🎷🪘ربابه_ساقی🍻🍺nnربابه_ساقی is a Telegram channel dedicated to celebrating traditional Persian music and culture. The channel provides a platform for music lovers to explore the enchanting sounds of the rabab and other traditional instruments. Whether you are a seasoned fan of Persian music or a newcomer looking to discover something new, ربابه_ساقی has something for everyone.
Who is it? ربابه_ساقی is a community of music enthusiasts who share a passion for preserving and promoting Persian musical heritage. The channel is curated by experts in Persian music who are dedicated to showcasing the rich history and diverse styles of traditional Persian music.
What is it? ربابه_ساقی offers a wide range of content, including live performances, music videos, interviews with musicians, and historical insights into the origins of Persian music. Whether you are interested in classical Persian music or modern interpretations of traditional melodies, you will find something to captivate your interest on this channel.
Join ربابه_ساقی today to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Persian music and discover the beauty of the rabab and other traditional instruments. Let the sounds of Iran enchant your soul and transport you to a world of musical wonder.