Myself Amrita Queen. On 26thNov, 2024, I was selected for Revenue Officer through Bihar PCS exam. Sir, I want to thank you for boosting my confidence. I have been connected with your telegram channel since the beginning. And you checked many of my essay copies. The review you gave and the marks allotted helped me regain my confidence. I got inspiration from all your messages which you wrote about how you finished the exam. I am inspired by your perseverance and character. I wrote this comment on your telegram channel (below is the screenshot) and was confident that one day, I would come back, and I would give you the news of my success. But unfortunately, I couldn't clear UPSC. In 2023, I gave an interview in BPSC, but couldn't succeed. Finally, I succeeded. The day I wrote these lines, I was giving my best to get selection.
Finally, I am here, writing to you sir. I am thankful to you. Your life inspires me. Right now, I am trying to take an extension before joining to give my best for UPSC this year. I promise you, I will do my best. Hopefully, I will come back again with my success in UPSC.
This is my success story -
I am very glad and emotional to share this with you sir .
Thanking you
Amrita Queen