Welcome to 'политики бухают каждый день' - a Telegram channel where politicians and more enjoy some drinks every day! This channel is for those who are interested in a lighter side of politics, where world leaders and others are caught on camera enjoying some alcoholic beverages. It's a fun and entertaining way to see a different side of those in power.
The channel offers a unique look into the private lives of politicians, showcasing them in a more relaxed and informal setting. You can expect to see candid photos and videos of various political figures indulging in some drinks, giving you a glimpse into their personal lives outside of their public image.
For those interested in contributing to the channel, there are options for sponsorship. You can reach out to @ozymqndias for partnership opportunities. And if you feel like buying a round of drinks for the politicians, you can use the provided payment details to chip in for the next round! From Russia or anywhere else, you can join in on the fun.
Join 'политики бухают каждый день' today for a lighthearted look at politicians and their drinking habits. Cheers to politics and good times!
23 Jan, 09:32
20 Jan, 11:29
19 Jan, 06:47
16 Jan, 18:53
14 Jan, 05:24
11 Jan, 17:16
10 Jan, 20:50
09 Jan, 07:05
08 Jan, 09:02
07 Jan, 07:14
05 Jan, 13:15
04 Jan, 06:42
31 Dec, 11:17
30 Dec, 10:00
28 Dec, 11:04
27 Dec, 05:32
16 Dec, 16:00
08 Dec, 16:47
07 Dec, 14:31
05 Dec, 07:29
04 Dec, 07:21
03 Dec, 11:22
02 Dec, 19:37
02 Dec, 15:44
- Т-Банк2202206807088013
- Сбер02 Dec, 15:42
02 Dec, 07:45
30 Nov, 07:44
29 Nov, 07:22
28 Nov, 09:37
24 Nov, 09:25
23 Nov, 11:23
21 Nov, 06:16
19 Nov, 08:16
11 Nov, 06:48
10 Nov, 07:02
08 Nov, 07:42
06 Nov, 11:56
06 Nov, 04:55
01 Nov, 20:07
25 Oct, 06:55
21 Oct, 10:49
17 Oct, 19:17
17 Oct, 18:58
14 Oct, 02:52
13 Oct, 14:47