Welcome to the Telegram channel 'Le Coran'! This channel, managed by the user rrrgur, is dedicated to sharing the wisdom, teachings, and verses from the Holy Quran. The title of the channel, 'Le Coran', translates to 'The Quran' in English, highlighting the focus on the sacred text of Islam. The description 'لاإله إلا انت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين' translates to 'There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.' This powerful verse from the Quran serves as a reminder of seeking forgiveness and turning towards the divine. Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of Islam, seeking spiritual guidance, or simply enjoy reading the beautiful verses of the Quran, this channel provides a space for you to connect with the holy text. Join us on this journey of enlightenment, reflection, and spiritual growth as we explore the timeless teachings of the Quran. Subscribe to 'Le Coran' today and immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of Islam.
03 Feb, 19:19
03 Feb, 19:19
03 Feb, 19:19
01 Feb, 18:33
06 Jan, 18:05
04 Jan, 16:35
04 Jan, 09:45
04 Jan, 07:32
30 Dec, 10:02
28 Dec, 00:10
27 Dec, 15:48
27 Dec, 09:30
26 Dec, 16:36
29 Nov, 15:09
29 Nov, 09:54
28 Nov, 21:11
16 Nov, 13:56
15 Nov, 14:06
15 Nov, 14:05
15 Nov, 08:25
15 Nov, 08:25
15 Nov, 00:55
10 Nov, 22:56
08 Nov, 05:17
31 Oct, 21:18
31 Oct, 17:47
31 Oct, 10:38
31 Oct, 10:38
31 Oct, 10:17
31 Oct, 10:15
31 Oct, 09:41
30 Oct, 20:37
30 Oct, 20:37
30 Oct, 18:04
26 Oct, 04:37
25 Oct, 11:18
25 Oct, 10:09