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Psych-Smle Channel


🤝لتجميع و تصحيح اسئلة النفسية و الادمان في اختبارات SMLE
📖 المصادر Kaplan , Maudsley , Toronto notes and others
📍ليس لغرض ربحي
📩لارسال الاسئلة [email protected]

<ان احسنت فمن الله و ان اخطأت فمن نفسي و

Psych-Smle Channel (Arabic)

تعتبر قناة Psych-Smle Channel منصة مميزة تهدف إلى تجميع و تصحيح اسئلة النفسية و الادمان في اختبارات SMLE. تقدم القناة المصادر التعليمية الضرورية مثل Kaplan, Maudsley, Toronto notes وغيرها لمساعدة الطلاب على التحضير للاختبارات بشكل أفضل. يهدف القائمون على القناة إلى توفير هذه الموارد التعليمية بغرض المساعدة والتقدم في مجال الطب بصورة غير ربحية. يمكن للمهتمين إرسال الأسئلة عبر البريد الإلكتروني [email protected]. انضم إلى قناة Psych-Smle Channel للاستفادة من محتوى تعليمي عالي الجودة وتحضيرك بشكل مثالي لاختبارات SMLE. اذا حققت النجاح فهو من عند الله، واذا وقعت في الخطأ فذلك من نفسي والشيطان.

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:15

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 question في زمن ما A 29-year-old man presents with a 2-year history of intense fear before giving classes as a teacher in a secondary school. He claims that it is only a matter of time before a major teaching mistake is made. Which of the following phobias…»

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:15

📍 question في زمن ما

A 29-year-old man presents with a 2-year history of intense fear before giving classes as a teacher in a secondary school. He claims that it is only a matter of time before a major teaching mistake is made.

Which of the following phobias is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Social
B. Mixed
C. Specific
D. Agoraphobia

Answer: A

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:13

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 question في زمن ما 29-year-old woman presents to the clinic with recurrent attacks of palpitations, chest pain,difficulty in breathing, and a fear of dying. She also trembles, experiences numbness and tingling sensations in the hands and feet. The past…»

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:13

📍 question في زمن ما

29-year-old woman presents to the clinic with recurrent attacks of palpitations, chest pain,difficulty in breathing, and a fear of dying. She also trembles, experiences numbness and tingling sensations in the hands and feet. The past medical history is not significant. On
examination, she looks tense, and the hands are cold with fine tremors.

Heart rate 108 /min, regular
Temperature 37.2° C
Blood pressure 120/82 mmHg
Respiratory rate 14 /min

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pheochromocytoma
B. Hyperthyroidism
C. Panic disorder
D. Agoraphobia

Answer: C

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:11

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 question في زمن ما Which of the following is described as "False belief not in accordance with a person's intelligence or culture"? A. Illusion B. Delusion C. Hallucination D. Somatization Answer: B»

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:10

📍 question في زمن ما

Which of the following is described as "False belief not in accordance with a person's
intelligence or culture"?

A. Illusion
B. Delusion
C. Hallucination
D. Somatization

Answer: B

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:10

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 better recall A 30-year-old man presents to the Outpatient Clinic with manifestations of opioid withdrawal. After full investigations, he was diagnosed as a heroin addict. As part of the rehabilitation process, he was prescribed a substitute for the addictive…»

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:10

📍 better recall

A 30-year-old man presents to the Outpatient Clinic with manifestations of opioid withdrawal.
After full investigations, he was diagnosed as a heroin addict. As part of the rehabilitation process, he was prescribed a substitute for the addictive drug.

Which of the following drugs should be prescribed?
A. Naloxone
B. Papaverine
C. Methadone
D. Dextromethorphan

Answer: C

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:08

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 question في زمن ما A 78-year-old man is brought to the Outpatient Clinic with a 2-year history of slow and progressive deterioration in his memory. He is able to perform some activities of daily living, including dressing and bathing, as well as cooking.…»

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Jan, 12:08

📍 question في زمن ما

A 78-year-old man is brought to the Outpatient Clinic with a 2-year history of slow and
progressive deterioration in his memory. He is able to perform some activities of daily living, including dressing and bathing, as well as cooking. He has personality changes, once a kind and caring parent; he now displays periods of both agitation and aggression. Neurologic and musculoskeletal examinations cannot be carried out.

Which of the following is the management?

