Network & Security Quizzes @quizzes4network Channel on Telegram

Network & Security Quizzes


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مهندس اتصالات وشبكات كمبيوتر خبرة 25 سنة

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Network & Security Quizzes (English)

Are you a tech-savvy individual looking to challenge your knowledge in network and security? Look no further than 'Network & Security Quizzes' Telegram channel, also known as '@quizzes4network'. This channel is dedicated to providing a fun and interactive way for users to test their understanding of various network and security topics. Whether you are a beginner looking to learn the basics or an experienced professional wanting to stay sharp, this channel has something for everyone. From multiple-choice questions to case studies, you will find a variety of challenging quizzes that will keep you engaged and motivated. Join a community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for technology and enjoy competing in friendly competitions. Stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the field of network and security while having fun at the same time. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge. Join 'Network & Security Quizzes' today and take your expertise to the next level!

Network & Security Quizzes

21 Jan, 04:58

🔰 23 أمر مهم فـي قـائـمـة RUN (Executer)

23 أمر إذا أدخلتها في نافذة RUN ستدخل إلى أدوات مهمة ومخفية في حاسوبك بعضها لأول مرة ستجربها.

نافذة Run في الـ Windows لمن لا يعرفهــا يقصد بهــا اوامر "تشغيل"، موجودة في جميع أنظمة تشغيل Microsoft
و تساعد في الدخول المباشر دون تعب إلى مجموعة من الأقسام المهمة في الـ Windows والبحث عن الشيء الذي تريده، وهذه النافذة يمكن إدخال فيها مجموعة من الأوامر.

بداية حتى تقوم بإظهار هذه النافذة إضغط على زر Windows + حرف R ... أو من قائمة start ادخل على Run، بعد ذلك أكتب هذه الأوامر للدخول إلى هذه الأدوات.

🔹 الأمر dxdiag : يُستعمل لمعرفة جميع مواصفات جهازك.
🔹 الأمر cleanmgr : لفتح أداة تنظيف القرص الصلب.
🔹 الأمر temp : للوصول إلى الملفات المؤقتة ، التي نقوم بمسحها لأنها تساهم في بطئ الحاسوب.
🔹 الأمر regedit : لفتح شاشة الريجسترى.
🔹 الأمر calc : لفتح الآلة الحاسبة.
🔹الأمر msconfig : أداة للوصول مثلا إلى البرامج التي تشتغل مع الـ Windows عند الإقلاع وتعطيلها لتسريعه.
🔹 الأمر scandisk : تستخدم لعملية فحص الديسك.
🔹 الأمر cmd : فهو لفتح نافذة الدوس، موجه الأوامر للـ Windows.
🔹 الأمر defrag : يُستخدم في عملية إيقاف و إلغاء تجزئة القرص الصلب.
🔹 الأمر taskman : مشاهدة ما فُتح في شريط المهام والتحكم بها.
🔹 الأمر pbrush : لتشغيل برنامج الرسام المعروف في الـ Windows.
🔹 الأمر debug : يُستخدم لمعرفة نوع كارت الشاشة الخاصة بجهازك.
🔹الأمر hwinfo /ui : يُستعمل في العادة لفحص الجهاز واستعراض تقرير عنه تشمل عيوبه ومشاكله.
🔹 الأمر sysedit : يُستعمل لفتح محرر تكوين النظام.
🔹الأمر msiexec : لمعرفة معلومات حول الـ Windows وحقوق الشركة.
🔹 الأمر sfc : إسترجاع ملفات النظام dll في حالة فقدانها.
🔹 الأمر icwscrpt : يُستخدم لنسخ ملفات dll.
🔹 الأمر irecent : استعراض الملفات التي تم فتحها من قبل.
🔹 الأمر mobsync : لفتح برنامج لتحميل صفحات النت وتصفحها عندما لا توجد النت على جهازك.
🔹 الأمر Tips.txt : فتح ملف يتضمن جميع أسرار الـ Windows.
🔹 الأمر cliconfg : لفتح أداة للمساعدة في شبكة الاتصال.
🔹الأمر ftp : لفتح ما يعرف بـ File Transfer Protocol، أي برتوكول نقل الملفات .

Network & Security Quizzes

21 Jan, 04:58

لمعرفة كلمة مرور الواي فاي المتصل بها على اللاب توب باستخدام الأمر "ncpa.cpl"، اتبع الخطوات التالية:

1. افتح نافذة Run:

اضغط على مفتاح "Windows" + "R" لفتح نافذة "Run".

2. اكتب الأمر "ncpa.cpl":

في نافذة "Run" اكتب ncpa.cpl ثم اضغط "Enter". هذا سيؤدي إلى فتح نافذة "Network Connections" التي تحتوي على جميع الشبكات المتصلة بالجهاز.

