

The official channel for information and guides about @remoteyoutubedl_bot


02 Jul, 18:30

All Ip addresses of this bot are now banned by youtube. This bot might still work on other websites but you can be sure that youtube videos will not.


19 Jul, 07:40

In the last 7days the bot processed 100k requests. All videos, that where in the queue are now processed an the bot is ready to be used again.


14 Jul, 11:22

The bot is still struggling with the vast amount of new users. In the last 3 Days the amount of users grew from 85k to 106k (125%). But the Amount of daily active users grew from 1.4k to 12k (857%) ! Welcome to all the new users 🎉 (Let me now with the /feedback command, where you know this bot from).

Some changes to to bot where made and it should respond to user-interactions quicker. But the Processing of the requested videos will still take a long time.
Please do not request the same video more than once, it will not go faster!


13 Jul, 12:26

In the last 24h the bot gained a lot new users. That is pretty cool! 🥳
But all the new and old users are requesting so many videos, the bot can not keep up. Currently the Bot has a queue with 11500 Videos! The Bot will need at least 16 hours to process that! Probably 20 hours or more. When you request a video now, it will take that long, before it gets processed, so prepare to wait.
Please request only videos you really need. Or maybe wait a few days, until everything is back to normal.
You can see the amount of videos in the Queue with the /status command.
Please do not spam commands or links. The bot is slower than normal and just needs some time to process the commands. Doing the same command more than once will just make it worse. And requesting the same video again and again wont make it go faster.


01 Apr, 10:41

Today the bot reached 1Million requests, since it started counting at the 26th November of 2020.
That are around 2000 requests per day!


22 Mar, 23:17

The Bot is generating an ever growing load on my server. You can help me continue to provide this service for all 5000 and counting active users.
If you like this Bot please consider supporting it, by sending a few bucks in monero to:


The Bot will be available for free, as long as the Bot exists.


23 Dec, 16:58

Yesterday the bot got a new update!
There was a rare bug, that some long videos got stuck while converting them to a diffrent format. That is now fixed. This update also improves the converting speed a bit.


27 May, 10:14

New update!
* you can now use /status to see how busy the bot is.
* The amount of pending downloads or edits is showed before submitting a new request.
* There is now a "Cancel" button on the "Choose Quality" message


18 May, 18:29

The bot is sometimes able to download videos and audio from other websites (instagram, soundcloud, facebook, reddit,…) too. (But its generally not supported and might be changed at any time)


18 May, 18:26

Playlists are not supported.


19 Mar, 18:10

The bot just got updated to a new version. The most important change is the request limit. Any user may download up to 900 videos per month. After that the user is limited.


06 Mar, 19:38

Is your question not answered here?
Use the /feedback command of the @remoteyoutubedl_bot


06 Mar, 19:33

Basic usage of the @remoteyoutubedl_bot


05 Mar, 19:54

Channel created