Research and Publications @researchandpublications Channel on Telegram

Research and Publications


This is a channel for Research and publications Club at Clubhouse

Research and Publications (English)

Are you an avid researcher or someone passionate about sharing your publications with the world? Look no further than the 'Research and Publications' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to the Research and Publications Club at Clubhouse, where like-minded individuals come together to discuss their latest findings and share their publications. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just starting out, this channel provides a platform for you to connect with others who share your interests. From academic papers to blog posts, you'll find a diverse range of content being shared here. Join us today and become a part of a community that values knowledge sharing and collaboration. Stay updated on the latest research trends, engage in meaningful discussions, and establish valuable connections within the research community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your network and showcase your work to a wider audience. Join the 'Research and Publications' channel now and take your research and publications to the next level!

Research and Publications

24 Jan, 11:35

فایل نوشتاری امروز درباره حقوق کودک 👇

Research and Publications

22 Jan, 19:29

🔻توضیح آموزش و پرورش رفسنجان درباره تنبیه بدنی یک دانش‌آموز

رییس اداره آموزش و پرورش رفسنجان:

🔹️روز گذشته، سه شنبه، در پی مشاجره لفظی بین معلم و یکی از دانش‌آموزان دوره متوسطه دوم مدرسه‌ای در رفسنجان، معلم این دانش‌آموز را تنبیه می‌کند که در نتیجه لب دانش‌آموز زخم شد.

🔹موضوع از طریق بخش حراست اداره کل آموزش و پرورش استان کرمان و نیز حراست شهرستان در حال پیگیری است./ ایرنا



Research and Publications

22 Jan, 19:28

درارتباط با بحث جمعه آینده 👇

Research and Publications

22 Jan, 19:28

🔴پژوهشگر حقوق کودک: تعداد کودکان کار افزایش چشمگیری نسبت به سال‌های گذشته داشته که ناشی از تشدید مشکلات اقتصادی و فقر خانوارهاست

💬 هشدار نسبت به افزایش کودکان کارِ دختر

سید ناصری، پژوهشگر حقوق بین الملل کودک:

آمار دقیقی از تعداد کودکان کار در سال ۱۴۰۳ منتشر نشده است، اما طبق برآوردها، تعداد این کودکان در ایران بین ۱٫۶ تا ۲ میلیون نفر است. این آمار نشان‌دهنده افزایش چشمگیری نسبت به سال‌های گذشته است که ناشی از تشدید مشکلات اقتصادی، افزایش تورم، و فقر خانوارهاست.

بر اساس گزارش سازمان جهانی کار (ILO)، حدود ۱۵۲ میلیون کودک کار وجود دارند که ۴۲ درصد آن‌ها را دختران تشکیل می‌دهند. در ایران، آمار رسمی تفکیکی از کودکان کار دختر در دسترس نیست، اما بررسی‌های میدانی نشان می‌دهد که تعداد این گروه به‌ویژه در مشاغل غیررسمی و خیابانی روند افزایشی داشته است. دختران کار به‌طور ویژه در معرض آسیب‌های جسمی و روانی بیشتری نسبت به پسران قرار دارند./ایلنا

🌍 @TahlilZamane

Research and Publications

21 Jan, 16:53

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEDT for "طرح تحقیق برای حمایت از حقوق کودک در ایران".

Research and Publications

17 Jan, 19:56

درود دوستان. این سه فایل بالارا 👆که توسط خود شماها تهیه شده اند را جهت اطلاع برایتان دراینجا پست میکنم.

Research and Publications

17 Jan, 08:25

ضمنا برای جلسه امشب شما دسترسی به فایل نوشتاری زیرا احتیاج دارید:

Research and Publications

15 Jan, 05:41

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEDT for "ساخت تئوری با تحقیق کمی. بنظر ممکنست عجیب بیاید ولی ....".

