Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel @rabbianava Channel on Telegram

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel


Rabbi Alon Anava's new telegram channel :: Stay current with Rabbi Anava's latest classes geared towards living a Torah life in these most auspicious times!

The Zohar channel can be found here, join us: https://t.me/DailyZohar

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel (English)

Are you looking to deepen your understanding of Torah and live a more spiritual life? Look no further than Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel on Telegram! Rabbi Alon Anava is a renowned spiritual leader who is dedicated to helping individuals navigate these tumultuous times through the teachings of Torah.

On this channel, you will find Rabbi Anava's latest classes, insights, and guidance on how to live a Torah life in these most auspicious times. Whether you are a seasoned scholar or just beginning your spiritual journey, Rabbi Anava's teachings are sure to inspire and enlighten you.

Join the community of like-minded individuals who are seeking spiritual growth and wisdom. Stay current with Rabbi Anava's teachings and connect with others who share your passion for living a Torah-centered life.

In addition to Rabbi Anava's classes, you can also join the Zohar channel for daily inspiration and insights. The Zohar is a foundational text in Jewish mysticism, and studying its teachings can bring profound spiritual growth and understanding.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. Join Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel today and start your journey towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Click here to join us: https://t.me/DailyZohar

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

02 Feb, 14:28

The pillar of sanity at times of insanity - Parashat Beshalach - Rabbi Alon Anava

One of the biggest enemies we have is our thoughts. Negative thoughts causes us to worry, loose sleep, have anxiety and many more issues. What if we stop the thought before it entered our mind? would that make a difference in my life? Find out in this deep, thought provoking lecture!


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

27 Jan, 21:09


The reason why there is so much suffering in the world now - Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

20 Jan, 19:52

Great news NY and LA

Rabbi Anava is in the USA for a few lectures. Visit atzmut.org/tour for more info.

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

19 Jan, 22:01

Los Angeles PAY ATTENTION!!!!! Rabbi Anava is COMING TO LA!!!


For two lectures you DO NOT want to miss!!
For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

19 Jan, 22:00

Los Angeles PAY ATTENTION!!!!!


Rabbi Anava is COMING TO LA!!!

For two lectures you DO NOT want to miss!!

For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

19 Jan, 21:59



Rabbi Anava is coming to New York in two weeks!! Mark the date!!

You don't want to miss this lecture!!!

For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

19 Jan, 21:57

PAY ATTENTION New York!!! - THIS WEEK!!! - if you want to see this LIVE

Powerful meeting with Rabbi Anava all about doing Aliya to Israel - Don't miss out even if you don't want to do Aliya!

Follow our whatsapp groups for updates about LIVE streaming this lecture +972-53-497-9066
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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

15 Jan, 21:23

Los Angeles PAY ATTENTION!!!!! Rabbi Anava is COMING TO LA!!!

For two lectures you DO NOT want to miss!!
For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

15 Jan, 19:47

Los Angeles PAY ATTENTION!!!!!

Rabbi Anava is COMING TO LA!!!

For two lectures you DO NOT want to miss!!

For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

15 Jan, 19:46

Zohar Page 2/A - Parashat Shemot - "The power of kabbalah" - Part 1 - Rabbi Alon Anava


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

15 Jan, 19:30


Rabbi Anava is coming to New York in two weeks!! Mark the date!!

You don't want to miss this lecture!!!

For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

13 Jan, 23:47

PAY ATTENTION New York!!! - if you want to see this LIVE

Powerful meeting with Rabbi Anava all about doing Aliya to Israel - Don't miss out even if you don't want to do Aliya!

Follow our whatsapp groups for updates about LIVE streaming this lecture +972-53-497-9066
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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

13 Jan, 17:17

Whoever goes with God will be protected!

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

13 Jan, 16:20

How to overcome your desires and lust - Parashat Shemot - Rabbi Alon Anava

We all battle to overcome our desires and lusts that are either forbidden or bad for us. The problem is that usually these desires are fun, good and pleasure our body. What can we do to overcome these desires and win our lust also


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

12 Jan, 20:48

Who are the real nation of Israel?

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

12 Jan, 12:42

Parashat Shemot - It's all about the truth! - Rabbi Alon Anava


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

09 Jan, 12:24

It's the fast of the 10th of Tevet Tomorrow (Friday)

"The secret to bring Moshiach" - Rabbi Alon Anava

Why do we fast on the 10th day of Tevet? find out in this video and what can be achieved on this day


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

07 Jan, 17:11

Every person and there Tikun...

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

06 Jan, 22:30

Rabbi Anava is coming to New York in two weeks!! Mark the date!!
You don't want to miss this lecture!!!
For more info visit https://www.atzmut.org/tour
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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

05 Jan, 16:56

Are you living in the world of the Torah??!

