🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية @phdenglishalgeria Channel on Telegram

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية


🔸 This content is designed for entrance exams, PhD studies and postgraduate courses 📚

🔸 Main topics 🔎 : #Didactics #Linguistics #Langauge #Sciences #Applied #linguistics #TEFL, #Civilisation & #Literature

🔸Admin ✍️ @Mawhoub_Sehari

PHD prep Algeria (Arabic)

تمتع بقناة "PHD" prep Algeria على تطبيق تيليجرام! إن كنت تفكر في الالتحاق بامتحانات الدخول للدكتوراه، أو تفكر في الدراسات العليا والدراسات البعدية، فهذه القناة هي المكان المناسب لك. تقدم القناة محتوى متخصص في تحضيرك لمسابقة الدكتوراه في "لغة انجليزية". يتناول المحتوى الرئيسي للقناة مواضيع مثل Didactics، Linguistics، Langauge، Sciences، Applied linguistics، TEFL، Civilisation، و Literature. تستطيع الاستفادة من مشاركة الأفكار والموارد مع المشرفين والأعضاء الآخرين على القناة. لا تفوت فرصة تحضير نفسك بشكل أفضل، انضم الآن إلى قناة "PHD" prep Algeria على تطبيق تيليجرام وابدأ رحلتك نحو النجاح! الإداري المسؤول عن القناة هو @Mawhoub_Sehari.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Dec, 15:49


🔵 مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه:


▪️ General Culture

▪️ Didactics

Literature and Civilization:

▪️ General Culture

▪️ Literature Anglophone

🔵 تاريخ المسابقة: 15 فيفري 2025

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Dec, 15:46

🔴🔴 جامعة غليزان

الاعلان عن مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Dec, 15:37

📢 إعلان خاص بالمسابقة الوطنية للتكوين في الدكتوراه بعنوان السنة الجامعية 2024-2025 بجامعة الجزائر 2 أبو القاسم سعد الله.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Dec, 15:34

بوزريعة ✍️

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Dec, 15:27

🔴🔴 جامعة البويرة

الاعلان عن مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Dec, 15:26

🔴🔴 جامعة وهران

الاعلان عن مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

29 Dec, 23:11

النعامة 📚


🔵 مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه:

Applied Linguistics:

▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Applied Linguistics


▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Didactics of foreign languages

Language Sciences:

▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Sociolinguistics


▪️ Research methodology

▪️ ESP


▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Comparative Literature

🔵 تاريخ المسابقة: 15 فيفري 2025

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

29 Dec, 23:10

ميلة 📚


🔵 مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه:

Applied Linguistics:

▪️ Didactics

▪️ Applied Linguistics

🔵 تاريخ المسابقة: 8 فيفري 2025

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

29 Dec, 23:09

جامعة البيض 📚


🔵 مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه:

Applied Linguistics:

▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Applied Linguistics


▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Didactics

🔵 تاريخ المسابقة: 15 فيفري 2025

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

29 Dec, 23:08

جامعة المدية 📚


🔵 مقاييس مسابقة الدكتوراه:

Language Sciences:

▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Discourse studies and discourse analysis

Didactics and Linguistics of the English language

▪️ Research methodology

▪️ Applied Linguistics

🔵 تاريخ المسابقة: 15 فيفري 2025

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

29 Dec, 23:07

المركز الجامعي لولاية البيض 🎓

تاريخ المسابقة 15\2\2025

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:29

ملاحظات يجب أخذها بعين الإعتبار 📒

1. الأخطاء الإملائية والنحوية:

تجنب الوقوع في الأخطاء الإملائية والنحوية ✍️📚، خاصة في المنهجية باللغة الأجنبية. المصحح يمكنه تجاوز خطأ أو اثنين، لكن الأخطاء المتكررة قد تؤثر سلبًا عليك .

2. المعلومات الخاطئة أو المشكوك فيها:

تجنب ذكر معلومات غير صحيحة أو غير مؤكدة ⚠️. من الأفضل كتابة معلومات دقيقة وصحيحة بدلاً من معلومات مغلوطة أو مشكوك فيها.

3. الإجابة غير المنهجية:

تأكد من الإجابة بطريقة منهجية وسليمة 🧠📝، مع اتباع الخطوات الأكاديمية المعتمدة. الإجابة غير المنظمة قد تؤدي إلى تقييم سلبي من قبل المصحح .

اتباع هذه النقاط سيزيد من فرصك في النجاح 🎯!

