Are you interested in staying updated with the latest news and developments from the Panchayati Raj Department of the Government of Uttar Pradesh? Look no further than our official Telegram channel, @prdup! As the official channel of the department, we are dedicated to providing you with accurate and timely information regarding various initiatives, programs, and policies related to Panchayati Raj in Uttar Pradesh.
Through our channel, you can access valuable resources and updates directly from the department's official portal at http://panchayatiraj.up. and Stay informed about the latest announcements, circulars, and notifications that affect the functioning of Panchayati Raj institutions in the state.
Additionally, we invite you to connect with us on Twitter at to join the conversation and engage with like-minded individuals who are passionate about grassroots governance and rural development in Uttar Pradesh.
Whether you are a government official, a local community leader, a researcher, or simply a concerned citizen, our channel is the go-to destination for all things related to Panchayati Raj in Uttar Pradesh. Join @prdup today and be a part of the conversation that shapes the future of governance at the grassroots level. Stay informed, stay engaged, and stay connected with the Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP!
08 Jan, 18:46
13 Dec, 11:29
13 Dec, 11:05
03 Dec, 12:03
30 Nov, 18:06
23 Nov, 15:24
23 Nov, 15:20
15 Nov, 03:22
12 Nov, 04:41
12 Nov, 04:40
07 Nov, 19:32
01 Nov, 02:28
21 Oct, 02:28
14 Oct, 15:38
07 Oct, 10:43
04 Oct, 20:50