Research and Publications

14 Jan, 23:44

جلسه بالا درمورد حقوق کودک دو هفته دیگر است. جمعه آینده طبق روال همیشگی ساعت هشت شب سیدنی یا دوازده و نیم عصر تهران است. تاپیک: "ساختن تئوری از طریق تحقیق کمی"

Research and Publications

11 Jan, 23:50

Children's rights are a set of entitlements and protections designed specifically for young individuals under the age of 18. These rights are recognized internationally and encompass various aspects essential for the well-being, development, and protection of children. Some key aspects of children's rights include:
1. Protection: from abuse, exploitation, neglect, and discrimination.
2. Education: Ensuring access to education that is free, compulsory, and of good quality.
3. Healthcare: Ensuring access to healthcare services encompassing both physical and mental well-being.
4. Family environment: Supporting the right to live with their parents unless separation is necessary for the child's best interests.
5. Identity: Ensuring the right to a name and nationality, and protection from being deprived of their identity.
6. Participation: Encouraging children to have a voice in matters that affect them and ensuring their opinions are heard and considered.
7. Special protection: Providing special care and protection for children with disabilities, refugee or migrant status, or those in conflict with the law.
Extracted from international sources and agreements, including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and adopted in 1989, which is the most widely accepted international legal instrument on children's rights.
Children’s rights in Iran:
In the following paragraphs we will try to develop a preliminary Problem Statement (PS) and associated Research Questions (RQs) as the main outcomes of the pre-paradigm stage. For the preliminary PS we will explore experiences of the experts, teachers, and parents. Then, we try to enrich the PS by exploring initial RQs of the study. My suggestions for the initial RQs are:
1 - What is the status of the execution of the above 7 items in Iran?
2 – If an item has a poor record in Iran, what are the underlying sources of such poor execution of the item?
3 – For each poorly executed item, what would be reasonable solutions and/or strategy to reduce adverse effects of the poorly executed item?
Today we will focus on the RQ1 (status of the execution of the above 7 items in Iran) and I warmly welcome all teachers, parents, and staff working with children in Iran (at this stage, staff from Iran only) to share their experiences on each of the above 7 items. Each person will have up to one minute to share a single experience and the group will spend 2 minutes to rank the severity of the problem for that item. The vouce recording will be stored on Clubhouse permanently, and I will put the link to all recordings in both of the Telegram channels.

Research and Publications

11 Jan, 23:50

درود دوستان گرامی. پیرو صحبت‌های قبل درمورد حقوق کودک در ایران دستور جلسه هفته اول را که درروز جمعه ۲۴ ژانویه ساعت دوازده و نیم بعدازظهر بوقت تهران بمدت یکساعت انجام خواهد شد.

Research and Publications

10 Jan, 23:07

اسداله مرادی

در این مقاله

از این موضوعات سخن رفته است:

دو آرمان"عدالت"و"آزادی"

در چند دهه گذشته، عدالت آموزشی با حساسیت به مراتب بیشتری دنبال می شود و در بعضی کشورها سرانه آموزشی به بالای ۲۰ هزار دلار می رسد!
اما در چند دهه اخیر، ما درعدالت آموزشی نعل واژگون زده ایم و سرانه آموزشی ما به حدود ۳۰۰ دلار رسیده است!

بی عدالتی های سخت افزاری درآموزش و پرورش مانند:
حقوق و مزایای شغلی پائین معلمان
مدارس کپری و فرسوده
تعداد زیاد کودکان کار و بازمانده از تحصیل
بسیاری از کودکان فقیر که مشکل تغذیه دارند.
فضای کوچک و تنگ مدارس.
مدارس قدیمی مخروبه.
میز و نیمکت های غیر طبی مدارس.
کیف و کوله ها سنگین دانش آموزان.
مشکل گرمایش و سرمایش مدارس.

بی‌عدالتی های نرم‌افزاری در آموزش و پرورش مانند:
نورچشمی در کلاس
بلند خواندن نمرات در کلاس
عدم هماهنگی برنامه درسی و مراحل رشد
کتاب های درسی پرحجم
کتاب های کمک درسی پرحجم و سنگین
پرسیدن شغل والدین در کلاس
جدا بودن سرویس بهداشتی معلمان و دانش آموزان، و غیره

۱۴پیشنهاد مشخص برای رفع  بی عدالتی ها در آموزش و پرورش

منبع معلم نامه شماره ۱
مهر ۱۴۰۳

Research and Publications

10 Jan, 11:45

Theory Testing in Qualitative Research

Research and Publications

10 Jan, 11:44

فایل نوشتاری امروز جمعه در کلابهاوس👇

Research and Publications

10 Jan, 08:47

دروددوستان. اتاق امروز تا ۱۴ دقیقه دیگر شروع خو اهد شد.

