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Are you looking to improve your English grammar skills? Look no further than Rojgarkatta English™! This Telegram channel is dedicated to helping individuals enhance their understanding of English grammar through interactive lessons, quizzes, and tips. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply interested in sharpening your language skills, Rojgarkatta English™ has something for everyone. From basic grammar rules to advanced topics, this channel covers it all. Join our growing community today and start your journey towards mastering the English language. Don't forget to visit our website at for additional resources and materials. Let Rojgarkatta English™ be your guide to becoming a confident English speaker and writer!

Rojgarkatta English

18 Jan, 03:02

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Rojgarkatta English

28 Feb, 14:49

▪️ भारतीय अन्न महामंडळ जाहिरात सविस्तर माहिती पहा. खालील व्हिडिओ मध्ये..... 👇

Rojgarkatta English

21 Jul, 05:34

Daily Vocabulary , 21-07-18 .

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Rojgarkatta English

20 Jul, 06:14

Daily Vocabulary , 20-07-18 .

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Rojgarkatta English

19 Jul, 10:48

1. Sluggish (adjective): Slow-moving or inactive. (सुस्त, आलसी)
Synonyms: Languid, Torpid, Lethargic, Indolent
Antonyms: Brisk, Active, Lively, Vigorous
Example: The sluggish pace of the project is worrisome.

2. Extraneous (adjective): Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. (बाहरी, असम्बद्ध, असंगत)
Synonyms: Impertinent, Irrelevant, Inapposite, Unconnected
Antonyms: Germane, Relevant, Pertinent, Appropriate
Example: These questions are extraneous to the issue being discussed.

3. Belligerent (adjective): Eager to fight or argue. (लड़ाकू, युद्धरत)
Synonyms: Bellicose, Truculent, Pugnacious, Hostile, Aggressive
Antonyms: Friendly, Affable, Conciliatory, Amicable
Example: She was so belligerent that I gave up trying to explain.

4. Fortitude (noun): The strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or hardship. (धैर्य, साहस, दृढ़ता)
Synonyms: Courage, Bravery, Resilience, Mettle,
Antonyms: Cowardice, Timorousness, Timidity, Pusillanimity
Example: She endured her illness with great fortitude.

5. Reckon (verb): To think or believe: (मानना, अनुमान किया जाना)
Synonyms: Consider, Estimate, Suppose, Surmise,
Example: I Reckon It's Going To Rain.
Related: Reckoned, Reckoned

6. Crevice (noun): A narrow opening, especially in a rock or wall. (दरार, छिद्र)
Synonyms: Crack, Fissure, Cleft, Chink, Interstice,
Antonyms: Closing, Juncture, Joint
Example: Many creatures hide in crevices in the rock.

7. Apprehensive (adjective): Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen. (भयभीत, चिंतित, आशंकित)
Synonyms: Anxious, Worried, Nervous, Concerned,
Antonyms: Unimportant, Unknown, Ordinary, Common
Example: With recent job cuts, Kate is apprehensive about losing her job

8. Equanimity (noun): Calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation. (समभाव, धीरज)
Synonyms: Poise, Aplomb, Imperturbability, Composure
Antonyms: Agitation, Frustration, Irascibility, Perturbation
Example: During the horrible storm, it was hard for us to focus and maintain our equanimity.

9. Gaunt (adjective): Very thin, especially because of sickness or hunger. (दुबला-पतला, मरियल)
Synonyms: Emaciated, Haggard, Cadaverous, Skeletal
Antonyms: Plump, Corpulent, Rotund, Obese, Chubby
Example: He was also suffering from the flu, which made him appear gaunt and ill.

10. Grin (noun): A broad smile. (मुस्कराहट, हंसी)
Synonyms: Sneer, Smirk, Laugh, Simper
Antonyms: Gloom, Glower, Grimace, Sulk
Example: I assumed things had gone well for him because he had a big grin on his face.

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Rojgarkatta English

19 Jul, 10:47

Important Words from the Article

1. Word: Loopholes (सन्देहार्थता)

Pronunciation: loop-hohl/लूप्होल

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules.

Synonyms: alternatives, keyholes

Antonyms: necessities, obligations

Use in a Sentence: They tightened the loopholes in the required acts

2. Word: Explicitly (स्पष्टतया)

Pronunciation: ik-splis-it-ly/इक्स्प्लिसिट्ली

Part of Speech: Adverb

Meaning: in a clear and detailed manner, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

Synonyms: definitely, specifically

Antonyms: implicitly, presumably

Use in a Sentence: These facts were nowhere explicitly stated.

3. Word: Comprehensive (विस्तारपूर्ण)

Pronunciation: kom-pri-hen-siv/काम्प्रीहेन्सिव

Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.

Synonyms: extensive, universal

Use in a Sentence:She has a comprehensive grasp of the subject.

4. Word: Merely (केवल)

Pronunciation: meer-lee/मीर्ली

Part of Speech: Adverb

Meaning: only as specified and nothing more; simply

Synonyms: simply, solely, alone

Antonyms: absolute, abundantly

Use in a Sentence: There is no point in merely repeating what we've done earlier.

5. Word: Hasten (जल्दी करना)

Pronunciation: hey-suh n/हैसन

Part of Speech: Verb

a. be quick to do something.

        b. cause (something, especially something undesirable) to happen sooner than it otherwise would.

