Welcome to چا وال احبج 🖤, a Telegram channel managed by user @rkosh3. This channel is a space where creativity and emotions intertwine, offering a platform to share what brings joy and inspiration. Whether you are looking for missing parts of yourself or exploring new perspectives, this channel aims to provide a sanctuary for self-expression and connection. Join us in this world of music, poetry, and reflection, where every sip of coffee holds a story and every moment is a step towards self-discovery. Stay tuned for the opening of our virtual gallery on February 22, 2022. Embrace the beauty of life and share your journey with us. چا وال احبج 🖤 is more than just a channel, it's a community of kindred spirits seeking solace and inspiration in the beauty of art and the power of words. Join us and let your heart guide you through this enchanting realm of creativity and passion.
05 Oct, 20:55
16 Sep, 18:06
25 Jun, 15:19