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

29 Dec, 12:16

Tonight is the 5th night of Chanuka which is known to be a very powerful day to pray for your other half and to get married (And more)

Watch this short video for more info and then visit this page https://www.atzmut.org/prayers-for-singles for more information, instructions, the prayers and to submit names for prayers

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Happy Chanuka

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

29 Dec, 11:31

Today is the 28th of Kislev!!!

Don't miss out this once in a year opportunity

Watch the video and then visit https://www.atzmut.org/28th-of-kislev for more info, the prayers and to submit names for prayers

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Happy Chanuka

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

27 Dec, 13:33

Important message!! - Don't miss out!!!

Watch, share and visit https://www.atzmut.org/chanuka for all prayers and information

For the prayers for the 28th of Kislev visit https://www.atzmut.org/28th-of-kislev

Wishing you
Shabbat Shalom and Happy Chanuka!!!
Rabbi Anava
The Atzmut team

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

21 Nov, 14:13

How to achieve happiness?

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

18 Nov, 11:35

Zera Shimshon | Parashat Chayei Sarah - 'How can I help you?' - Rabbi Alon Anava


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

17 Nov, 13:26

Why spend so much money on a funeral? Parashat Chayei Sarah - Rabbi Alon Anava

In this week's Parasha we read about the negotiation and high price Avraham paid for the burial of Sara. Why does the Torah talk in length about the importance of having the right burial and what is the deep message we can all take from it?


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

14 Nov, 12:52

Rabbenu Bachya | Parashat Vayera - "The Last test" - Rabbi Alon Anava


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

11 Nov, 17:55

NEW lecture!!

Parashat Vayera - The escape from Sodom ends up bad... - Rabbi Alon Anava

Some times the Torah tells us stories that are not clear, weird and the message is completely hidden. In this week's Parasha we are introduced to Lot's wife who does a horrible sin by turning back and G-d turns her to a pilar of salt... - does that make sense? did you learn anything from this? Watch this lecture... you will be shocked!

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

10 Nov, 18:10

Why is order so important?

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

10 Nov, 16:35

Parashat Vayera | From the Ben Ish Chai - Third's a charm - By Rabbi Alon Anava

Weekly class about the Parasha from the teachings of the Ben Ish Chai (Rabbi Yosef Chaim)


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

07 Nov, 19:12

NEW lecture!!

Parashat Lech Lecha - Why is G-od testing us with hard challanges? - Rabbi Alon Anava

We all face tests and challenges from G-d through out our life, too many that we fail and do not achieve the purpose. What is the real purpose of the heavenly test and what can we learn from Avraham Avinu who was tested over and over?

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

06 Nov, 17:50

How to achieve happines?

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

05 Nov, 17:54

USA elections | War in Israel | Current events & more | The flood is coming - Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

05 Nov, 12:20

Rabbenu Bachya | Parashat Lech Lecha - "Who do you believe in?" - Rabbi Alon Anava


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

03 Nov, 11:47

Why did G-d create humans evil? - Parashat Lech Lecha - Rabbi Alon Anava

Have you ever felt you were used, hurt, mistreated, disappointed and more...? of course you did! Have it caused you to think why man can be so evil? or better to ask... have it caused you to think and ask why did G-d create such people? This and MUCH more in this class


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

30 Oct, 20:57

NEW lecture!!!

We all face many challenges in our life and difficulties in achieving many of our goals. In this week's Torah portion we find the solution to many of the problems in our life. What is more interesting is how all this is connected to the flood that distroyed the world...

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

28 Oct, 15:07

Action and reaction...

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

27 Oct, 22:06

NEW lecture!!

Parashat Bereshit - Destroy the source of all destructions - Rabbi Alon Anava

In the first Torah portion of the Torah - Parashat Bereshit we are introduced to the first sin in history that changed the face of the world, humanity and our personal life. In this powerful lecture Rabbi Anava explains how the sin if Adam is effecting us till today and what we need to do to overcome it!

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

27 Oct, 10:35

Parashat Bereshit - How can we fix the sin of the tree of knowledge? - Rabbi Alon Anava


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

22 Oct, 23:58


The once a year opportunity to tilt the scale to your favour! DO NOT miss out!

Hoshana Rabbah (tonight) is one of the most important nights of the year!! Watch this short video and follow this link https://www.atzmut.org/hoshana-rabbah for all the information you need to know!!!

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

22 Oct, 18:34

The once a year opportunity to tilt the scale to your favour! DO NOT miss out!

Hoshana Rabbah (tonight) is one of the most important nights of the year!! Watch this short video and follow this link https://www.atzmut.org/hoshana-rabbah for all the information you need to know!!!

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

22 Oct, 18:27

Tonight and tomorrow is Hoshana Rabbah!!

