✅Step (2): Follow Twitter & Telegram Add (Ø,G) Nikename Your Twitter 🔉 Claim discord OG Role-: ▫️ Verify discord then go sync Chat then type /verify Twitter & telegram Submit your Twitter Username and Telegram Username ( without "@") Done
✅ Step (3): Go to the Storage Scan tool-: https://storagescan-newton.0g.ai/tool
▫️Connect Your Wallet Upload a File. Confirm the Transaction
✅Step (4): complete one transaction Send others wallet-:0xcEC1c654Fa93089c856Db3C8bc8c9274978BB4bc
Video: https://t.me/riyadscreationlite/2377
⚠️Note: খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রজেক্ট BZ Ai L1 Project
Riyad's Creation
28 Feb, 17:36
🛒Binance Reward Hub Check Everyone, Instant 2$ For Lucky User's
📌এইরকম Task আসলে 50$ Any Pair এ Trade Volume Complete করে 2$ Claim করে নিবেন।
Riyad's Creation
28 Feb, 16:56
$XOS কোপ হবে সিওর 🤯 Xos$ Solana 1st L2 Project Complete Check In
নতুনরা জয়েন করুন 👇 http://X.ink/H3DOZ0
Riyad's Creation
28 Feb, 15:57
☄️CLAIM Limited দ্রুত করুন সবাই
Riyad's Creation
28 Feb, 15:56
Haha Wallet Promo Code
➡️Join: https://join.haha.me/RIYAD-0BGK02
Riyad's Creation
28 Feb, 15:38
💜Minted Mon AI NFT
➡️Mint :https://www.monai.gg
✅Connect your wallet ✅Twitter & Discord task ✅Mint Done