Welcome to the 'я немного пошалю' Telegram channel, where the fun never stops! This channel is managed by the talented film producer and journalist, @rikusiks, who is also known as the 'Амбассадор хорошего настроения' or the Ambassador of Good Mood. Rikusiks has worked on various projects such as IZBA, SLEM, LYRIQ, Три дня дождя, ТАЙКО, JAAS, and SNIZOV, showcasing their versatility and creativity in the world of film and journalism
On this channel, you can expect to find a mix of entertaining content, behind-the-scenes glimpses into Rikusiks' projects, as well as updates on their latest works. Whether you are a fan of film, journalism, or simply enjoy spreading positivity, 'я немного пошалю' is the perfect channel for you to join
Stay connected with Rikusiks and be a part of their journey by following them on their social networks: http://linktr.ee/rikusiks. Join the 'я немного пошалю' channel today and let the laughter and good vibes fill your day!
28 Jan, 10:47
27 Jan, 18:52
27 Jan, 17:02
27 Jan, 10:51
27 Jan, 09:24
25 Jan, 11:23
23 Jan, 16:05
18 Jan, 18:08
18 Jan, 18:02
17 Jan, 20:11
09 Jan, 15:55
09 Jan, 04:40
07 Jan, 21:36
07 Jan, 21:36
07 Jan, 16:35
06 Jan, 23:05
04 Jan, 15:19
02 Jan, 22:18
31 Dec, 23:48
31 Dec, 17:04
31 Dec, 14:03
31 Dec, 12:31
26 Dec, 17:04
26 Dec, 15:52
25 Dec, 13:25
23 Dec, 14:39
05 Dec, 11:20
05 Dec, 11:16
05 Dec, 11:01
05 Dec, 10:55
04 Dec, 23:14
04 Dec, 15:26
04 Dec, 12:04
04 Dec, 12:02
04 Dec, 11:49
27 Nov, 05:33
27 Nov, 05:12
26 Nov, 14:24
26 Nov, 13:40
25 Nov, 19:14
25 Nov, 13:25
20 Nov, 09:17
19 Nov, 18:27
19 Nov, 18:09
19 Nov, 10:29
19 Nov, 06:44
18 Nov, 16:00
17 Nov, 20:43
17 Nov, 11:42
16 Nov, 12:27
13 Nov, 23:35
13 Nov, 19:00
12 Nov, 18:27
12 Nov, 17:44
12 Nov, 17:34
12 Nov, 17:30
12 Nov, 17:11
10 Nov, 11:36
07 Nov, 21:28
07 Nov, 07:49
07 Nov, 06:07
05 Nov, 22:43
04 Nov, 19:05
04 Nov, 09:58
22 Oct, 15:28
21 Oct, 11:23
20 Oct, 22:14