A. Cost-effective laboratory investigation
B. Prescribe Risperidone for the patient
C. Admission to a chronic care facility
D. Refer to a geriatrician

Answer: A if next, D if best

Psych-Smle Channel

04 Jan, 15:49

📍question في زمن ما

Which of the following is the main difference between delirium and dementia?

A. Disturbance of consciousness
B. Multiple cognitive deficits
C. Memory impairment
D. Aphasia

Answer: A

Psych-Smle Channel

04 Jan, 12:14

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍new question Which of the following systems is stimulated by stressful situations? A. Urinary B. Respiratory C. Sympathetic D. Parasympathetic Answer: D Stress leads to an increase in cortisol and catecholamine secretion that can alter the levels of lymphocyte…»

Psych-Smle Channel

04 Jan, 12:11

📍new question
Which of the following systems is stimulated by stressful situations?
A. Urinary
B. Respiratory
C. Sympathetic
D. Parasympathetic
Answer: D

Stress leads to an increase in cortisol and catecholamine secretion that can alter the levels
of lymphocyte production that fight disease.

📍following question
Which of the following is the most likely explanation for these effects?
A. Interpretation of the seeing
B. Psychoneuroimmunology
C. Vaccination effect
D. Personal effects
Answer: B

Psych-Smle Channel

04 Jan, 11:55

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 question في زمن ما 30-year-old man gives a history of pancreatic carcinoma and reports having lost all his prescriptions. He says that despite having recently completed chemotherapy he has developed new symptoms and is afraid of a recurrence. There are…»

Psych-Smle Channel

04 Jan, 11:55

📍 question في زمن ما

30-year-old man gives a history of pancreatic carcinoma and reports having lost all his prescriptions. He says that despite having recently completed chemotherapy he has developed new symptoms and is afraid of a recurrence. There are no medical records for him in the hospitals. When confronted with this information, the patient ran away from the clinic.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Conversion disorder
B. Factitious disorder
C. Hypochondriasis
D. Malingering
Answer: B

Psych-Smle Channel

03 Jan, 10:24

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 question في زمن ما A 25-year-old healthy man complains of episodes of chest tightness, palpitations, dizziness and breathlessness. These episodes resolved after about 5 minutes. He remains normal between episodes and the interval may extend for several…»

Psych-Smle Channel

03 Jan, 10:24

📍 question في زمن ما

A 25-year-old healthy man complains of episodes of chest tightness, palpitations,
dizziness and breathlessness. These episodes resolved after about 5 minutes. He remains
normal between episodes and the interval may extend for several days before a new
episode occurs. He has had constant anxiety about having another attack and feels sad
about the situation. The patient cannot identify a triggering mechanism.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Generalized anxiety disorder
B. Major depressive disorder
C. Phobic reaction
D. Panic disorder
Answer: D

Psych-Smle Channel

03 Jan, 10:21

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 similar scenario with other choices A 26-year-old man presents to the clinic with a history of unusual behavior. He keeps a blanket over the television believing that the government uses the actors to spy through the TV. He believes that the instructions…»

Psych-Smle Channel

03 Jan, 10:21

📍 similar scenario with other choices

A 26-year-old man presents to the clinic with a history of unusual behavior. He keeps a
blanket over the television believing that the government uses the actors to spy through the TV. He believes that the instructions to cover the TV came from God who spoke through the light bulb.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Schizophrenia
B. Agoraphobia
C. Dementia
D. Mania
Answer: A

Psych-Smle Channel

03 Jan, 10:20

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 better recall A 21-year-old woman presents to the clinic with a history of changes in the voice that she hears. Until now, it had been merely making critical comments about everything she did. For the past 2 weeks, however, she thinks the voices seemed…»

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:21

و يلومونا في حب الصغار 💕
شكرا لكم و كملوا بليز اسئلة ملف زميلكم ما زالت كثير و ناقصة

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:15

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 November question Patient known drug abuser then developed fever night sweeting arthralgia finger splinter hemorrhages erythematous rash on palms and involves soles Diagnosis ? A-HIV infection B-syphilis C-Enfective D- infective endocarditis Answer…»

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:15

📍 November question

Patient known drug abuser then developed fever night sweeting arthralgia finger splinter hemorrhages
erythematous rash on palms and involves soles
Diagnosis ?

