unavailable @psychoogs Channel on Telegram



Psychoogs Telegram Channel (English)

Are you a psychology enthusiast looking for a platform to enhance your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals? Look no further than the 'Psychoogs' Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to all things psychology, offering a wide range of discussions, articles, and resources to help you dive deeper into the fascinating world of the human mind. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply someone curious about the mysteries of the brain, Psychoogs is the perfect place for you. Join our community today and engage in insightful conversations, share your thoughts, and expand your understanding of the complexities of the human psyche. Stay updated on the latest trends, research findings, and news in the field of psychology. With a diverse and supportive community of members, you'll have the opportunity to learn, grow, and network with individuals who share your passion for understanding the inner workings of the mind. Don't miss out on this valuable resource – join the Psychoogs Telegram channel now and embark on a journey of exploration and discovery in the realm of psychology!


13 Oct, 16:21

و عن لعنة الوعي
اين يذهب الانسان عندما جميع الاماكن لا تناسبه ؟


12 Oct, 18:19

I don’t like to remember the good days


12 Oct, 05:49

صباح البؤس، لا علاقة للأمل في هذا الصباح. لقد تركناه عند آخر مفترق طرق، تأقلموا وتعايشوا مع حياتكم البائسة. لا تعتقدوا أن مصباح علاء الدين بانتظاركم


10 Oct, 15:10

الجسم في بلد و الروح في بلد، يا وحشة الروح بل يا غربة الجسد


08 Oct, 11:01

فلا ادركت لذة الناجحين ولا سعادة اللاهين ، ظللت مشتت في المنتصف


23 Sep, 22:52

Channel created