Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions @practicalclinicalsessions Channel on Telegram

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions


For Improving Practical Clinical Skills In Internal Medicine

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions (English)

Are you a medical professional looking to enhance your practical clinical skills in internal medicine? Look no further than the 'Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions' Telegram channel! With the username '@practicalclinicalsessions', this channel offers a unique opportunity to learn from Dr. Mazin, a seasoned expert in the field. Dr. Mazin's Clinical Sessions are designed to provide healthcare professionals with valuable insights, tips, and hands-on training to improve their diagnostic and treatment abilities. Whether you are a medical student, resident, or practicing physician, this channel is the perfect platform to sharpen your skills and stay updated with the latest advancements in internal medicine. Through a series of interactive sessions, Dr. Mazin covers a wide range of topics, including clinical case studies, diagnostic procedures, treatment protocols, and patient management strategies. By joining this channel, you will have access to exclusive content, live discussions, and Q&A sessions with Dr. Mazin himself. What sets 'Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions' apart is its focus on practical, real-world scenarios that healthcare professionals encounter on a day-to-day basis. The sessions are interactive, engaging, and tailored to meet the specific needs of the audience. Whether you are looking to improve your physical examination skills, interpret lab results, or make evidence-based treatment decisions, Dr. Mazin's Clinical Sessions will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to excel in your practice. Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to learn from one of the best in the field. Join the 'Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions' Telegram channel today and take your practical clinical skills to the next level. Let Dr. Mazin guide you on your journey to becoming a more competent and confident healthcare professional. See you at the next session!

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

14 Jun, 11:42

If a person suffers from numbness, tingling, pins and needles, burning or/and other symptoms of sensation in both the hands and feet or in the hands only or the feet only or in one of the hands or one of the feet, this may mean the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy, so a nerve conduction studey and other tests must be performed to find out the cause and then the treatment.

Dr.Mazin Muzamil
Internal Medicine Specialist - Neurology Fellow


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

12 Jun, 19:15

If someone suddenly experiences difficulty in speaking and communication, whether it is the result of difficulty in the movement of the tongue or difficulty in the understanding of speech, weakness in the movement of one of the hands or weakness in the movement of one of the legs, this most likely means that an ischmic stroke has occurred in one of the arteries of the brain especially if that person is old or suffers from risk factors such as Hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia or is a smoker or has other risk factors, the patient must be taken to the nearest emergency room and then an urgent CT scan of the brain must be taken to confirm the diagnosis and after that a clot dissolving medications must begin urgently.

Dr. Mazin Muzamil
Internal Medicine Specialist - Neurology specialty


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

12 Jun, 19:15

Infection of the middle ear, nose, sinuses, and teeth may ascend to the brain and lead to dural sinus thrombosis, so they should not be taken lightly and should be treated as quickly as possible.

Dr. Mazin Muzamil

Internal medicine specialist - Neuromedicine Fellow


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

12 Jun, 19:15

Dehydration, excessive sleeping or lying down and immobility increases the risk of ischemic stroke especially in the elderly, so it is necessary to drink a plenty of fluids and not to sleep or lie down excessively and to make regular physical exercise.

Dr. Mazin Muzamil

Internal medicine specialist - Neuromedicine Fellow


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

12 Jun, 19:15

If you suffer from diabetes and your blood Sugar level was high for a period of time and then suddenly changed to become closer to low or low without any regulation or new treatments to reduce its level in the blood, this may mean that you develop chronic renal failure due to diabetes and this leads to reduction of the production and absorption of sugar by the kidneys and thus decrease in its percentage in the blood, so in this case, it is necessary to consult a Nephrologist and to have a check of the renal function test.

Dr. Mazin Muzamil

Internal medicine specialist - Neuromedicine Fellow


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

12 Jun, 19:14

If you have Hypertension and you have been suffering from high blood pressure for a period of time and then the blood pressure suddenly changes to become closer to low or low without any regulation or new treatments to reduce the Blood pressure, this may mean that you develop Dilated Cardiomyopathy due to the high Blood pressure, and this leads to a reduction in the pumping of blood from the heart and then the blood pressure decreases According, so in this case, it is necessary to see a cardiologist and to take an ECG and Echocardiographey.

Dr. Mazin Muzamil

Internal Medicine Specialist - Neuromedicine Fellow


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

10 Jun, 12:02

⭕️ العيادة الإلكترونية لدكتور: مازن مزمل أخصائي الباطنية / تخصص المخ والأعصاب.

💊 العيادة صممت للمساهمة في رفع معاناة المرضى ولمجابهة الآثار السالبة التي يواجهونها نتيجة" للحرب في السودان.