Research and Publications

10 Jan, 02:26

درود دوستان. موضوع امروز تالار کلابهاوس 👆
ساعت هشت شب بوقت سیدنی میشود دوازده و نیم ظهر بوقت تهران. یعنی سیدنی هفت ساعت و نیم جلوتر از تهران است.

Research and Publications

10 Jan, 02:21

hey - you should join us today at 08:00 pm AEDT for "تست کردن تئوری از طریق تحقیق کیفی. بنظر عجیب می‌آید!!".

Research and Publications

03 Jan, 14:08

لینکهای مرتبط با اتاق امروز مربوط به استفاده از چت جی پی تی

Research and Publications

03 Jan, 11:19

Research and Publications

03 Jan, 11:16

Research and Publications

03 Jan, 11:08

Research and Publications

03 Jan, 10:58

Scenario Analysis

Research and Publications

31 Dec, 11:44

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEDT for "تحلیل سناریوها بااستفاده ازابزار تحلیلی پیاز تحقیق".

Research and Publications

30 Dec, 14:19

"Translating scenario insights into actionable strategies or decisions can be challenging, especially if stakeholders perceive the scenarios as too abstract or speculative. For this reason, decision-makers may struggle to prioritize actions when faced with multiple plausible futures."
CLARIFYING THE ABOVE STATEMENT USING ChatGPT: For example, scenarios might show how different technological, economic, or social trends could shape the future. There are certain actions or decisions that can be implemented to address or prepare for future possibilities. The challenge here is that the insights gained from exploring different futures might not always translate easily into clear, actionable steps. In other words, the scenarios may provide a high-level understanding of what could happen, but decision-makers may struggle to figure out what they should do in the present based on the insights gained from abstract scenarios. All multiple futures are considered plausible because it is difficult to predict exactly what will happen. In these situations, decision-makers may find it hard to figure out which actions to take in the present. The challenge comes from trying to prioritize investments, initiatives, or decisions when there are several valid but competing futures to consider. Should they focus on one scenario, or spread resources to prepare for several? How do they know which future is more likely, or which one will require the most attention?

Research and Publications

30 Dec, 14:19

درود دوستان کرامی. جهت تفریح و ورزش فکر و آمادگی برای جلسه چالشی جمعه آینده سعی کنید پاراگراف زیر را خوب درک کنید چون در دوساعت وقت محدود مادر کلاب نمی‌توان این ها را توضیح مفصل داد. اینهم پاراگراف چالشی؛👇

Research and Publications

30 Dec, 10:55

بسیار سپاس از پیشنهادات خوب شما. حتما اینکار بانجام خو اهد رسید.
در اتاق جمعه توضیح بیشتر خواهم داد.

Research and Publications

30 Dec, 10:31

پیشنهاد جناب نیکنام که در اتاق دوم داده شد و من آوردم اینجا جهت بحث بیشتر:
با درود و سپاس بابت تلاش های مستمر شما برای شناخت و درک بهتر روندهای اصلی تحقیقات در جهان امروز  به ویژه در بخش تحقیقات کیفی برای محققین ایرانی.
کماکان معتقدم  در ضرورت بکارگیری نوعی  مکانیزم  سنجش در  میزان توانایی همراهان همیشگی این سمینار ها طی حداقل دوسال گذشته.
بطور مثال بخش  رویکرد فلسفی یک  تحقیق و چارچوب نظری آن ، بطور قطع فوق‌العاده حائز اهمیت است که در بسیاری موارد در مرحله پارادایم ندیده گرفته میشود.
بر این اساس تصویر  بهتری از چالش های پیش روی محققان ایرانی هم در داخل و هم در خارج آشکار میشود و در ادامه میتوان همین چالش ها را در دستور کار قرار داد.

با تجدید ارادت -نیکنام

Research and Publications

27 Dec, 11:40

فایل اینهفته 👆

Research and Publications

27 Dec, 11:39

text file

Research and Publications

24 Dec, 13:53

موضوع جمعه آینده، ۲۷ نوامبر👆

Research and Publications

24 Dec, 13:52

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEDT for "ورود بمرحله پارادایم در تحقیق: سطوح تئوریکی در تحقیقات علمی".

