You'll only looks like a total idiot showing off everything
Random Life Quotes 🌹 Telegram Posts

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Last Updated 10.03.2025 09:43
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Be humble around new people. You never know where they've been, what they've gone through.
You'll only looks like a total idiot showing off everything
You'll only looks like a total idiot showing off everything
Doing what you don't want, to achieve what you want .
If u want to upgrade, circle yourself with them who want to. If u don't, then u stay where u are now.
believe on yourself , there’s must be a chance if you let it go away and waiting to come back to you .
Kalau tak dapat jawapan yang kita nak, tanya soalan yang betul.
Kita yang salah tanya soalan, bukan orang yang tak faham soalan.
Kita yang salah tanya soalan, bukan orang yang tak faham soalan.
It's not about make the best choices. But do your best at what you choose.