Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech) @robotairlandia Channel on Telegram

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)


Jobs in Ireland for business and tech specialists.
Робота в Ірландії для спеціалістів із сфери бізнесу і технологій

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech) (Ukrainian)

Шукаєте роботу в Ірландії у сферах бізнесу та технологій? Тоді канал "Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)" в Telegram вам обов'язково сподобається! Цей ресурс призначений для спеціалістів, які прагнуть знайти робочі місця в інноваційних галузях. Адресовано він головним чином бізнесменам, фахівцям у сфері технологій, програмістам, тестувальникам, аналітикам та іншим спеціалістам, які прагнуть розвиватися в Ірландії. Канал "Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)" надає можливість отримати доступ до актуальних оголошень про вакансії у цих галузях, поради щодо пошуку роботи, а також корисні матеріали для підвищення кваліфікації. Відкривайте для себе безліч можливостей для кар'єрного зростання в Ірландії разом з каналом "Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)" на Telegram!

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

09 Nov, 15:21

👍 так, але для контексту
👎 Рівень зарплати не такий важливий, якщо вакансія цікава
👏 Рівень зарплати для мене важливіший, за інші фактори

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

09 Nov, 15:19

Питання: Ви дивитеся на рівень зарплати в описі вакансії?

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

09 Nov, 15:11


Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

09 Nov, 15:09

Few interesting infographics about jobs and employment (all from Gartner).

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

07 Nov, 16:51

Most typical interview questions: Part One

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

05 Nov, 22:04

Fully remote role: Fundraiser at Euromaidan press

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

04 Nov, 11:38 Nice entry level position in insurance company Allianz for a Ukrainian speaker

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

02 Nov, 15:32

Remote role in the Kyiv Independent (En language media in Ukraine, Head of Fundraising , with knowledge of Ukrainian landscape.

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

02 Nov, 14:36

Відповідь на часте питання, чи потрібно писати Cover Letter. Як hiring manager, ділюся із вами аргументами за:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

01 Nov, 01:14

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

01 Nov, 01:13

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

01 Nov, 01:13

Three new roles for Ukrainian speakers at Google Dublin:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

21 Oct, 21:14

Two roles in Revolut in Dublin with specific knowledge on Ukraine and Eastern Europe:
- Legal (for Ukraine):
- Sales (Central and Eastern Europe) :

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

12 Oct, 17:27

Meta is looking for the Account Manager with expertise in CEE:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

12 Oct, 17:05

Для тих із вас, хто надає перевагу WhatsApp, створено канал і там. Follow the Business jobs in tech channel on WhatsApp:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

28 Sep, 08:52

Вакансія операційного директора/директорки в Музеї дитинства війни:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

25 Sep, 19:50

Вакансія у відділі продажів зі знанням української, в Google:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

15 Apr, 12:21

Remote вакансія у комерційному відділі The Kyiv Independent:

Є опція працювати віддалено, і 80% часу.

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

29 Mar, 21:49

Zendesk наймає на вакансію із знанням однієї із мов СЕЕ : Check out this job at Zendesk:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

04 Mar, 16:25

We are delighted to let you know of a job opportunity you might be interested in.
Employer: Civil Service
Job Title: Temporary Clerical Officer with Fluency in English and Ukrainian
Location: Dublin
Ireland has welcomed over 95,000 Ukrainian nationals since the EU agreed to activate the EU Temporary Protection Directive in March 2022 and will continue to do so.
To assist Government Department, Offices and State Agencies in Ireland with the unprecedented influx of Ukrainian nationals to Ireland at this time, we are looking for the assistance of temporary administration staff that must have verbal and written fluency in English and Ukrainian.
The roles are initially expected to be for a duration of 3 months, but this may vary from post to post.
For more details on this role including information booklet, full eligibility requirements and how to apply, please follow the link below: 
Temporary Clerical Officer with Fluency in English and Ukrainian
Applications are now open and will close on Thursday 14th March at 3pm

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

16 Feb, 13:40

Вакансія в Корку:

We are looking for a qualified/part qualified accountant that is both fluent in English and Ukrainian. The professional will be liaising with markets throughout Europe and specifically Ukraine, hence the need for strong levels of both languages.