Watch this Amazing class about Why do we circle the Torah during Hoshana


For more info about Hoshana Rabbah visit https://www.atzmut.org/hoshana-rabbah

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

22 Oct, 18:20

Tonight and tomorrow is Hoshana Rabbah!!

Watch this Amazing class about the secret of Hosha'ana Raba, Simchat Torah and Shmini Atzert - Rabbi Alon Anava


For more info about Hoshana Rabbah visit https://www.atzmut.org/hoshana-rabbah

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

22 Oct, 18:07

Tonight and tomorrow is Hoshana Rabbah!!

Watch this Amazing class about the Kabbalah behind Hosha'ana Raba and what can be achieved


For more info about Hoshana Rabbah visit https://www.atzmut.org/hoshana-rabbah

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

13 Oct, 12:38

This was a year ago and the message is just perfect!!!

"Why I almost killed someone in Ukraine... - Chilling encounter from the Ba'al Shem Tov's Beit Din"


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

07 Oct, 16:40

Getting ready for Yom Kippur - Rabbi Alon Anava


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

06 Oct, 21:44

NEW lecture loaded - NOT to be missed!!!!

"What will be the fate of the world this coming year...?"


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

06 Oct, 11:18

The fast of Gedalia - Why do we fast? the hidden meaning behind the fast - Rabbi Alon Anava


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

01 Oct, 12:25

How is the coming new year will be...?!? - Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

01 Oct, 09:54

Blessings from Rabbi Anava from the Holy site of Meron

For prayers, instruction and submit names visit https://www.atzmut.org/rosh-hashana

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

30 Sep, 20:53

Special prayers at Meron and the Kotel the eve of Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Anava is going to Meron (Monday night) for Selichot and special prayers at the grave site of Rashbi (Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai) AND for Selichot for the LAST night (The eve of Rosh Hashana) at the Kotel and to pray before Rosh Ha鈥橲hana at the Kotel!!

Rabbi Anava will pray on your behalf before this important day!! Use the link below to submit names and donations!!


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Shana Tova!!!

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

30 Sep, 17:28

Look whats going on! The secret of the letters | Entering the spiritual (Final) war! - Rabbi Anava


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

30 Sep, 17:27

What supposed to happen will happen - Rabbi Alon Anava

饾懓饾懙饾懞饾懛饾懓饾懝饾懆饾懟饾懓饾懚饾懙!!! 饾拃饾拹饾挅 饾拸饾拞饾拞饾拝 饾挄饾拹 饾挊饾拏饾挄饾拕饾拤, 饾拲饾拞饾拏饾挀饾拸 饾拏饾拸饾拝 饾拏饾拺饾拺饾拲饾挌! 饾懛饾拲饾拞饾拏饾挃饾拞 饾挃饾拤饾拏饾挀饾拞 - 饾懆饾懘饾懆饾拋饾懓饾懙饾懏 饾拲饾拞饾拕饾挄饾挅饾挀饾拞!


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

30 Sep, 17:27

The BEST advise what NOT to do!!! Explore the gates of Holiness.... - Rabbi Alon Anava

Follow the full series at https://atzmut.com/course/gates-of-holiness

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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

30 Sep, 17:27

Finding true happiness is not that hard... Depends what you are willing to do! - Rabbi Alon Anava
No lecture like this can be found anywhere!!! After 20 years of studying Torah, Rabbi Anava gathers information from over 10 Books and reveals a hidden secret about our inner battles that we can not seem to get rid off. A MUST watch lecture!!!
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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

29 Sep, 17:43

Strong words by Rabbi Anava you want to hear before Rosh Hashana!!!!


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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

29 Sep, 15:56

Open your eyes... you won't believe what you will see!! Powerful inspiring message from Rabbi Anava

A powerful message from Rabbi Anava for these hard time we are in. An inspiring message for all!! Please share!!


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

26 Sep, 21:30

A little WAKE UP call never hurts! Especially before Rosh Hs'Shana!!
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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

26 Sep, 21:30

How to make your prayers work - Parashat Nitzavim - Rabbi Alon Anava
We all know prayers are powerful, but if G-d wants something to happen will our prayers really help to change the situation? And if I am already praying, how can I make sure my prayers are accepted? A POWERFUL message you do NOT what to miss!
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Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

25 Sep, 18:41

Important information to follow during #Elul


Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

31 Jul, 09:46

What brings you fear?

For the full lecture

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

31 Jul, 09:39

Parashat Matot - How can one control anger? - Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

28 Jul, 21:30

POWERFUL lecture before Rabbi Anava takes OFF!!! Was No time for a thumbnail - message is important

Rabbi Alon Anava's Channel

28 Jul, 12:59

How to turn a crises or disaster to success - Parashat Matot Masei - Rabbi Alon Anava