Research and Publications

20 Dec, 11:52

This week's seminar

Research and Publications

18 Dec, 10:11

Qualitative research sample size has always been a confusing issue particularly for early-career researchers. This makes the justification for sample size a difficult task for all involved, including the university ethics committees who themselves are not clear about the matter in the first place, and simply recommend a fixed number for each type of research. In other situations no justification is provided, and the PhD candidate simply refers to the vague argument of “saturation” one way or another.

Research and Publications

17 Dec, 01:55

تاپیک اینهفته (دربالا) به شما تعلق دارد. لطفا با یک تاپیک وارد شوید.

Research and Publications

17 Dec, 01:54

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEDT for "اینهفته اختصاص دارد بشما تا درباره تحقیق خود صحبت کنید.".

Research and Publications

13 Dec, 14:41

هوش مصنوعی مولد جهت کمک به نوشتن پروپوزال دکتری🫶🫶👊

Research and Publications

13 Dec, 11:59

سلام دوستان عزیز محقق، پی رو صحبتی که امروز داشتیم جی پی تی طراحی شده برای بحث اتاق بالا را استفاده کنید

Research and Publications

13 Dec, 11:57

hey - you should join us today at 11:00 pm AEDT for "هوش مصنوعی مولد در تحقیق".

Research and Publications

12 Dec, 14:32

درود دوستان. اتاق بالا هفته قبل تشکیل نشد و به این جمعه (فردا) منتقل شد. ولی فایل نوشتاری را هفته قبل در اینجا پست کردم.

Research and Publications

12 Dec, 14:30

hey - you should join us today at 08:00 pm AEDT for "استانداردهای قابل قبول برای استفاده از هوش مصنوعی در تحقیق".

Research and Publications

06 Dec, 09:29

فایل جلسه معوقه امشب 👆

Research and Publications

06 Dec, 09:25

باعرض معذرت و بامیددیدار هفته آینده ه 🙏

Research and Publications

06 Dec, 09:24

جناب موسوی مشکل از سافت ویر نیست بلکه کانکشن من است که اشکال دارد.

Research and Publications

06 Dec, 09:24

اقرار معلوم اینجا عملی نیست و من مجبورم فقط فایل را اینجا بگذارم تا یکی دوروز دیگر
و جلسه را به هفته دیگر منتقل میکنیم

Research and Publications

05 Dec, 04:16

hey - you should join us tomorrow at 08:00 pm AEDT for "چرخه عمر تحقیق: آخرین قسمت پارادایم، اخلاقیات".

Research and Publications

27 Nov, 08:58

اتاق هفتگی ما استثنائا فردا پنجشنبه است و نه جمعه. در ساعت همیشگی.

Research and Publications

27 Nov, 08:52

hey - you should join us tomorrow at 08:00 pm AEDT for "اهمیت علم ناقص در بالابردن کیفیت تحقیق".

Research and Publications

08 Nov, 11:46

Seasonal Hybrid Extreme Studentized Deviate Test (S-H-ESD): Identifies seasonal anomalies by filtering for residuals outside the expected seasonal pattern.
10. Econometric Models
Vector Autoregression (VAR): Used for multivariate time series to capture linear interdependencies between multiple variables.
Cointegration Analysis: Tests for long-term equilibrium relationships between two or more time series, common in pairs trading.
Error Correction Models (ECM): Extends cointegration to account for short-term deviations while preserving long-term equilibrium, often used in currency and bond markets.
11. Factor Models and PCA
Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Reduces dimensionality by identifying key components or factors in high-dimensional financial data.
Factor Models (e.g., Fama-French, CAPM): Capture sources of risk and return by modeling asset returns as a function of various factors, used in portfolio analysis.
12. Volatility Forecasting
EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average): Simplified model to forecast volatility that places greater weight on recent observations.
GARCH-family Models: Includes extensions like EGARCH, TGARCH that account for asymmetric responses to positive and negative shocks, common in stock returns.
13. Event-Driven & Regime-Switching Models
Markov Regime-Switching Models: Capture sudden changes in behavior by switching between multiple regimes, e.g., bear and bull markets.
Event Study Analysis: Examines the impact of specific events (e.g., earnings announcements, economic reports) on asset prices by isolating abnormal returns.
These methods often complement each other, with a typical analysis involving several techniques to capture different aspects of the data, from trend to seasonality, volatility, and structural breaks.