A-HIV infection
D- infective endocarditis

Answer is D

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:12

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍November question: Pregnant lady known to have epilepsy and smoker, then she got premature labor. What is the risk factor for preterm birth? A. Smoking B. Epilepsy I don’t remember the rest Answer is: A»

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:12

📍November question:

Pregnant lady known to have epilepsy and smoker, then she got premature labor. What is the risk factor for preterm birth?
A. Smoking
B. Epilepsy

I don’t remember the rest

Answer is: A

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:10

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍 November question: High school girl who has fears of being obese. She visited the PHCC with her mother reports that her daughter refuses to eat with the family, She often pretends being sleep, Which of the following disorders best describe girl? A- Substance…»

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:10

📍 November question:

High school girl who has fears of being obese. She visited the PHCC with her mother reports that her daughter refuses to eat with the family, She often pretends being sleep, Which of the following disorders best describe girl?

A- Substance Abuse
B- Obesity
C- Bulimia Nervosa
D- Anorexia Nervosa

Answer is: D

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:02

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍November question: Similar scenario, different question: male was given haloperidol suddenly became hypotensive and unconscious , Bp was 85/40 , what the next step of management? A- Naloxone B- IV fluid i don’t remember the rest of the options Answer…»

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Nov, 12:02

📍November question:
Similar scenario, different question:

male was given haloperidol suddenly became hypotensive and unconscious , Bp was 85/40 , what the next step of management?
A- Naloxone
B- IV fluid

i don’t remember the rest of the options

Answer is:
Next step : IV fluid
Antidote/ management: Bromocriptine

Psych-Smle Channel

21 Nov, 19:33

نداء للصغار ..📣
يرجى البحث عن هذه السيناريوهات و ارسالها لنا

🙏🏽فزعنا لكم .. افزعوا لنا🙏🏽

Psych-Smle Channel

21 Nov, 19:27

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍November question: A 42-year-old man comes to the clinic with his brother. The brother is concerned that he has been acting strangely over the past 4 months. In particular, he has been irritable and criticizes everyone at home. The changes were subtle at…»

Psych-Smle Channel

21 Nov, 19:27

📍November question:

A 42-year-old man comes to the clinic with his brother. The brother is concerned that he has been acting strangely over the past 4 months. In particular, he has been irritable and criticizes everyone at home. The changes were subtle at first but now arguments arise every other day. He has difficulty initiating conversation and even pauses halfway through sentences. There is no family history of note and he is not taking any medications. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Alzheimer's disease
B. Vascular dementia
C. Huntington's disease
D. Frontotemporal dementia

Answer: D

Psych-Smle Channel

21 Nov, 19:22

🎥 movie of the week

A beautiful mind

Enjoy 🍿
Watch it with eyes of psychiatrist

Psych-Smle Channel

20 Nov, 08:58

زميل/ة لكم ارسل لسايلنت هذا الملف
جميع الاسئلة الي عليها 👈🏽 ما قد وصلتنا من قبل 🤔

إذا عندكم السيناريوهات كاملة لهذه الاسئلة يا ليت ترسلوها لنا عشان نضيفها لكم في الملزمة و انكي و نصححها مع المصادر

+ صححوا الاجوبة الخطا للاسئلة المكررة من الملزمة

^ غير مسؤولين عن هذا الملف لم يتم مراجعته بشكل دقيق 🔴

Psych-Smle Channel

19 Nov, 09:08

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً

Psych-Smle Channel

17 Nov, 14:26

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍November question Psych ethics 40 year old male pt with diabetes mellitus demonstrates acute anxiety when admitted to the hospital for the treatment of hyperglycemia. What is the appropriate intervention to decrease patient’s anxiety? A- Administer a sedative.…»

Psych-Smle Channel

16 Nov, 14:42

📍November question
Psych ethics

40 year old male pt with diabetes mellitus demonstrates acute anxiety when admitted to the hospital for the treatment of hyperglycemia. What is the appropriate intervention to decrease patient’s anxiety?

A- Administer a sedative.

B- Convey empathy, trust, and respect toward the pt.

C- Ignore the signs and symptoms of anxiety, anticipating that they will soon disappear.

D- Make sure that the pt is familiar with the correct medical terms to promote understanding.

Answer is: B

Psych-Smle Channel

13 Nov, 19:20

Kind reminder ⬆️

Psych-Smle Channel

09 Nov, 11:41

Exam questions?