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:25

الخاتمة 📙:

تُعتبر الخاتمة بمثابة تلخيص لجميع النتائج التي تم الوصول إليها خلال دراسة الموضوع، بالإضافة إلى تقديم حلول للمشكلة التي تم طرحها في التمهيد. في هذه الخاتمة، قدم الباحث فكرة مغايرة للخاتمة التقليدية التي تقتصر على ذكر النقاط الأساسية المتضمنة في العرض. ومن خلال هذا المنهج الجديد، ابتعد عن الأسلوب التقليدي وركز على النقد الموضوعي المدعوم بأطروحات لكتاب ساهموا في هذا المجال. ومن خلال هذه الأساليب، تمكن الباحث من دعم موقفه بشكل موفق، مما عزز فكرته وأدى إلى تأكيدها بشكل علمي مدروس. 📚💡

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:22

💡 العرض: خطوات للإجابة على الإشكالية بوضوح ومنهجية

العرض هو الجزء الرئيسي من الإجابة، حيث تقوم بتحليل الإشكالية المطروحة والإجابة عنها بأسلوب منهجي مدعم بالأدلة والبراهين. لكتابة عرض متكامل، اتبع الخطوات التالية:

1️⃣ الإجابة عن الإشكالية بشكل مباشر:

ابدأ بتحليل الإشكالية وفقًا للتمهيد الذي قدمته في المقدمة.

🔍 استعن بالمعلومات التي لديك مع استخدام أدلة وبراهين واضحة.

2️⃣ استخدام أمثلة وأقوال:

يمكنك توضيح النقاط باستخدام أمثلة عملية أو أقوال لكتاب وشخصيات بارزة.

🗓️ إضافة تواريخ أو أحداث يعزز من قوة حججك.

⚠️ ملاحظة: تجنب الإطالة واحرص على الإيجاز والوضوح.

3️⃣ إبداء وجهة نظرك بحذر:

يمكنك التعبير عن وجهة نظرك الشخصية إذا كانت تتماشى مع الموضوع.

🤔 إذا كانت وجهة نظرك تخالف الموضوع، يمكنك التخلي عنها والاكتفاء بالعرض الموضوعي.

كتابة عرض منهجي ومدعّم يساعدك في تقديم إجابة متماسكة ومقنعة للإشكالية المطروحة.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:21

منهجية الإجابة 📙

📜 المقدمة: خطوات منهجية لكتابة تمهيد متميز

المقدمة هي المدخل الأساسي الذي يبدأ به الطالب طريقته في الإجابة، حيث تمهّد للنقاش بشكل منظم ومنهجي. لكتابة مقدمة مميزة، يمكن اتباع الخطوات التالية:

1️⃣ وضع ملخص عام للموضوع:

قم بكتابة فكرة عامة وشاملة عن الموضوع اعتمادًا على معرفتك.

حاول توضيح أهم النقاط والأفكار التي ستتناولها.

2️⃣ تقديم تلميح عن الموضوع:

استخدم أفكارًا توحي بمضمون الموضوع دون الكشف عنه بالكامل.

🧠 الهدف هنا أن يكوّن الأستاذ المصحح فكرة عامة عن النقاش الذي ستقدمه.

3️⃣ إضافة الإشكالية والفرضيات:

✍️ الإشكالية والفرضيات عنصران أساسيان في المنهجية.

توضح مدى فهمك للموضوع وتُظهر قدرتك على التحليل والتفكير النقدي.

اتباع هذه الخطوات يساعدك في إعداد مقدمة منهجية تسهّل عليك الانتقال إلى مراحل المناقشة اللاحقة.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:16

خاص بكتابة المقالات 📝

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:15

How to answer phd contest

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Nov, 00:15

نموذج خاص بمنهجية الإجابة في مسابقة الدكتوراه 📝

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 23:32

That will be all for tonight

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 23:05

Linear regression


Linear regression is a statistical method used to understand the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. In social sciences, including English and language studies, linear regression can help researchers analyze and interpret data related to various phenomena. Here’s how it applies:

Key Concepts

1. Dependent Variable (Y):

This is the outcome or variable of interest that researchers want to predict or explain. For example, it could be students' academic performance, language proficiency scores, or the frequency of language use.

2. Independent Variable (X):

These are the factors that may influence the dependent variable. In language studies, independent variables might

Applications in English and Language Studies

1. Language Acquisition:

Researchers may study how factors like age, motivation, or instructional methods influence language acquisition success.

2. Literary Analysis:

Linear regression can be used to analyze the relationship between variables like authorship, genre, or historical context and the themes or styles present in literary works.

3. Sociolinguistics:

This field often uses regression analysis to examine how social factors (e.g., class, ethnicity) impact language use and variation within communities.

4. Assessment of Interventions:

Evaluating the effectiveness of educational interventions (e.g., new teaching methods) on students’ language skills can be done through regression analysis to determine if there is a significant impact.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:53


Correlation is a research analysis method used to describe the relationship or association between two variables.

It indicates both the direction and magnitude of the relationship between events or variables.

Some of the most commonly used correlation types include:

Pearson's Correlation Coefficient: Used for continuous variables.

Spearman's Rank Correlation: Suitable for ordinal or ranked data.

Understanding Correlation Coefficients

Positive Correlation: If the sign of the correlation is positive, the variables are linearly correlated.

Magnitude of Relationship:




As the correlation value approaches 1, the relationship becomes stronger. Conversely, as approaches 0, the relationship weakens.