Research and Publications

08 Nov, 11:46

You said:
What data analysis methods exist for analysing time-series finance data?
ChatGPT said:
Analyzing time-series financial data involves techniques tailored to uncover patterns, trends, and dependencies over time. Here are key methods commonly used in finance for time-series analysis:
1. Descriptive Statistics & Data Exploration
Summary Statistics: Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis to understand basic data characteristics.
Rolling Statistics: Moving averages, rolling variances, and standard deviations to assess trends and volatility.
Visualization: Plotting time-series, histograms, autocorrelation function (ACF), and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) to explore seasonality, trends, and correlations.
2. Smoothing Techniques
Moving Averages: Simple, weighted, or exponential moving averages to smooth out noise and highlight trends.
Exponential Smoothing (ETS): Useful for detecting underlying trends and seasonality in data by giving more weight to recent data.
Kalman Filtering: Advanced smoothing method that can adjust for sudden changes or regime shifts in time series.
3. Statistical Time Series Models
ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average): Combines autoregression (AR), differencing (I for Integration), and moving average (MA) to model linear dependencies in time series. Good for non-seasonal data.
SARIMA (Seasonal ARIMA): Extends ARIMA to capture seasonality, commonly used in financial data with periodic components.
ARCH/GARCH (AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity / Generalized ARCH): Models for time series with time-varying volatility, often used to analyze stock prices and returns.
4. Frequency Domain Analysis
Fourier Transform: Breaks down the time series into sinusoidal components to identify cyclical patterns.
Wavelet Transform: Decomposes data into time and frequency, which is useful for detecting localized changes in trends.
5. Decomposition Methods
Classical Decomposition: Separates time-series into trend, seasonality, and residual components to study each individually.
STL (Seasonal-Trend Decomposition using LOESS): Allows more flexible decomposition and is robust to outliers, ideal for data with non-constant seasonal patterns.
6. Machine Learning Models
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory): A type of recurrent neural network (RNN) specialized for sequential data, effective for capturing long-term dependencies.
GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit): A variant of RNN similar to LSTM but simpler, suitable for longer financial time series.
Random Forest and Gradient Boosting (Tree-Based Methods): Can handle time-series data with additional engineered features (lags, rolling stats) but generally need careful tuning to avoid overfitting.
7. Advanced Deep Learning Models
Transformers: Originally developed for natural language processing, transformers capture long-range dependencies well, making them increasingly popular in time series finance.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Useful for extracting features and patterns in time-series through filters, especially when coupled with LSTM/GRU layers in hybrid architectures.
8. Feature Engineering for Time Series
Lagged Variables: Create features based on lagged values to capture temporal dependencies.
Rolling Window Features: Features such as rolling mean, median, max, min, or volatility to encapsulate historical trends within a time window.
Technical Indicators: Specific to finance, indicators like Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands, etc., help capture momentum, volatility, and other price movements.
9. Anomaly Detection Methods
Z-score or Threshold-based: Simple detection based on statistical deviations.
Isolation Forests and One-Class SVM: Machine learning methods designed to detect anomalies based on patterns in multidimensional data.

Research and Publications

08 Nov, 11:44

من خیلی دوست دارم تحلیل دیتا رو یاد بگیرم ۵ سال دیتای بورس ایران رو جمع آوری میکنم منتها تحلیل خوبی ازش ندارم

Research and Publications

08 Nov, 11:01

فايل نوشتاري صحبت امروز ☝️

Research and Publications

08 Nov, 11:00

Post-positivism/Constructivist paradigm

Research and Publications

07 Nov, 15:14

hey - you should join us today at 08:00 pm AEDT for "روشهاي جمع أوري و تحليل ديتاهاي كيفي براي تست كردن يك تئوري".

Research and Publications

05 Nov, 00:10

hey - you should join us Friday at 10:00 pm AEDT for "مهاجرت تحصیلی: نحوه اخذ پذیرش".