3. اختيار الشبكة المتصلة:

في نافذة "Network Connections"، حدد الشبكة اللاسلكية المتصل بها الجهاز. سترى أيقونة الشبكة المتصلة، والتي عادة تكون مكتوب بجانبها "Wi-Fi" أو اسم الشبكة.

4. فتح خصائص الشبكة:

انقر بزر الفأرة الأيمن على أيقونة الشبكة المتصلة، ثم اختر "Status".

5. عرض كلمة المرور:

في نافذة "Wi-Fi Status"، اضغط على زر "Wireless Properties" الموجود في الأسفل.

انتقل إلى تبويب "Security".

هنا سترى خيار "Show characters" (إظهار الأحرف)، اضغط عليه ليتم عرض كلمة مرور الواي فاي.


يجب أن تكون لديك صلاحيات المسؤول على الكمبيوتر للوصول إلى هذه الإعدادات.

إذا كانت كلمة المرور مشفرة أو محمية بكلمة مرور أخرى، يجب أن يكون لديك صلاحيات المسؤول على الجهاز لإظهارها.


هناك طريقة أسهل باستخدام "Command Prompt"
لعرض كلمة مرور الواي فاي المتصل بها:

1. افتح نافذة Command Prompt كمسؤول:

اضغط على مفتاح "Windows" وابحث عن "Command Prompt".

اضغط بزر الفأرة الأيمن على "Command Prompt" ثم اختر "Run as administrator".

2. استخدم الأمر لعرض كلمة المرور:

في نافذة "Command Prompt"، اكتب الأمر التالي:

netsh wlan show profile name="اسم الشبكة" key=clear

استبدل "اسم الشبكة" باسم شبكة الواي فاي المتصل بها حاليًا.

3. ابحث عن كلمة المرور:

في النتائج التي تظهر، ابحث عن السطر الذي يبدأ بـ "Key Content" (محتوى المفتاح).

كلمة المرور ستكون بجانب هذه العبارة.

Network & Security Quizzes

26 Dec, 08:08


Network & Security Quizzes

25 Dec, 12:00


Network & Security Quizzes

25 Dec, 11:10

Routing protocols

Network & Security Quizzes

22 Dec, 14:18


Network & Security Quizzes

21 Dec, 13:13

🚀 هل ترغب في تعلم تقنيات VMware المتقدمة؟
📍 دبلومة معتمدة تشمل VCA، VCP، vSAN و Horizon

هل تسعى لتطوير مهاراتك في تقنيات VMware؟
هل تبحث عن دبلومة معتمدة تعزز فرصك المهنية؟
إذاً، دبلومة VMware المتكاملة هي الخيار المثالي لك!

محتوى الدورة التدريبية:
VCA (VMware Cloud Associate):

تعريف شامل للحوسبة السحابية وكيفية استخدام VMware Cloud.
تعلم كيفية إدارة وتطوير حلول الحوسبة السحابية باستخدام VMware.
VCP (VMware Certified Professional):

تعلم إدارة بيئات VMware vSphere بشكل احترافي.
كيفية إعداد الشبكات، التخزين، الأمان داخل بيئة vSphere.
دراسة متعمقة لأفضل ممارسات إدارة الأجهزة الافتراضية.
vSAN (Virtual SAN):

تعلم كيفية إعداد وإدارة التخزين الافتراضي باستخدام vSAN.
توفير حلول التخزين المُوحدة لبيئات VMware وتوسيعها بسهولة.
Horizon (Desktop Virtualization):

تعلم كيفية إنشاء ونشر بيئات العمل الافتراضية باستخدام VMware Horizon.
تعلم إدارة التطبيقات الافتراضية وإنشاء بيئات مكتبية للمستخدمين.
نشر التطبيقات المكتبية للعمل عن بُعد مع تكامل Horizon.لا تضيع وقتك! سجل الآن لتأمين مكانك في الدورة التدريبية المجانية التي ستغير مسيرتك المهنية.

🚀 احجز مكانك الآن في المحاضرة المجانية!
📅 يوم السبت الساعه ٦ مساء بتوقيت مكة الموافق 21-12-2024
🎓 تعلم تقنيات VMware المتقدمة مع دبلومة معتمدة تشمل VCA، VCP، vSAN , Horizon
⚠️ العدد محدود! لا تفوت الفرصة!

لا تضيع وقتك! سجل الآن لتأمين مكانك في الدورة التدريبية المجانية التي ستغير مسيرتك المهنية.

