Psychology Facts @psychology_factss Channel on Telegram

Psychology Facts


In this Channel U Will Get Psychology facts

All Facts u get here are True.100%

If you are looking to improve your personality or personal development, understanding Psychology is much needed

Sometimes we make promotions to grow the channel . Cross500+

Psychology Facts (English)

Are you fascinated by the human mind and behavior? Do you want to learn more about psychology and how it affects our everyday lives? Look no further than the 'Psychology Facts' Telegram channel! This channel, with the username @psychology_factss, is dedicated to providing you with interesting and true facts about psychology.

Whether you are looking to improve your personality, enhance your personal development, or simply expand your knowledge, understanding psychology is essential. By joining this channel, you will have access to a wealth of information that can help you gain insight into the complexities of the human mind.

All the facts shared on this channel are verified to be 100% true, so you can trust the information you receive. In addition to sharing fascinating psychology facts, the channel also occasionally runs promotions to encourage growth and engagement among its members. With a goal of reaching 500 followers, the channel is always looking for new members to join the community of psychology enthusiasts.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your knowledge and discover the wonders of psychology. Join the 'Psychology Facts' Telegram channel today and unlock a world of fascinating information that will broaden your understanding of the human mind and behavior!

Psychology Facts

28 May, 09:01

Someone surrounded with lots of friends is the one with no real friend.


Psychology Facts

30 Aug, 14:54


Psychology Facts

30 Aug, 14:52

If you want people to agree with you, nod your head as you are speaking. This will give them the impression that you are right.

Psychology Facts

30 Jun, 19:12

People won't always tell you how they feel, but they'll show you. Pay attention.

Psychology Facts

30 Jun, 19:10

No one in the world can lie to you if they look into your eyes.

Psychology Facts

21 May, 04:40

90% of people between 10–29 years sleep with their phones.


Psychology Facts

21 May, 04:37


Psychology Facts

08 May, 16:13

People cry not because they are weak. Its because they've been strong for too long.


Psychology Facts

08 May, 16:12

If you are not brave enough, no one will back you up

Psychology Facts

19 Apr, 12:42

People get nicer as they get older.


Psychology Facts

19 Apr, 12:41

People are more productive in a blue room.


Psychology Facts

18 Apr, 03:26

Don't talk , act. Dont tell the show. Dont promise.prove

Psychology Facts

18 Apr, 03:23

Great things happen when you distance yoursellf from all the negative people.

Psychology Facts

14 Apr, 08:21

Bored people are often looking for ways to do good things as the entertainment bores them and does not bring meaning to their life.

Psychology Facts

26 Mar, 15:11

Psychology Facts

17 Mar, 18:54


Psychology Facts

17 Mar, 18:53


Psychology Facts

13 Mar, 19:31

Many people have ''phone anxiety,'' or stress over talking on the phone


Psychology Facts

13 Mar, 19:30