Synonyms: hurry, accelerate

Antonyms: delay, lag

Use in a Sentence: The company hoped to hasten the approval process for new products.

6. Word: Disclosures (पर्दाफ़ाश)

Pronunciation: dih-skloh-zher/डिस्क्लोश़र

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: the act of making new or secret information known.

Synonyms: revelations, announcements

Antonyms: denials, concealments

Use in a Sentence: The seniors consider that such disclosures would be seriously prejudiced to the concerns of the group.

7. Word: Incendiary (दाहक)

Pronunciation: in-sen-dee-er-ee/इन्सेन्डीएरी

Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: tending to stir up conflict.

Synonyms: rabble-rousing, inflammatory

Antonyms: conciliatory, flexible

Use in a Sentence: The soldiers were trained to deal with incendiary attacks.

8. Word: Purview (नियम का लेख)

Pronunciation: pur-vyoo/पर्व्यू

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: the scope of the influence or concerns of something.

Synonyms: range, reach

Antonyms: constriction, domain

Use in a Sentence: These are questions that lie outside the purviewof our inquiry.

9. Word: Enforcement (प्रचलन)

Pronunciation: en-fawrs-muh nt/एन्फोर्स्मन्ट

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation. 

Synonyms:  imposition, implementation

Antonyms: dismissal, expiration

Use in a Sentence: The doctors want stricter enforcement of existing laws.

10. Word: Endorsement (तसदीक़)

Pronunciation: en-dawrs-muh nt/एन्डॉर्स्मन्ट

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: the act of declaring one's public approval or support of someone or something.

Synonyms: sanction, approval, affirmation

Antonyms: dissent, disapproval

Use in a Sentence: These measures have the strong endorsement of the community.

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Rojgarkatta English

10 Jul, 09:11

Daily Vocabulary , 10-07-18 .

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Rojgarkatta English

19 Jun, 13:16

📅 19.06.2018

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Rojgarkatta English

18 Jun, 08:06

Important Words from the Article

1. Word of the day: Spearhead (नेतृत्व करना)

Pronunciation: speer-hed/स्पिर्हेड 

Part of Speech: Noun/Verb


        a. an individual or group chosen to lead an attack or movement. [Noun]

        b. lead (an attack or movement). [Verb]

Synonyms: head, pioneer, forefront

Antonyms: backside

Use in a Sentence: The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.

2. Word: Shun (त्यागना)

Pronunciation: shuhn/शन

Part of Speech: Verb

Meaning: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution.

Synonyms: evade, dodge

Antonyms: accept, embrace

Use in a Sentence: They wear simple clothes and shun modern inventions.

3. Word: Inflict (थोपना)

Pronunciation: in-flikt/इन्फ्लिक्ट

Part of Speech: Verb


        a. cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something.

        b. impose something unwelcome on.

Synonyms: impose, enforce

Antonyms: release, lessen

Use in a Sentence: Don't inflict your ideas on everybody.

4. Word: Endure (भुगतना)

Pronunciation: en-doo r/इन्डुर

Part of Speech: Verb


        a. suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.

        b. remain in existence; last.

Synonyms: tolerate, abide

Antonyms: cease, dismiss

Use in a Sentence: The pain was almost too great to endure.

5. Word: Contend (संघर्ष करना)

Pronunciation: kuh n-tend/कन्टेन्ड

Part of Speech: Verb


        a. assert something as a position in an argument.

        b. struggle to surmount (a difficulty).

Synonyms: cope with, withstand

Antonyms: abandon, disown

Use in a Sentence: The new President had great difficulties to contend with.

6. Word: Persuade (राज़ी करना)

Pronunciation: per-sweyd/पर्स्वैड

Part of Speech: Verb


        a. induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

        b. cause (someone) to believe something, especially after a sustained effort; convince.

Synonyms: convince, influence

Antonyms: dissuade, prevent

Use in a Sentence: They failed in their attempt to persuade her.

7. Word: Immortalise (अमर कर देना)

Pronunciation: ih-mawr-tl-ahyz/इमॉर्टलाइज़

Part of Speech: Verb

Meaning: confer enduring fame upon.

Synonyms: commemorate, deify

Antonyms: dishonor, castigate

Use in a Sentence: D H Lawrence immortalised her in his novel 'Women in Love'.

8. Word: Squad (झुंड)

Pronunciation: skwod/स्क्वाड

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: a small group of people having a particular task.

Synonyms: team, group, troop

Antonyms: individual

Use in a Sentence: Many people died in front of the firing squad.

9. Word: Roster (सूची)

Pronunciation: ros-ter/रास्टर

Part of Speech: Noun

Meaning: a list or plan showing turns of duty or leave for individuals or groups in an organization.

Synonyms: roll, schedule, record

Antonyms: erase, disarrange

Use in a Sentence: The coach checked the roster to see who was missing in the team.

10. Word: Captivate (मोहित करना)

Pronunciation: kap-tuh-veyt/कैप्टिवैट

Part of Speech: Verb

Meaning: attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm.

Synonyms: fascinate, allure

Antonyms: bote, offend

Use in a Sentence: The children were captivated by teacher`s stories.

11. Word: Revive (पुनः प्रचलित करना)

Pronunciation: ri-vahyv/रीवाइव

Part of Speech: Verb


        a. restore to life or consciousness.

        b. give new strength or energy to.

Synonyms: renew, refresh

Antonyms: destroy, abolish

Use in a Sentence: Now, the economy is starting to revive.