📞 للتسجيل والمزيد من التفاصيل. واتساب:
رقم الهاتف : 966533899035+

Network & Security Quizzes

26 Nov, 11:06

Frame relay point to point topology

Network & Security Quizzes

25 Nov, 15:38

Lab 10 FTP

Network & Security Quizzes

14 Nov, 04:28

Lab 9 RIP

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:37

Lab 8 OSPF

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:35

Lab 7 DHCP

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:32

Lab 6 ARP

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:30

Lab 5 IPv6

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:29

Lab 4 ACL

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:26

Lab 3 ICMP

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:24

Lab 2 Design and assign ip to router interfaces

Network & Security Quizzes

13 Nov, 20:21

Lab 1 simple network

Network & Security Quizzes

12 Nov, 18:54

بينقسم قسمين

Defensive دفاع
Offensive هجوم

لو حابب تتخصص Defensive فعليك ب
Network+ or CCNA
Security Fundamentals
بعدين اي شيء للدفاع مثل
Email Security Appliance
Web Security Appliance
End Point Protection
Network Access Control.

لو حابب تتخصص
Offensive :
لابد ان تعرف
Network + or CCNA
Cybersecurity Fundamentals
OSCP or eJPTv2

Network & Security Quizzes

10 Nov, 22:18


Network & Security Quizzes

10 Nov, 22:17


Network & Security Quizzes

10 Nov, 22:16


Network & Security Quizzes

10 Nov, 19:16


Network & Security Quizzes

10 Nov, 19:16


Network & Security Quizzes

09 Nov, 17:22

ده كتاب ممتاز ف شرح العملي
الخاص بدورة CCNA


Network & Security Quizzes

13 Oct, 06:59

Packet tracer simulation project
4 networks using 2 routers

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

Q. Can I use these network emulators and simulators for certification exam preparation?

A. Yes, you can use GNS3, EVE-NG, VIRL, and eNSP for certification exam preparation, as they support a wide range of NOS images from various vendors. Cisco Packet Tracer is specifically designed for Cisco certification exam preparation.

Q. Which network emulator or simulator should I choose if I am a beginner?

A. If you are a beginner, we recommend starting with Cisco Packet Tracer, as it has a user-friendly interface and built-in tutorials and labs for learning.

Q. Can I use these network emulators and simulators for production network testing?

A. While these tools are great for designing, testing, and troubleshooting networks, they are not intended for production network testing. We recommend using physical devices or cloud-based solutions for production network testing.

Q. Which tool supports the most network devices?

A. Both GNS3, EVE-NG and eNSP support a wide range of network devices and software, including Cisco, Juniper, and Fortinet devices. eNSP require virtual machine package for it to integrate with other devices.

Q. Which tool supports the most advanced features and protocols?

A. eNSP supports the most advanced features and protocols, such as MPLS, BGP, and VPLS.

Q. Which tool is the most widely used and supported?

A. GNS3 is the most widely used and supported tool, with a large community of users and developers continually improving and adding features to the tool.

Q. Which tool requires the most hardware resources?

A. GNS3, EVE-NG and eNSP may require significant hardware resources to run multiple network topologies simultaneously due to their advanced virtualization and emulation capabilities.

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

Network Simulator Conclusion
GNS3, EVE-NG, Cisco Packet Tracer, VIRL, and eNSP are all great network emulators and simulators, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

The best tool for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

If you are looking for a free and open-source tool with a wide range of NOS image support, GNS3 and EVE-NG are great options.

VIRL is a great choice if you need a powerful, flexible platform for designing, testing, and troubleshooting networks.

If you are a Huawei network engineer, eNSP is the obvious choice.

Lastly, if you are a student or instructor learning about networking, Cisco Packet Tracer is the best tool designed for Cisco certification exam preparation.

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

GNS3 vs EVE-NG vs Packet Tracer vs VIRL vs eNSP: Which Network Emulator or Simulator is Right for You?

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

GNS3 is a network emulator that allows you to run real network operating systems (NOS) such as Cisco IOS, Juniper JunOS, and others on your computer. It uses a combination of Dynamips (a Cisco emulator) and QEMU (a generic emulator) to run NOS images. GNS3 has been around for over a decade and has a large and active user community. Some of the key features of GNS3 are:

Support for a wide range of NOS images from various vendors
Integration with cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Support for network automation and programmability through Python scripting
A range of network topologies and devices to choose from


Supports a wide range of network devices and software.
Provides a high degree of customization and flexibility.
Allows the user to run real-world device images.
It is free to use


It may require significant hardware resources to run multiple network topologies simultaneously.
It can be challenging to set up and configure for beginners.
It may not support all network devices and configurations.
It may require additional software and plugins to work correctly.

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

EVE-NG is another popular network emulator that has gained much traction in recent years. It is an open-source platform that allows you to create complex network topologies using a web-based interface. EVE-NG supports a range of virtualization technologies such as VMware, KVM, and VirtualBox, and allows you to run NOS images from various vendors. Some of the key features of EVE-NG are:

Support for multi-vendor NOS images
Web-based interface for ease of use
Integration with cloud platforms such as AWS and GCP
Network automation and programmability through Python scripting
Support for virtualized network functions (VNFs)

Supports a wide range of network devices and software.
Provides advanced virtualization and cloud technologies.
Offers a web-based interface for easy access and management.
Allows the user to run real-world device images.