Research and Publications

04 Nov, 18:45

Research and Publications

03 Nov, 08:36

بعضي تحقيقات تجربي أزمايشگاهي ميتواند نه تنها علت و معلول را مشخص ياتاييد كنند، ميتواند بعنوان يك
بحساب بايد. سناريوهاي بألا ☝️ اين را نشان ميدهد

Research and Publications

03 Nov, 08:35

Research and Publications

01 Nov, 11:37

Planning qualitative Research Part 2

Research and Publications

01 Nov, 11:36

متن امگليسي اتاق امروز اول نوامبر 👇

Research and Publications

01 Nov, 02:08

hey - you should join us today at 08:00 pm AEDT for "تأثير بلوغ تئوريكي در انتخاب متدولوژي تحقيق".

Research and Publications

25 Oct, 11:32

Part 2 Planning Qualitative Research

Research and Publications

19 Oct, 06:10

hey - you should join us Fri Oct 25 at 08:00 pm AEDT for "تحليل داده هاي كيفي ١- انواع، متدها، و ابزار".

Research and Publications

19 Oct, 03:44

Review of the first article we discussed when started this Group in the Club House: WHAT IS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY?

Research and Publications

30 Sep, 10:56

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEST for "شيفنت پارادايمي در كسب دانش شغلي،در يادگيري، ودر توسعه فردي".

Research and Publications

27 Sep, 09:49

درود دوستان گرامي. تا ده دقيقه ديگر. جلسه كلابهاوس بألا شروع خواهد شد.

Research and Publications

26 Sep, 08:13

اتاق فردا در كلابهاوس ☝️

Research and Publications

26 Sep, 08:13

hey - you should join us tomorrow at 08:00 pm AEST for "نكات مهم در نوشتن پروپوزال تحقيقاتي - قسمت دوم".

Research and Publications

20 Sep, 12:07

How to start my Thesis?

Research and Publications

20 Sep, 12:07

فايل نوشتاري امشب👇

Research and Publications

16 Sep, 23:17

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a framework that encourages scientific and technological research to be carried out in a way that aligns with societal needs, ethical considerations, and sustainability. The key tenets of RRI can be broken down into several interconnected principles:

1. Anticipation
Definition: Researchers and innovators should proactively consider potential impacts—both positive and negative—of their work.
Practice: Identify potential risks, benefits, and broader implications for society and the environment.
2. Inclusion
Definition: RRI emphasizes involving diverse stakeholders in the research and innovation process.
Practice: Engage with the public, policymakers, industry, and civil society to ensure diverse perspectives and values are integrated into research decisions.
3. Reflexivity
Definition: Researchers must reflect on their own roles, motivations, and the assumptions underpinning their work.
Practice: Assess the social and ethical dimensions of research decisions and their unintended consequences.
4. Responsiveness
Definition: Research and innovation should be adaptable and capable of evolving in response to societal needs and concerns.
Practice: Modify research directions based on stakeholder feedback and emerging societal issues.
5. Transparency
Definition: The research process should be open and accessible, ensuring clear communication about goals, methods, risks, and outcomes.
Practice: Share information with the public and ensure scientific processes and decisions are understandable and available.
6. Ethical Considerations
Definition: Researchers should adhere to high ethical standards, ensuring that research respects human dignity, rights, and environmental sustainability.
Practice: Follow ethical protocols such as informed consent, privacy protection, and minimizing environmental harm.
7. Sustainability
Definition: Research should consider long-term impacts on society and the environment, focusing on sustainability.
Practice: Pursue projects that promote social equity, environmental stewardship, and economic viability.
8. Social Justice and Equity
Definition: Research should promote fairness, especially in terms of who benefits from innovations and who might be harmed.
Practice: Strive to ensure that the benefits and risks of innovation are distributed equitably across different groups, particularly vulnerable populations.
9. Open Access
Definition: Research findings should be freely accessible to the public to encourage knowledge sharing and further innovation.
Practice: Publish research results in open-access journals or other platforms where they can be accessed by a wide audience.
10. Accountability
Definition: Researchers and innovators must be held accountable for the societal, ethical, and environmental consequences of their work.
Practice: Establish mechanisms for reviewing and monitoring the impacts of research, and take responsibility for addressing any issues that arise.
These tenets promote a more inclusive, ethical, and socially responsible approach to research and innovation.

Research and Publications

16 Sep, 23:17

Some people asked me about more details on the Responsible Research and Innovation. Here is a summary:

Research and Publications

15 Sep, 21:56

hey - you should join us Friday at 08:00 pm AEST for "بزودي ميخواهم تز بنويسم. از كجا و چگونه بايد شروع كنم؟".