Psych-Smle Channel

08 Nov, 11:47

🎥 Movie of the week

Black swan

Enjoy 🍿
Watch it with eyes of psychiatrist

Psych-Smle Channel

05 Nov, 10:20

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً

Psych-Smle Channel

01 Nov, 20:10

🎥 series of the week

Monsters inside 24 faces of billy milligan

Enjoy 🍿
Watch it with eyes of psychiatrist

Psych-Smle Channel

30 Oct, 11:48

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً

Psych-Smle Channel

28 Oct, 10:03

Psych-Smle Channel pinned «📍October question Long scenario. Obese Female patient anxious you think she is not in best frame of mind to make decision about bariatric surgery options. What to do? A. Refer psychiatrist B. Consent husband C. Inform D. Hospital authorities Answer is…»

Psych-Smle Channel

28 Oct, 10:03

📍October question

Long scenario. Obese Female patient anxious you think she is not in best frame of mind to make decision about bariatric surgery options. What to do?
A. Refer psychiatrist
B. Consent husband
C. Inform
D. Hospital authorities

Answer is A

Psych-Smle Channel

25 Oct, 11:33

🎥 Movie of the week

A million little pieces

Enjoy 🍿
Watch it with eyes of psychiatrist

Psych-Smle Channel

24 Oct, 10:36

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً

Psych-Smle Channel

23 Oct, 08:39

🎉 بناء على طلبكم .. نبشركم!

جهزنا لكم فلاش كاردز لملف "SMLE Psychiatry Questions"

الملف اللي تعرفونه واللي يعتمد عليه نجاحكم في الاختبار صار متوفر على ANKI!

انكي السعودية جاب لكم عرض ما يفوت! 👏🏻
سعر رمزي وخصم 50% لأول 100 طلب!
+ كود خصم "Psy"

🔗 للطلب:

واضافوا الاسئلة اللي موجودة بالقناة وما انضافت للملف 💯!

تقدر تذاكر سواء على الجوال أو الكمبيوتر مع انكي!

💥 وعلى فكرة: الملف مراجع ومجهز بعناية فائقة، تضمن أن كل معلومة موثوقة ودقيقة.
والأحلى أنهم يوفرون لكم ضمان ذهبي – جرب الفلاش كاردز وإذا ما عجبتك، يرجعون لك المبلغ كامل! 😎

📞 خدمة العملاء عندهم متاحة 24/7:
وفي قناتهم شرح كامل لطريقة الاستخدام:

انكي السعودية فريق مكون من أطباء مقيمين وطلاب طب سعوديين موثقين في منصة الأعمال السعودية.

لا يفوتكم! 🌟

📍 هذا الملف ما راح يلغي الملزمة و لا الاسئلة المثبتة على القناة

Psych-Smle Channel

21 Oct, 20:10

Patient has stress in his life and he pull his hair and he has empty hair spaces?
A- Trichotillomania
B- anxiety disorder

Your answer 👇

Psych-Smle Channel

19 Oct, 11:59

October without questions?!!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Psych-Smle Channel

18 Oct, 18:52

Q 11 & 12 page 54 at the booklet 🤓

Psych-Smle Channel

18 Oct, 18:49

Psych-Smle Channel

17 Oct, 21:18

🎥 Movie of the week

The three christs

Enjoy 🍿
Watch it with eyes of psychiatrist

Psych-Smle Channel

15 Oct, 05:05

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً

Psych-Smle Channel

11 Oct, 19:12

📽️ Movie/ Series of the week:

The patient

Enjoy.. 🤓🍿🥤
Watch it with eyes of psychiatrist

Psych-Smle Channel

10 Oct, 09:52

بخيلين في اكتوبر و لا ايش؟

Psych-Smle Channel

06 Oct, 18:40


Psych-Smle Channel

02 Oct, 04:47

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً

Psych-Smle Channel

01 Oct, 06:03

بداية خير ..☀️
بالتوفيق لجميع الاطباء المقيمين مع بداية رحلة الرزدينسي اليوم 🙏

Psych-Smle Channel

24 Sep, 04:53

يرجى ارسال الاسئلة الجديدة الخاصة بالنفسية و الادمان
على الايميل مع التاكد من عدم تكرار الاسئلة من الملزمة أو الأسئلة المثبتة

على النحو التالي:

اسم الاختبار: SMLE, DHA, MOH-KW, or DHP
الفترة: (الشهر)
السؤال كاملا قدر المستطاع مع الخيارات

[email protected]

شاكرين لكم تعاونكم سلفاً