foreigners, however, might find this strong taste difficult to swallow. So, if you’ve never tasted kefir before, this kefir cake recipe is the best place to start.
These hearty and easy dishes in the Russian cuisine will warm you on a cold winter evening and cheer you up!
Why were the French not fond of Vyazma gingerbread, while the British, on the contrary, welcomed this sweet treat?
Are you looking for exquisite ideas for your canapé-style party? Try these stuffed eggs that take only several minutes to prepare and have a long creamy aftertaste.
Many foreigners are shocked to learn that kids love this stuff, but what is it exactly?
Ever been hungry in Moscow, but too lazy to go out for a meal? These online services will come in handy. Order dishes from restaurants or products with recipes for easy cooking at home. They are all in Russian, but Google Translate, photos, or Russian friends can help out.