This is a great opportunity to work with a multinational tech company in Cork and partake in responsibilities such as
The review and posting of the month end close.
Preparing financial statements
Support with internal and external audits
Building strong internal/external relationships
If interested, please reach out to James Musrgove from Morgan McKinley at:
[email protected]

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

02 Feb, 15:24

Компанія Invisible наймає на ряд вакансій в режимі роботи remote.

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

20 Dec, 09:47

Програма для українців - власників середнього бізнесу в бізнес школі Стенфорда.

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

11 Dec, 20:04

Університет Оксфорда дає українцям повну стипендію яка покриває оплату за Masters degree в Оксфорді:

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

01 Dec, 13:13

Position / позиція: Clerical Officer positions
Company / компанія: Public Sector company
Location / розташування: City West location
Job type / працевлаштування: Full time. Please note this is a contract position until the end of the year.

Requirements / вимоги:
Key Responsibilities of Role:
· Providing general administration support to the facilities team to ensure the smooth running of the
· Updating internal database
· Liaising with accommodation providers and others as directed
· Other related duties as directed by the shift supervisor
Essential requirements:
· Fluent in English and Ukrainian
· Proficient in Microsoft Office suite
· Personally responsible and trustworthy

Description / опис: Public Sector client is looking to hire for a number of Clerical Officer positions.
Please note this is a contract position until the end of the year.
The role will be 100% onsite in the City West location.
Key Responsibilities of Role:
· Providing general administration support to the facilities team to ensure the smooth running of the
· Updating internal database
· Liaising with accommodation providers and others as directed
· Other related duties as directed by the shift supervisor

Pay / оплата: The role is an hourly rate of €18.39

Contacts / контакти: If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to Kim, Aoife, or Tara at [email protected]

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

21 Nov, 09:33 вакансія для ринку СЕЕ, де потрібне значення однієї або декількох мов регіону

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

28 Sep, 15:39

В Salesforce є також вакансії для тих, хто володіє французькою, німецькою, польською ітд.

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

28 Sep, 15:37

Salesforce наймає на український ринок (Україна/Казахстан/Узбекістан). Позиція в Дублінському офісі.

SMB Account Executive - CIS Markets (Ukraine/Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan).

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

28 Sep, 09:31

Рекомендую підписатися на Брендана в LinkedIn (Brendan Madden, managing director at Spencer Recruitment), де він анонсує вакансії. Також можна йому написати, представитися, розказати яку роботу ви шукаєте. Нетворкінг з рекрутерами дуже цінний зазвичай!

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

28 Sep, 09:29

Social media manager
Job Location: Sandyford (4 days remote, 1 day in office)

*Applications Closing this week*

A renowned government agency in Ireland dedicated to enhancing the competitiveness of Irish businesses through enterprise-driven talent development. With an extensive network of 57 enterprise bodies, they provide talent development, up-skilling, and innovative business support to thousands of businesses and workers annually. Recognised internationally as a best-practice model, they are actively seeking a talented Social Media/Content Manager to join their Marketing Communications Team. This role is pivotal in shaping the agency's digital presence and engagement strategies.

Key Responsibilities:
•Create Captivating Social Media Content
•Craft and Execute Social Media Campaigns
•Maintain Brand Consistency
•Design and Innovate
•Collaborate with External Partners
•Report on the performance of social media campaigns
•Monitor and uphold brand compliance on our client's social media

•A degree or professional qualification in marketing, communications, design, or a related field.
•A minimum of 4 years of hands-on experience in marketing or communications.
•A proven track record of formulating and delivering effective social media content and campaigns.
•Proficiency in developing innovative social media marketing solutions.

Get in touch today to find out more about this exciting role!

📧 [email protected]
+353 (0)83 860 8688 | 01 442 9727

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

11 Sep, 20:47

Шукають людину зі знанням української і російської

Jobs in Ireland (Business and Tech)

06 Jul, 17:59

Вакансія в Організації Червоного Хреста в Ірландії, потрібне знання української: