Question and Answer @questionscims Channel on Telegram

Question and Answer


🍂Question&Answer Channel
The purpose of this channel is to help preachers for responding to the questions of christians.

🍂You can search for the answer that you want by clicking on the Arabic translation above the English translation

Question and Answer (English)

Are you a preacher looking for help in responding to the questions of Christians? Look no further than the Question & Answer Channel! This channel is specifically designed to assist preachers in providing insightful answers to common inquiries from the Christian community. With a focus on bridging communication gaps and fostering understanding, the Question & Answer Channel is a valuable resource for those seeking guidance on theological matters. Simply click on the Arabic translation above the English translation to search for the answer you need. Join us today and enhance your preaching journey with the support of a knowledgeable community dedicated to sharing wisdom and insights.

Question and Answer

13 Dec, 08:24

بشرى 🎊

نزف لكم بشرى تدشين موقع خاص بمحتوى قنوات المحاورة بجميع اللغات

الموقع تم تصميمه ببرنامج نوشن وبالتالي :

👌 يمكنك الدخول إليه على الويب واستخدامه دون تنزيل البرنامج

👌وبه نسخة من قناة سؤال وجواب

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We are delighted to announce the launch of a  website for the contents of conversation channels in all languages. 

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Question and Answer

26 Aug, 13:42

نسخة من القناة pdf
تحسباً لحدوث أي إغلاق أو عطل لبرنامج التليجرام

Question and Answer

26 Aug, 13:41

Question and Answer.pdf

Question and Answer

22 Jun, 08:10

Question and Answer pinned «🍁🍁بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 🍁🍁 #الفهرس Index #القائمة_1 list #القائمة_2 list #القائمة_3 list #القائمة_4 list #القائمة_5 list #القائمة_6 list #القائمة_7 list 🍂You can search for the answer that…»

Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:09

قناة سؤال وجواب💐

قناتنا دعوية تعنى لمساعدة الدعاة في الرد على أسئلة النصارى

قال تعالى🍃
« وَلَا تُجَادِلُوا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْهُمْ ۖ وَقُولُوا آمَنَّا بِالَّذِي أُنزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَأُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ وَإِلَٰهُنَا وَإِلَٰهُكُمْ وَاحِدٌ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُسْلِمُونَ » ..

و من هذا المنطلق قمنا بإنشاء قناة الإجابات📌
لتكون عونا لكل داعية فى الرد على اغلب اسئلة النصارى و دعوتهم للاسلام 🍃
الرجاء منكم نشرها فالدال على الخير كفاعله

‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

The purpose of this channel is to help daeias (preachers) for responding to the questions of christians.

🍃Allah says in Quran ( what means ): "And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.""[29:46]🍃

📌From this point of view, we established this Channel to be helpful for every daeia (preacher) to enable him for responding to most questions of Christians and calling them to Islam.

📌Please, share it "Whoever leads to good, he is like the one who does it."

Question and Answer📌
🍂You can search for the answer that you want by clicking on the Arabic translation above the English translation.


Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:08

List 6

#السؤال_105_يزعم_المسيحيون_أن_عيسي_هو_ الرب.philippians 2:5-7
Question 105
Christians claim that philippians 2:5-7 is telling that Jesus was God .

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Question 106
Jesus said,If you ask me anything in my name,I will do it.(John 14:14).

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Question 107
Jesus is yeshua so he is the saviour.

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Question 108
Christians claim that Isaiah (9:5-6) is telling that Jesus was God, Everlasting father, Prince of peace.
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Question 109
Why so Many Religions?

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Question 110
The misconception about al-hoor al-‘iyn in the Qur’aan
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1 Timothy 3:16

Question 111
Did God become manifest in flesh?
1 Timothy 3:16
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Question 112
How to reply to the suspicions concerning woman slavery(captives)?

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Question 113
Islams prespective on ancestor worshipping.

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Question 114
Why did Allah preserve the Quran and allow His earlier books of divine revelation to be changed or lost?

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#السؤال_115_يزعم_المسيحيون_أن_عيسي_هو_الرب.( Corinthians 8:6)
Question 115
Christians claim that Corinthians 8:6 is telling that Jesus was God .

‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 116
Why did many people join Islam recently?

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Question 117
How to make Dawaa with the Quran?

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Question 118
What is the Islam?

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How were the prophets Muslims before the mission of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?


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POLYGYNY – Why Muslims Men Allowed to Marry 4 Wives?

‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

°•○● نفع الله بكم الإسلام ●○•°


Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:08

list 5

Question 81
God tells us about his nature and shape in Bible but He doesn't tell about his shape in Quran.
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 82
Jesus doesn't have a sin but Muhammad has a sin.
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Question 83
What freedom does Islam give?
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Question 84
No Racism and nationalism in Islam.
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Question 85
Jesus Alpha and Omega.
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Question 86
Jesus is a servant of God.
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Question 87
Because Jesus is the firstborn of all creation, he must be God!
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Question 88
Is Essa in Quran, Jesus in Bible?
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Question 89
Who did write Quran and how is it put together?
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Question 90
Why does woman take hafe what man takes in inheritance?
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Question 91
The misconception about Zabiha according to the method of Islam.
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Question 92
The evidence of prophethood Muhammad from Bible.
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Question 93
Why Islam doesn't allow Sex before marriage?
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Question 94
To respond to drink the urine of camels.
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Question 95
Saying of Jesus who sees me as he sees God.
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Question 96
Are Men equal to Women in Islam?

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Question 97
Jesus Christ is Emmanuel which means jesus is God.

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Question 98
The miracles which happen in the church ..

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Question 99
Why do we pray in Arabic?

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#السؤال_المئة_توماس_التلميذ_دعا_يسوع_ربي(John 20:28)

Question 100
Thomas_My_Lord_and_my_God_is_Jesus. John( 20:28)

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Question 101
Jesus is lord in the bible

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Question 102
Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."

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Question 103
By accepting worship, Jesus shows Himself to be the Lord God Almighty.

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Question 104
Why do Muslims sacrifice animals in Eid al-Adha?

‏ ‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــ

°•○● نفع الله بكم الإسلام ●○•°

Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:08

list 4
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 61
Why does God test those He loves most?
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Question 62
The misconception about"so if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed unto you".[10:94]
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Question 63
The misconception about burning Quran.
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 64
The difference between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of paul
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Question 65
To those who claim that the Holy Spirit is necessary to understand the Bible.
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Question 66
To those who expelled the demons, and made the dead alive in the name of Jesus.
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Question 67
Jesus told us why he was sent from God?
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ


Question 68
How do we respond to the verse of beating women in Quran?
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Question 69
The misconception about the death of Muhammad by poison.
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 70
Why Muhammad didn't die for Muslims' sins?
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 71
Why can't women be Imam in prayers?

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Question 72
Why did come Muhammad after Jesus?
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Question 73
The misconception about Jihad.
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 74
Why is prophet Muhammad mentioned in the shahada?
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ


Question 75
Jesus Better or Muhammad?
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Question 76
Jesus is the spirit of God.
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 77
Why do Muslims pray 5 Times a day?
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 78
What is the origin of the crescent in Islam?
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 79
Does love exist in Islam?
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Question 80
To respond to the story of jesus sits on the right hand of the throne of God.
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

°•○● نفع الله بكم الإسلام ●○•°


Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:07

list 3
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 41
Why can't a Muslim woman marry a non_Muslim man?
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Question 42
Why can't a Muslim girl have a boyfriend without marriage?
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Question 43
What is the gender of God?Why is He mentioned in Quran as a singular and sometimes as a plural?
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Question 44
Why do Muslims fast Ramadan?
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Question 45
Why is abrogation in Quran verses?
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Question 46
Refuting Salvation.
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Question 47
What are the differences between Islam and christianity?
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Question 48
What do we mean when we say after the name of Muhammad ,[peace and blessings of Allah be upon him]?
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Question 49
Why is Quran in Arabic language?
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 50
Circumcision in Islam
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Question 51
What about Santa Claus?
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Question 52
Why can't pray except in Arabic language?Can we speak with Allah in another language?
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Question 53
Why is Hijab in Islam?
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Question 54
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Question 55
Do Muslims follow Baptism?
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Question 56
Who is the real founder of Christianity?
Paul and his deception.
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Question 57
To those who say follow only the new testament.
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Question 58
The evidence of entrance the Christians the hell from Bible.
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Question 59
Slavery in Islam.
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Question 60
How can Jesus be the son of God when he is supposed to have always been with God before the creation of everything?!
‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

°•○● نفع الله بكم الإسلام ●○•°


Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:07

list 2

Question 21
Is Jesus the image of God?
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Question 22
Opponents allege that Muhammad is the author of Quran and that Quran is copied from Bible.
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Question 23
Jesus will return, why not Muhammad?
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Question 24
Jesus is the messenger of God from Bible.
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Question 25
Refuting of Trinity.
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Question 26
Why is the name of Jesus mentioned in Quran more than Muhammad?
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Question 27
Jesus was Muslim
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Question 28
Does God need our worship?
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Question 29
Does God for Muslims be the same God for Christians?
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Question 30
For those who say that Quran is the word of devil.
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Question 31
Jesus is a servant of God.
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Question 32
Do Muslims worship the moon?
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Question 33
The misconception of contradiction in Quran that God created the heavens in 6 days or 8 days?
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Question 34
Jesus will deny from those who die worshipping and praying in his name.
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Question 35
To those who argue that Jesus has eternal life.
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Question 36
To respond to the punishment of stoning in Islam.
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Question 37
Muhammad in Bible
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Question 38
Does Muhammad have miracles?
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Question 39
Why is the apostate executed in Islam?
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#السؤال_الأربعون_لماذا_يعاقب_الله_الناس ؟
Question 40
Why does God punish people?
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°•○● نفع الله بكم الإسلام ●○•°


Question and Answer

15 Jun, 06:07

‏ــــــــــــ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ــــــــــــ

Question 1
The father and I are one.
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Question 2
Jesus is the word of God in Bible.
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Question 3
Jesus is the word of God in Quran
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Question 4
Jesus was existent before Abraham and before the creation so he is God.
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Question 5
Jesus was the way, the truth and the life.
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Question 6
To respond to the miracles done by Jesus .
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Question 7
Jesus is son of God
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Question 8
Why is pork prohibited in Islam?
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Question 9
No one can see God except through Jesus .
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Question 10
Do Muslims worship Kaaba and Black Stone?
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Question 11
Islam and Terrorism.
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Question 12
Christians believe that since Jesus will judge people, he must be God.
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Question 13
Insulting women in Islam.
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Question 14
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.[3:16]
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Question 15
Marriage of the prophet Muhammad Aisha.
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Question 16
Polygamy in Islam.
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Question 17
Why does Islam allow for Muslim men to have more than one spouse while denying the same 'right' for women?
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Question 18
Why should Muhammad be the final prophet?
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Question 19
Jesus is God , walks on water and does miracles.
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Question 20
Jesus is God.
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°•○● نفع الله بكم الإسلام ●○•°


Question and Answer

10 Jun, 11:45


POLYGYNY – Why Muslims Men Allowed to Marry 4 Wives?

Islam is criticized for allowing polygamy, for popular culture in the West views polygamy as relatively backward and impoverished. For many Christians, it is a license to promiscuity, and feminists consider it a violation of women’s rights and demeaning to women. A crucial point that needs to be understood is that for Muslims, standards of morality are not set by prevalent Western thought, but by divine revelation. A few simple facts should be borne in mind before any talk of polygamy in Islam.

Islam Did Not Initiate Polygamy
Islam did not introduce polygamy. Among all Eastern nations of antiquity, polygamy was a recognized institution. Among the Hindus, polygamy prevailed from the earliest times. There was, as among the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians, no restriction as to the number of wives a man might have. Although Greece and Rome were not polygamous societies, concubinage was a norm[1]. Islam regulated polygamy by limiting the number of wives and bringing responsibility to its practice. In fact, according to David Murray, an anthropologist, historically polygamy is more common than monogamy.[2]

Polygamy Practiced by God’s Prophets
The great Hebrew patriarchs equally revered by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - Abraham, Moses, Jacob, David, and Solomon, to name a few – were polygamous. According to the Bible:

Abraham had three wives (Genesis 16:1, 16:3, 25:1)

Moses had two wives (Exodus 2:21, 18:1-6; Numbers 12:1)

Jacob had four wives (Genesis 29:23, 29:28, 30:4, 30:9)

David had at least 18 wives (1 Samuel 18:27, 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:3, 3:4-5, 5:13, 12:7-8, 12:24, 16:21-23)

Solomon had 700 wives (1 Kings 11:3).[3]

The example of Jesus, who otherwise overlooked polygamy, is irrelevant as he did not marry during his earthly ministry.
Marriage in Islam
Marriage is a legal arrangement in Islam, not a sacrament in the Christian sense, and is secured with a contract. Islamic marriage lays rights and corresponding responsibilities on each spouse. Children born in wedlock are given legitimacy and share in inheritance from their parents.

The primary purpose of marriage in Islam is regulating sexuality within marriage as well as creating an atmosphere for the continuity and extension of the family. This is in sharp contrast to growing trends on marriage in the West. In recent decades, there are more alternatives to marriage than ever before. Cohabitation - living together outside of marriage - has greatly increased among young, never-married adults, as well as the divorced. More American women are having children outside of marriage, ignoring the traditionally sanctioned sequence of marriage followed by childbearing.

Polygamy in the Quran
The Muslim scripture, the Quran, is the only known world scripture to explicitly limit polygamy and place strict restrictions upon its practice:

“… marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with them, then only one.” (Quran 4:3)

The Quran limited the maximum number of wives to four. In the early days of Islam, those who had more than four wives at the time of embracing Islam were required to divorce the extra wives. Islam further reformed the institution of polygamy by requiring equal treatment to all wives. The Muslim is not permitted to differentiate between his wives in regards to sustenance and expenditures, time, and other obligations of husbands. Islam does not allow a man to marry another woman if he will not be fair in his treatment. Prophet Muhammad forbade discrimination between the wives or between their children.

Also, marriage and polygamy in Islam is a matter of mutual consent. No one can force a woman to marry a married man. Islam simply permits polygamy; it neither forces nor requires it. Besides, a woman may stipulate that her husband must not marry any other woman as a second wife in her prenuptial contract.

Question and Answer

10 Jun, 11:45

The point that is often misunderstood in the West is that women in other cultures - especially African and Islamic - do not necessarily look at polygamy as a sign of women’s degradation. Consequently, to equate polygamy with degrading women is an ethnocentric judgment of other societies.

Even though we see the clear permissibility of polygamy in Islam, its actual practice is quite rare in many Muslim societies. Some researchers estimate no more than 2% of the married males practice polygamy.[4] Most Muslim men feel they cannot afford the expense of maintaining more than one family. Even those who are financially capable of looking after additional families are often reluctant due to the psychological burdens of handling more than one wife. One can safely say that the number of polygamous marriages in the Muslim world is much less than the number of extramarital affairs in the West[5]. In other words, contrary to prevalent notion, men in the Muslim world today are more strictly monogamous than men in the Western world.

Source :

Question and Answer

10 Jun, 11:32


Dc. Faten sabri

I am always amazed at the attempts to offend and to deny the prophethood of
the person who is the last Messenger of God ,

Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

The doctrine of monotheism which says:

Believe in the Creator of the universe and worship Him alone, without a priest, or a saint, or any mediator.

monotheism that calls to believe that God is the One and Only Who has no partner or child, and does not incarnate in the form of a human or an animal.

On the other hand, none of these abusers dare to approach or criticize the one who called for the worship of an animal or stone, nor the one who called for the worship of fire and the sun, nor the one who called for the worship of a human being who came out of a woman’s womb, and who ate and drank like humans.

