Are you ready to join a community of aspiring kings? Look no further than the 'KINGS IN THE MAKING' Telegram channel, managed by the user @nobadmail. This channel is dedicated to empowering individuals to achieve financial success through trading and investing. With the hashtag #OTF, which stands for 'On The Fly,' members are encouraged to take action and make moves towards their financial goals. The channel's motto is to 'be a joker if you want, but don’t play on yo Guap.' In other words, take risks, but always be cautious and informed when trading. It's essential to trade at your risk and seek recommendations from others in the community before making any decisions. The channel provides a platform for members to share insights, tips, and recommendations on trading strategies and investment opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting, 'KINGS IN THE MAKING' is the place to be for those looking to grow their wealth and become financial royalty. Join today and start your journey towards financial success!
03 Jan, 22:46
03 Jan, 19:29
03 Jan, 17:46
08 Dec, 21:11
08 Dec, 20:12
08 Dec, 16:21
08 Dec, 15:15
06 Dec, 23:01
06 Dec, 19:46
16 Nov, 21:17
16 Nov, 20:26
01 Nov, 12:22
01 Nov, 10:26