Are you a student who follows Nishant Jindal on YouTube? If so, you need to join his Telegram channel - @realnishantjindal! The channel's title, 'Nishant Jindal [IITD]', suggests that it is managed by Nishant Jindal, who is associated with IIT Delhi. The description of the channel warns that Nishant's YouTube channel may face deletion, and students could lose contact with him. To avoid this potential loss of connection, students are encouraged to join the Telegram channel. This channel is a platform where students can stay updated on Nishant's latest content, announcements, and more. By joining @realnishantjindal on Telegram, you can ensure that you don't miss out on any valuable information from Nishant Jindal. Don't wait until it's too late - join now and stay connected!
21 Nov, 16:47
01 Nov, 15:32
31 Oct, 16:03