Beloved, we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which He hath beforehand ordained, that we should walk in them. God has prepared the paths for us to walk in; God has done the work. Our labour in time is for alignment so that our daily reality is a life lived in the center of His will.
Order proceeds greatness and increase. Nothing meaningful prospers when there's spiritual and physical chaos. May March not be an experience of divine disorder and disalignment in your life, in Jesus name. Pay the price for order this month.
1) The Refinery: We have less than 3 months to our target date of dedication, and we are yet to complete so many critical items. We appeal to brothers and sisters who are part of our community and have been blessed by our ministry to join to push this project over the line in due time. Please, we need all hands on deck now. We need everyone to make sacrifices as they are able. This is an SoS cry to all our brethren.
Please pray for finances to keep flowing and give as the Lord has blessed you. The work must not stop due to lack of funds.
2) Prayer Cruise: This month begins with a call to prayer. Prophetically, the Lord has shown us that it's the season for Zion's travail. There are things that must be birth so as a community, we go to the place of prayer. March 5th to 9th and joining me to be a blessing to God's people is my brother Rev Idaac Odame, the Pointman of RCN Ghana. Please don't miss this onsite or online.
3) Our 180 days of corporate prayer as instructed by the Lord continues. Prayers hold twice daily on Zoom 12am and 12pm WAT. I encourage you to join in and faithfully keep the prayer watches. Its a strategy by God to keep the flame of prayer burning on your altar.
Finally, if indeed you're part of the RCN Warri family, please take the teachings and speakings from the Lord seriously. A new dawn is here for the church and God's people. Don't be left behind!
Until we speak in April, be determined to enjoy God and your Christian life this year. Let nothing steal or cripple your intimacy with God. By all means, find pleasure in God, His will, and your service to Him this month.
Your brother,
Kesiena Esiri.