Welcome to the _lero4ka_05.08 Telegram channel, where you can find the latest fashion trends and inspiration for your wardrobe. This channel is curated by a fashion enthusiast, Samara, who is 20 years old. If you are looking for stylish outfit ideas, makeup tutorials, and fashion tips, then this is the perfect channel for you. Stay updated with the latest trends and elevate your style game with the content shared here. Join us at @priora922 and be part of a fashion-forward community that is always ahead of the curve. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your fashion sense and express your unique style. Follow us now and let's embark on a fashionable journey together! 🖤🌟
24 Jan, 05:09
22 Jan, 11:37
13 Jan, 22:13
13 Jan, 16:31
13 Jan, 11:24
07 Jan, 13:38
07 Jan, 10:26
05 Jan, 15:04
07 Dec, 11:27
06 Dec, 11:11
02 Dec, 12:54
21 Nov, 10:30
21 Nov, 08:45
17 Nov, 22:31
17 Nov, 11:40
10 Nov, 14:27
10 Nov, 09:21
29 Oct, 16:18
29 Oct, 05:49
29 Oct, 01:18
21 Oct, 05:28