Welcome to PATRIOT 101, a Telegram channel dedicated to educating and engaging patriots from all walks of life. The channel, managed by the user @revelationofjohn, is a hub for like-minded individuals who are passionate about patriotism, freedom, and the values that make our country great. Whether you're a seasoned patriot or just starting your journey in understanding what it means to be a true patriot, this channel is for you. What sets PATRIOT 101 apart is its unique blend of informative content, discussions, and community engagement activities that aim to inspire and empower patriots to make a difference in their communities and beyond. From historical insights to current events analysis, PATRIOT 101 covers a wide range of topics that are essential for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of patriotism. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore what it truly means to be a patriot in today's world. Together, we can make a difference and uphold the values that make our country a beacon of freedom and democracy.
02 Feb, 23:40
02 Feb, 21:54
02 Feb, 21:53
02 Feb, 21:53
02 Feb, 21:52
02 Feb, 21:52
02 Feb, 21:51
02 Feb, 21:50
02 Feb, 21:50
02 Feb, 13:35
02 Feb, 13:27
02 Feb, 12:28
02 Feb, 12:25
02 Feb, 12:19
02 Feb, 12:17
02 Feb, 09:11
02 Feb, 07:35
19 Jan, 08:50
19 Jan, 08:48
19 Jan, 08:47
19 Jan, 08:44
19 Jan, 08:26
19 Jan, 08:21
19 Jan, 08:19
19 Jan, 08:16
19 Jan, 07:59
19 Jan, 07:21
19 Jan, 00:08
18 Jan, 21:23
18 Jan, 21:22
18 Jan, 21:21
18 Jan, 21:20
18 Jan, 21:20
18 Jan, 21:19
18 Jan, 21:18
18 Jan, 10:20
18 Jan, 10:20
12 Jan, 12:29
12 Jan, 08:21
12 Jan, 07:19
12 Jan, 06:18
12 Jan, 06:14
12 Jan, 06:11
12 Jan, 05:16
12 Jan, 05:15
12 Jan, 02:01
12 Jan, 02:00
12 Jan, 02:00
12 Jan, 01:59
12 Jan, 01:59
12 Jan, 01:59
12 Jan, 01:58
12 Jan, 01:58
11 Jan, 08:06
28 Dec, 21:33
28 Dec, 09:24
28 Dec, 07:41
28 Dec, 07:37
28 Dec, 07:37
28 Dec, 07:36
28 Dec, 07:35
28 Dec, 07:35
28 Dec, 01:46
27 Dec, 12:29
27 Dec, 12:10
30 Oct, 08:16
30 Oct, 06:42
30 Oct, 06:41
30 Oct, 06:40
30 Oct, 06:38
30 Oct, 06:38
30 Oct, 06:37
30 Oct, 06:37
30 Oct, 06:36
30 Oct, 06:35
30 Oct, 05:04
30 Oct, 03:55
30 Oct, 03:53
30 Oct, 03:50
every Nephilim •
every fallen angel •
every dark power •
every evil force •
all dead spirits •
all human spirits •
all demons •
all curses •
all things from darkness that are applicable but not named
30 Oct, 03:47
30 Oct, 00:45
30 Oct, 00:45
30 Oct, 00:44