It may require significant hardware resources to run multiple network topologies simultaneously.
It can be challenging to set up and configure for beginners.
It may not support all network devices and configurations.
It may require additional software and plugins to work correctly.
Payment require to use
Packet Tracer

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

Cisco Packet Tracer is a network emulator developed by Cisco Systems. It is primarily targeted towards students and instructors who are learning about networking. Packet Tracer allows you to create simple to complex network topologies using a drag-and-drop interface and supports a range of Cisco devices, such as routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points. Some of the key features of Cisco Packet Tracer are:
Easy to use drag-and-drop interface
Support for Cisco devices and NOS images
Built-in tutorials and labs for learning
Integration with Cisco NetAcad (an online learning platform)

It provides a user-friendly interface for beginners to learn about networking.
Supports Cisco devices and configurations, providing a high degree of accuracy and detail.
Provides a built-in assessment tool for testing and verifying network knowledge.

It only supports Cisco devices and configurations, limiting its versatility compared to other tools.
It is an emulator and may not provide the same detail and accuracy as real-world devices.
Limited to a pre-defined set of features and protocols.
It may not be suitable for advanced network simulations.
Trainers and students who are over-rely on packet tracers will have the illusion that the actual config is easy as no actual IOS is installed

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

VIRL (Virtual Internet Routing Lab) is a network emulator developed by Cisco Systems. It is a commercial product targeted towards network engineers and architects who need a powerful and flexible platform for designing, testing, and troubleshooting networks. VIRL allows you to create complex network topologies using a web-based interface and supports a range of NOS images from various vendors.

Some of the key features of VIRL are:

Support for multi-vendor NOS images
Web-based interface for ease of use
Integration with cloud platforms such as AWS and GCP
Network automation and programmability through Python scripting
Support for virtualized network functions (VNFs)

Provides a highly realistic and accurate simulation of real-world networks, including support for Cisco IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR, and NX-OS devices.
Offers an easy-to-use graphical interface for designing and managing network topologies, with drag-and-drop functionality.
Supports advanced protocols and features, including MPLS, BGP, and VRF.
Offers a built-in packet capture and analysis tool for troubleshooting network issues.

Requires significant hardware resources, including CPU and memory, to run effectively, making it a costly option for some users.
Limited support for non-Cisco devices and software may limit its versatility in certain situations.
It may require a steep learning curve for beginners due to its advanced features and complexity.
Requires a paid license to access all of its features and capabilities, making it a less accessible option for some users.

Network & Security Quizzes

04 Oct, 08:37

eNSP (Enterprise Network Simulation Platform) is a network simulator developed by Huawei. It is primarily targeted towards Huawei network engineers and architects who need to test their network designs and configurations before deploying them in the real world. eNSP allows you to create complex network topologies using a graphical interface and supports a range of Huawei devices and NOS images. Some of the key features of eNSP are:

Support for Huawei devices and NOS images
Easy to use graphical interface
Support for virtualized network functions (VNFs)
Integration with Huawei’s eSpace network management system

Supports Huawei devices and configurations, providing high accuracy and detail.
Provides a user-friendly interface for easy access and management.
Supports advanced features such as MPLS, BGP, and VPLS.
Offers built-in tools for network testing and troubleshooting.
Free to use

Only supports Huawei devices and configurations, limiting its versatility compared to other tools.
It may not provide the same level of detail and accuracy as real-world devices.
It may not be as widely used or supported compared to other tools.
It may require additional software and plugins to work correctly such as Oracle virtual box
Comparison of Features:
To help you make an informed decision about which network emulator or simulator to choose,

Network & Security Quizzes

27 Sep, 16:57

Popular port numbers and applications

Network & Security Quizzes

11 Sep, 01:01


Network & Security Quizzes

11 Sep, 01:01

Network & Security Quizzes

11 Sep, 01:01

Network & Security Quizzes

11 Sep, 01:01

Network & Security Quizzes

26 Aug, 20:39

There are 2^128 IPv6 addresses, which is about 3.4 * 10^38.

The surface area of the earth is about 5.1 * 10^14 square meters.

So there are about 6.67 * 10^23 addresses per square meter.

Network & Security Quizzes

26 Aug, 16:31

types of multi-factor authentication

Type 1 – Something You Know – includes passwords, PINs, combinations, code words, or secret handshakes. Anything that you can remember .

Type 2 – Something You Have – includes all items that are physical objects, such as keys, smart phones, smart cards, USB drives, and token devices.

Type 3 – Something You Are – includes any part of the human body that can be offered for verification, such as fingerprints, palm scanning, facial recognition, retina scans, iris scans, and voice verification.