Neueste Beiträge von ratz hideout (@ratzhideout) auf Telegram

ratz hideout Telegram-Beiträge

ratz hideout
welcome fellow rats, we are two bestie ratz tryna clear our closets 🫶

check pinned message for t&c🤍
welcome to the ratz community. we welcome u.
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8 Videos
Zuletzt aktualisiert 26.02.2025 07:57

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Der neueste Inhalt, der von ratz hideout auf Telegram geteilt wurde.

which one do we wanna see 🤍

cute ass bags anyone ^^ !!!!!


lotsa good shit at

on the second channel 🍙 lululemon, ralph lauren, a&f…

selling lots of cute shit at ☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️

TIR TIR mask fit red cushion in 27N
best for tan-skinned gurlies
LITERALLY just opened to swatch on hand, doesn’t fit my shade unfortunately… got for $22+ pls i just want to clear

pm @tengmin if interested


OK that’s all for this drop HOPE YA’LL LIKED IT i skipped work today just for this hehe don’t tell my boss<3

browse avail items at #ratzavails 😗