Welcome to the runway, where style meets speed! If you're looking for the latest trends in fashion delivered straight to your fingertips, look no further than our Telegram channel, @runway_original. This channel is curated by fashion enthusiast @paulsemenov, who scours the runways of the world to bring you the hottest looks from top designers. From street style to haute couture, we've got you covered. Stay ahead of the curve and never miss a beat with our daily updates on the fastest runway trends. Join us today and elevate your fashion game to new heights! 📩
21 Jan, 12:08
18 Jan, 07:05
17 Jan, 11:54
07 Jan, 07:43
05 Jan, 07:13
29 Dec, 09:53
27 Dec, 06:32
26 Dec, 06:56
24 Dec, 07:16
18 Dec, 06:29
17 Dec, 06:48
14 Nov, 06:20
11 Nov, 06:09
09 Nov, 05:13
08 Nov, 06:22
05 Nov, 06:11
21 Oct, 17:22
19 Oct, 09:27
17 Oct, 05:40
08 Oct, 17:16
07 Oct, 15:19
04 Oct, 16:32
01 Oct, 11:01
30 Sep, 08:52