Ray Dalio (@raydalio) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Ray Dalio टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Ray Dalio
Founder of Bridgewater Associates, author of #1 New York Times bestseller 'Principles' professional mistake maker

Net worth: 18.7 billion USD (2019)


contact: @futurico

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Ray Dalio द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

07 Mar, 15:36


It's time to think about wider acceptance of alternative money such as crypto.

We have a situation where we have too much debt and we're producing it at a fast pace. So yes, we have to think about alternative monies.

Bitcoin prices have boomed 165% in the past year, climbing over $100,000 per coin after Donald Trump won his re-election in November. The new administration is widely expected to be more friendly to the crypto world. Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, have even released their own meme coins.

Maybe the biggest threat, certainly one of the biggest threats, is the supply-demand for bonds that relates to the Treasury bonds.

#raydalio #us #bonds #crypto #bitcoin

28 Feb, 02:02



25 Feb, 04:36


My point is that you can significantly raise your probabilities of making the right decisions by open-mindedly triangulating with believable people. Even in a terrible situation, you can still raise your probabilities of making the right decisions by open-mindedly triangulating with believable people. #principleoftheday


25 Feb, 00:45


Peace soon


24 Feb, 22:03


The world has moved from geopolitics to geo-economics.


24 Feb, 04:02


Thank you for the gift and comment!
I love Starwars!



15 Feb, 06:28


The U.S. must slash its deficit to 3% from an expected 7.5% before the president’s second term in office ends, otherwise bond markets will not be able to absorb the amount of new debt the Treasury issues and a death spiral will ensue.

31 Jan, 05:17


Replay the story of where you have been (or what you have done) that led up to where you are now, and then visualize what you and others must do in the future so you will reach your goals. #principleoftheday #raydalio

24 Jan, 07:04


You will have to get over your reluctance to assess what people are like if you want to surround yourself with people who have the qualities you need. That goes for yourself too. People almost always find it difficult to identify and accept their own mistakes and weaknesses. Sometimes it's because they're blind to them, but more often it's because their egos get in the way. Most likely your associates are equally reluctant to point out your mistakes, because they don't want to hurt you. You all need to get over this. More than anything else, what differentiates people who live up to their potential from those who don't is their willingness to look at themselves and others objectively and understand the root causes standing in their way. #principleoftheday

Ray Dalio

01 Dec, 19:57


Many of you have asked how to encourage teamwork so I'm sharing a list of principles that have helped me over the years.

#success #raydalio #insight