True Islam will affect their trade, and will lead to the stagnation of their goods, and will free people from their enslavement and threaten their existence.

When humans worship their Creator directly, there is no work for a saint, nor is there any trade for an idol

The poor pagan buys his god of wood, and the rich pagan buys his god of gold.

When a woman focuses on her education and scientific level and covers her beauty , and does not care about competitions based on appearance, then there is no trade in plastic surgery, fashion and the like.

Islam is a threat to the superstitions that enslave humans today.

Question and Answer

22 Mar, 04:32

Allah said in Qur'an:

"Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves.And whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account" Quran(3:19)

And He said “And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." Quran(3:85)

And this “Islam” that God referred to is “the submission to the One True God Allah, following the legislations He sent with His final prophet; Muhammad PBUH.

Allah said in Qur'an:
"....."This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion" Qur'an (5:3)

Question and Answer

22 Mar, 04:32


How were the prophets Muslims before the mission of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?

What is “Islam”?
Islam Is an Arabic word which LITERALLY means “submission”.

Islamically (idiomatically):
It means Submitting to the One True God, associating no partners with him, and worshipping Him according to the legislations He send with the last prophet at any era.
Those who followed Noah, worshipping God alone and applying the legislations sent with Noah (as a last prophet at his time) were Muslims. Also, those who followed Abraham applying the legislations sent to him were Muslims. Same for Jesus followers, were Muslims in the time of Jesus. Also The sons of Israel were Muslims in the time of Moses, peace be upon them all.
NB: Legislations may change according to the circumstances, people nature, time nature, but the core creed never does.

As the final prophet now is Muhammad PBUH then Muslims are those who worship God alone associating no partners with him, and follow the legislations sent with Muhammad PBUH

So, whoever follows him (prophet Mohammed) is a Muslim and whoever doesn't follow him is not a Muslim, because this one will have not surrender to God Almighty, but surrendered to his whims.

The One True God (Allah) called the believers Muslims (submitters), according to the Quran chapter 22:78
“… the faith of your father Ibrāhīm. He (Allah) named you as Muslims earlier …”

Allah tells us in the Quran that ALL his prophets were Muslims. Let’s take a look:

__Prophet Abraham*
(131) When his Lord said to him, "Submit", he said "I have submitted [in Islam] to the Lord of the worlds."
( 132 ) And Abraham instructed his sons [to do the same] and [so did] Jacob, [saying], "O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims."
( 133 ) Or were you witnesses when death approached Jacob, when he said to his sons, "What will you worship after me?" They said, "We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac - one God. And we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."
Qur'an (2:131-133)

“Ibrahim (Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim (submitter).” Qur'an(3:67)

__*Prophet Jesus and the disciples*
“The disciples said," We are supporters for Allah . We have believed in Allah and testify that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]." Qur'an(3:84)

__*Prophet Joseph*
“… Make me die a Muslim and make me join the righteous.”Qur'an(12:101)

__*Prophet Moses & the sons of Israel*
And Mūsā said, “My people, if you have believed in Allah, then, in Him place your trust if you are obedient.” Quran (10:84)

*The magicians of Moses*
“O our Lord, pour out patience upon us, and cause us to die as Muslims (those who submit to you.)” Quran(7:126)

__*Prophet Lot*
“but We did not find in it any Muslims, except one house.”Quran(51:36)

__prophet Soulmun*
“…"We were brought the knowledge before her, and we were Muslims." (i.e., we surrendered "to Allah"). Quran(27:42)

And from that, the Islam that the Queen of Sheba proclaimed, when she declared surrender to her Lord, repented of her shirk(polytheism), asking forgiveness for her sin, as mentioned in Qur'an:
." She said, "My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, and I submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the worlds." Qur'an (7:44)

Christians and Jews are NOT Muslims, As for when Muhammad, may God’s peace and blessings be upon him, was sent, they disbelieved him, and they were not Muslims, and for this reason it is not permissible for anyone to believe that the religion of the Jews and Christians to which they owe today is a true religion acceptable to God equal to the religion of Islam.