Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP @prdup Channel on Telegram

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP


Official channel of Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

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Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP (English)

Are you interested in staying updated with the latest news and developments from the Panchayati Raj Department of the Government of Uttar Pradesh? Look no further than our official Telegram channel, @prdup! As the official channel of the department, we are dedicated to providing you with accurate and timely information regarding various initiatives, programs, and policies related to Panchayati Raj in Uttar Pradesh. Through our channel, you can access valuable resources and updates directly from the department's official portal at http://panchayatiraj.up. and Stay informed about the latest announcements, circulars, and notifications that affect the functioning of Panchayati Raj institutions in the state. Additionally, we invite you to connect with us on Twitter at to join the conversation and engage with like-minded individuals who are passionate about grassroots governance and rural development in Uttar Pradesh. Whether you are a government official, a local community leader, a researcher, or simply a concerned citizen, our channel is the go-to destination for all things related to Panchayati Raj in Uttar Pradesh. Join @prdup today and be a part of the conversation that shapes the future of governance at the grassroots level. Stay informed, stay engaged, and stay connected with the Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP!

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

08 Jan, 18:46

Above are the pics of One Day Training of Trainers(ToT) of Secretaries, Gram Pradhan and Consulting Engineers of 10 districts(selected under Atal Bhujal Yojna) for Water Budgeting. Certificates were distributed to the participants by the Deputy Director (Mr. Raghavendra Kumar Dwivedi) followed by the post evaluation test.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

13 Dec, 11:29

Last Day of the Third Batch(13.12.12) of Newly Appointed GPAs Training. After post test, Director Sir motivated the participants through his speech and distributed the certificate to the participants.Joint Director Sir was also present during the last session.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

13 Dec, 11:05

Group Activity and Presentation by Third Batch(12.12.2024) by Newly Appointed GPAs.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

03 Dec, 12:03

Newly appointed GPAs 10 Days Foundation Training(Second Batch) has been started at PRIT on 02.12.2024 and continued till 11.12.2024. Director, Panchayati Raj inaugurated the Training. Mission Director SBM(G), Joint Director PRIT were also present and graced the occasion.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

30 Nov, 18:06

Post Evaluation, Experience Sharing, Certificate Distribution and Group Photograph of Newly Appointed GPAs First Batch Training(21-30 November, 2024).

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

23 Nov, 15:24

Group Activity and Presentation during the GPAs training at PRIT

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

23 Nov, 15:20

Newly appointed GPAs 10 Days Foundation Training(First Batch) has been started at PRIT on 21.11.2024 and continued till 30.11.2024.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

15 Nov, 03:22

Above are the pics of last day of the Training (13.11.2024) of newly appointed JEs. Participation Certificates were distributed by Director Sir.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

12 Nov, 04:41

Udyami Mitra Residential Training of 118 participants has been started on 11.11.2024 at PRIT. The training was inaugurated by respected Chief Secretary Sir. This training will be continued till 26.11.2024.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

12 Nov, 04:40

On 11.11.2024 Newly Appointed JEs visited District Barabanki(Field Visit-as a part of their training programme) to see various works done under Zila Panchayat viz. Amrit Sarovar, Renovation of existing Zila Panchayat Building, Construction of new building of Nirman Anubhag of ZP, Roof Rain Water Harvesting and Hot Mix Road constd. by ZP. They also visited District Sitapur to see other works done under Zila Panchayat Sitapur.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

07 Nov, 19:32

Newly Appointed JEs Zila Panchayat 07 Days Residential Training has been started today(07.11.2024) at PRIT. The session was inaugurated by Director Panchayati Raj/PRIT. Mr. A.K.Shahi, Joint Director, PRIT, Mr. Praveen Kumar, Ex. Engineer, Zila Panchayat, Ms.Swati Gupta, Work Officer also graced the occasion.The training will be continued till 13.11.2024

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

01 Nov, 02:28

Above are the pics of Sixth Batch of ADO(P) Refresher Training (22-24 October, 2024).

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

23 Oct, 07:57

RTI Presentation.pdf

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

21 Oct, 02:28

Above are the pics of Fifth Batch of ADO(P) Refresher Training (14-16 October, 2024). The certificates were distributed to the participants by Mr. R.S. Chaudhary, Joint Director, PR.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

14 Oct, 15:38

Above are the pics of Fourth Batch of ADO(P) Refresher Training (07-09 October, 2024). The certificates were distributed to the participants by Mr. Yogendra Katiyar, Deputy Director, PR.

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

07 Oct, 10:43

स्वच्छ भारत मिशन(ग्रामीण), उ0प्र0 के विभिन्न सोशल मीडिया एकाउन्ट के लिंक निम्न में दिया गया है-



ट्विटर (X):


*सभी ध्यान दें*

सभी से अनुरोध है कि स्वच्छ भारत मिशन (ग्रामीण), उत्तर प्रदेश के सभी सोशल मीडिया खातों को अनिवार्य रूप से Subscribe/Follow करें।

इसके साथ ही इन सोशल मीडिया खातों के लिंक को जिला, ब्लॉक एवं पंचायत/ग्राम स्तर पर संचालित उपयुक्त व्हाट्सएप समूहों में साझा किया जाए तथा इन लिंक को अधिक से अधिक प्रसारित कर सोशल मीडिया खातों के फॉलोअर्स की संख्या में वृद्धि की जाए।

Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP

04 Oct, 20:50

Above are the pics of 02 Days Basic Computer Knowledge Training of Second Batch (30 Sept.- 01 October,2024) of Panchayat Sahayak of District Lucknow. Certificates were distributed to the participants followed by Post Assessment Test.