YP, also known as phonkovaaaa, is a Telegram channel dedicated to young professionals looking to network, grow their careers, and stay up-to-date with industry trends. This channel is the perfect place for ambitious individuals who are committed to their personal and professional development. With a focus on career advice, job opportunities, and educational resources, YP provides valuable insights and connections that can help members succeed in their chosen fields. Whether you're just starting out in your career or looking to take it to the next level, YP is the go-to channel for all your professional needs. Join today and unlock a world of opportunities and growth!
10 Jan, 22:19
10 Jan, 12:12
03 Jan, 12:51
02 Jan, 16:52
22 Nov, 06:03
22 Nov, 05:54
11 Nov, 16:50
10 Nov, 18:13
23 Oct, 14:06
23 Oct, 04:11
22 Oct, 10:05