⭕️ خدمات العيادة:

▪️ أخذ التفاصيل المرضية عبر مكالمات الواتساب.
▪️أخذ العلامات المرضية عبر الفيديو أو التصوير للواتساب .
▪️ كتابة الفحوصات والعلاجات اللازمة عبر روشتة مختومة.
▪️الإشراف على حالة المريض.
▪️ متابعة المريض لمدة إسبوع مجانا" عند الضرورة.
▪️ الإجابة على الإستشارات الطبية.

📌 العيادة أون لاين فقط.

📌 العيادة صممت برسوم رمزية تبعا" لظروف الحرب.

📌 مواعيد العيادة: كل أيام الإسبوع.

📌 للحجز للعيادة يرجى التواصل على الرقم +251989375847 عبر الواتساب فقط بالضغط على الرابط: https://wa.me/251989375847

📌 لمتابعة صفحة العيادة على الفيسبوك إضغط على الرابط:

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

19 May, 14:14

⭕️ We are pleased to announce to you the launch of the Mazin Muzamil Internal Medicine and Neurology clinic that is covered by Dr. Mazin Muzamil who is Internal Medicine Specialist / Neurology Specialty:

📌 The clinic is Online only.

📌 The clinic was designed with nominal fees.

📌 The Clinic is working Daily.

⭕️ The Clinic services are:

▪️ Taking Medical History via the WhatsApp calls.

▪️ Taking the pathological signs of the patient via the video or the photography of the WhatsApp.

▪️ Writing the necessary tests and treatments via a stamped prescription.

▪️ Supervising the patient’s condition.

▪️ Making a Free follow-up for the patient for a week when necessary.

▪️ Answering of the Medical Consultations.

📌 To book to the clinic, please contact our phone number: +251989375847 via WhatsApp only.

📌 Follow our Facebook Page by Pressing on the following Link:


Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

07 May, 11:43

⭕️يسرنا أن نعلن لكم إنطلاق العيادة الإلكترونية🩺..

لدكتور: مازن مزمل أخصائي الباطنية/ تخصص المخ والأعصاب.

العيادة صممت لتخفيف معاناة المرضى داخل السودان مع ظروف الحرب المتمثلة في ندرة تخصص المخ والأعصاب وصعوبة التنقل لولاية أخرى يوجد بها أخصائي مخ وأعصاب كما صممت العيادة برسوم رمزية تبعا" لظروف الحرب، الخدمات التي تقدمها العيادة:

▪️ أخذ التفاصيل المرضية من المريض أو مرافقه مباشرة" عبر تقنية مكالمات الواتساب.
▪️ معاينة المريض لأخذ العلامات المرضية عبر تقنية الفيديو للواتساب أو عبر إرسال صور لمكان الأذى المصاحب لمرض المريض أو عبر تقنية القوقل ميتينق للذين لديهم إمكانية له عند الضرورة.
▪️ كتابة الفحوصات اللازمة عبر روشتة مختومة ترسل مصورة عبر الواتساب ومن ثم قراءة نتائجها بعد إستلام صور لها.
▪️ كتابة العلاجات اللازمة عبر روشتة مختومة ترسل مصورة عبر الواتساب.
▪️الإشراف على حالة المريض بالتنسيق والتعاون مع أقرب طبيب يزوره المريض عبر التقنيات المذكورة أعلاه في حالة المرضى ذوي الحالات الحرجة.
▪️ متابعة المريض لمدة إسبوع من تاريخ المقابلة مجانا" عند الضرورة عبر التقنيات المذكورة أعلاه بطلب من المريض.
▪️ الإجابة على الإستشارات الطبية.
▪️كتابة وحفظ بيانات المريض عبر نظام العيادة الإلكتروني للمساعدة في معرفة تفاصيل مرضه مستقبلا" عند الضرورة مع جدولة متابعات دورية كل فترة من الزمن لمرضى الأمراض المزمنة.

📌مواعيد العيادة: كل أيام الإسبوع.

📌للحجز للعيادة يرجى التواصل على الرقم +251989375847 عبر الواتساب فقط.

ودمتم سالمين ونسأل الله سبحانه وتعالى أن تتوقف الحرب وأن ينعم السودان بالأمن والسلام والإستقرار.

لمتابعة صفحة العيادة على الفيسبوك أضغط على الرابط:

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 19:50

Neurologey Physical Examination Steps and how to formulate a deferential diagnosis and a warkup plan (third part)

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 19:49

Neurologey Physical Examination Steps and how to formulate a deferential diagnosis and a warkup plan (second part)

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 19:46

Neurologey physical Examination Steps and how to formulate a deferential diagnosis and a warkup plan (first part)

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 18:41

Live stream finished (38 minutes)

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 18:03

Live stream started

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 17:30

Live stream finished (1 hour)

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 16:25

Live stream started

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 16:07

Live stream finished (24 minutes)

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

11 Feb, 15:42

Live stream started

Dr.Mazin Clinical Sessions

08 Feb, 10:16

Detail Neurologey Historey third part