Welcome to Paradise, a Telegram channel where authenticity is celebrated and individuality is embraced. The channel is managed by Rassul, with the username @rs7qz, who believes in the importance of being true to oneself. The motto of Paradise is 'Don't pretend to be someone else, be yourself', encouraging followers to stay true to who they are and not conform to societal expectations. Through this channel, Rassul aims to create a community where people can connect with others who share the same values and beliefs. For more information and to join this community, you can reach out to the connection provided by @Rs2qe_bot. Embrace your true self and find your paradise with us here at Paradise!
11 Feb, 17:32
10 Feb, 02:13
09 Feb, 19:00
09 Feb, 18:09
04 Feb, 09:46
04 Feb, 09:46
04 Feb, 09:46
04 Feb, 09:46
29 Jan, 21:06
23 Jan, 20:37
23 Jan, 20:09
23 Jan, 06:56
23 Jan, 06:51
19 Jan, 20:05
17 Jan, 19:37
07 Jan, 17:37
07 Jan, 17:37
07 Jan, 17:36
07 Jan, 16:48
04 Jan, 16:06
02 Jan, 23:31
01 Jan, 19:38
23 Dec, 17:08
24 Nov, 18:57
09 Nov, 16:07
24 Oct, 22:01
24 Oct, 20:00
24 Oct, 17:01
24 Oct, 17:01
24 Oct, 17:01
24 Oct, 17:01
24 Oct, 17:00
24 Oct, 16:44
24 Oct, 16:44
24 Oct, 16:40
23 Oct, 18:06
23 Oct, 16:36
23 Oct, 16:36
21 Oct, 02:20