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️Road to PSPM 📖
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El contenido más reciente compartido por ️Road to PSPM 📖 en Telegram

️Road to PSPM 📖

26 May, 22:00


Hey accounting folks,

Wishing you all the best for the Accounting exam today! Remember to memorise the formats ✍🏻 double-check your calculations and stay focused till the very end.🤓 Fight for the last day𝙶𝙾𝙾𝙳 𝙻𝚄𝙲𝙺🔥🔥️🔥

️Road to PSPM 📖

22 May, 22:03


Hey accounting folks,

Good luck on the Business exam today! Remember to read the questions carefully, manage your time, and always selawat(fr muslim). We already go through a lot in this journey...so Fighting !!

Yakinlah dgn kemampuan diri sndiri 🤲🏻💪🏻
️Road to PSPM 📖

20 May, 11:13


🍀 One day left till DB025/ SB025. 🍀

Thank you for being with us throughout the ten months. And the 🌱 second D-day 🌱 is arriving tomorrow!

🦴 We sincerely apologise for any wrongdoings. Hopefully BIO peeps benefitted from some of the programmes/ projects we prepared along the way!

🫀 PAL Sessions
🧠 Sharing is Caring
🫁 Last-minute-tips and Reminders for SB015
🦠 BIO BRAIN TEASERS series of quizzes
🩸 BIO Walk Challenge in collab with UNIT BIOLOGI

🦾 Wishing everyone all the best tomorrow! 🦾

Your hard work will surely blossom into 🌻FLOWERS OF SUCCESSES!🌻

BIO PAL leaders KMNS 2023/2024 signing off~

Bye~ Semoga batch KMNS 23/24 dipermurah rezeki pada masa hadapan!!! 🙂‍↕️

🫡 BIO PAL Leaders KMNS 2023/2024 🫡

Irdina Sofea | Meng Xian | Felicia
Chloe | Kar Ern | Kah Yi | Nisa
Sofiya | Aisyah | Amer | Jing Ting
Fatiha | Angie | Jun Xuan | Marvin
Qi Ting | Shu Yi | Pei Shan
Qi Yuan | Shi Kai | Jia He
Zulaikha | Hong Lit | Jamie

️Road to PSPM 📖

20 May, 10:22



[ BIO BRAIN TEASERS Episode 8: Coordination ]

Brought to you by BIO PAL, this last ever episode features PAL leaders, Qi Yuan, Marvin Ganesan, and Irdina Sofea, trying to increase your knowledge on the topic COORDINATION

🧠 Welcome to the intriguing world of coordination, where precision meets harmony and complexity blends seamlessly. In this introduction, we look at how different biological systems, ranging from cellular activities to vast ecosystems, rely on precise synchronisation to function properly. Discover how coordinated efforts drive life's rhythms, maintaining balance, flexibility, and survival in the natural environment.

🧠 Join us as we explore the complicated dance of interactions that form the foundation of biological coordination.

Thank you for joining us since the first episode until the last one!

We, BIO PAL Leaders, wish you guys all the best for this upcoming PSPM. May the force be with you 💯🔛🔝

️Road to PSPM 📖

20 May, 08:03


Hey accounting folks,

Good luck on the Economics exam tomorrow! Remember to read the questions carefully, manage your time, and stay calm. You've worked hard for this

believe in yourself!

️Road to PSPM 📖

19 May, 12:03


Tomorrow is the day!

Here are some kind reminders to
- tie up your stationeries with a rubber band
- ⁠bring sufficient stationeries 🖊️
- ⁠take a light breakfast 🥞
- ⁠get enough rest 💤

Most importantly, do your best! May the force be with you ❤️‍🔥

Biro Akademik JPP 23/24
️Road to PSPM 📖

18 May, 06:18


Untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak bahan revisi seperti set pra pspm atau kertas pspm tahun lepas, jom sertai group ini sekarang!


️Road to PSPM 📖

17 May, 07:28


️Road to PSPM 📖

17 May, 07:27


Compilation of Pre PSPM SK025 Questions

️Road to PSPM 📖

17 May, 07:03


Adakah anda sedang bimbang tentang PSPM ? Adakah anda masih kabur tentang teknik menjawab ? Untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak bahan revisi seperti set pra pspm atau kertas pspm tahun lepas, jom sertai group ini sekarang!