Coefficient of Determination

The coefficient of determination ( ) provides insight into the strength of the relationship as a percentage, calculated as .

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:48

Sure! Here’s the revised version with different emojis:

🍏 Defining the scope of your study is essential to establish the boundaries and focus of your research.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you develop the scope effectively:

Identify Your Research Objectives:

Begin by clearly stating the main objectives of your study. Outline the specific aspects or questions you aim to address, which will help define the focus of your research.

🌍 Set Research Boundaries:

Consider the limitations and constraints of your study. Define any geographical, temporal, or organizational boundaries relevant to your research context.

👥 Specify the Target Population or Sample:

Identify the population or sample that your study will focus on. Specify if your research involves a particular industry, organization, or demographic group.

🔑 Define Key Variables or Factors:

Pinpoint the central variables or factors in your study. These might include certain statistical measures, management practices, or other relevant elements linked to your topic.

📊 Clarify Data Collection Methods:

Identify the data collection methods you’ll use, whether surveys, interviews, experiments, or dataset analysis. Outline any specific sources or approaches that will guide your data gathering.

📈 Highlight Expected Outcomes:

Briefly state the anticipated outcomes or deliverables of your study. Mention the insights, recommendations, or contributions your research will provide, ensuring they align with your stated objectives.

🛠️ Using Statistical Software:

Knowledge of tools like GIS, STATA, SPSS, R, XLSTAT, and similar software can aid in effective data analysis within the defined scope.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:44

🍏 Drawing conclusions from thesis results requires a detailed analysis of the data and findings to effectively address your research questions and objectives 🎯

Here’s a step-by-step guide to guide you through this process 📝:

✍️ Review Your Results Section:

Begin by thoroughly going over the results section of your thesis, ensuring you understand the data, research variables, methodologies, and statistical analyses used. This step is crucial for creating a solid foundation to draw meaningful conclusions.

🔎 Identify Key Patterns and Trends:

Analyze the data for significant patterns, relationships, differences, or correlations. Also, note any unexpected or contradictory results. It’s important to evaluate the results objectively, considering both the strengths and limitations of your study.

🗣 Relate Findings to Research Questions:

Connect the identified patterns to your research questions or objectives. Determine whether the results support or challenge your initial hypotheses, and consider the broader significance and implications within your research field.

🤌 Evaluate Data Validity and Reliability:

Reflect on the robustness of your research design, sample size, and statistical methods. Determine whether your findings are broadly applicable or specific to the study's conditions.

🤌 Summarize Key Findings:

Clearly highlight the main findings and their implications. Discuss the contribution of your results to the field and identify possible areas for future research.

✍️ Acknowledge Limitations:

Mention any limitations that may have influenced your results, such as sample biases or methodological constraints. Addressing these limitations adds credibility and demonstrates critical thinking.

🪜 Use of Statistical Software:

Familiarize yourself with tools like GIS, STATA, SPSS, R, XLSTAT, and others, as they are essential for analyzing data accurately in research.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:33

🔸 Sampling techniques 📊

🍏 Probability Sampling Techniques

These involve selecting a sample where each member has an equal chance of being chosen. Common techniques include:

1. 🍏 Simple Random Sampling: Each member of the population is randomly selected, giving everyone an equal chance.

2. 🍏 Systematic Sampling: Select every nth member of the population (e.g., every 5th person) based on a fixed interval.

3. 🍏 Stratified Sampling: The population is divided into subgroups, and samples are taken from each group proportionally to represent the population.

4. 🍏 Cluster Sampling: The population is split into clusters, and a random sample of clusters is chosen. All individuals in these clusters are included in the study.

✍️ Non-Probability Sampling Techniques

Here, samples are chosen without random selection, based on factors like availability or the researcher's choice. Techniques include:

1. ✍️ Convenience Sampling: Selects participants who are easiest to access or readily available.

2. ✍️ Quota Sampling: Ensures the sample reflects certain characteristics in the same proportions as they appear in the population.

3. ✍️ Purposive Sampling: Participants are chosen based on specific criteria relevant to the research, such as expertise.

4. ✍️ Snowball Sampling: Current participants refer others to join, creating a chain of referrals.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:26

Citation & referencing 📘📚✍️

1. Journal Article

Format: Author(s), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the article, journal name, volume, pages.

Example: Shukla, G.K. (1972). Some statistical aspects of partitioning genotype environmental components of variability. Heredity, 29, 237–245.

2. Books

Format: Author(s), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the book (bold), publisher, place of publication.

Example: Steel, R.G., & Torrie, J.H. (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics. McGraw-Hill, New York.

3. Pages in a Publication by Editors

Format: Author(s), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the publication, name of the book (bold), pages, editor(s) (in parentheses), publisher, place of publication.

Example: Lechevalier, M.P., & Lechevalier, H.A. (1980). The chemo-taxonomy of Actinomycetes. In: Actinomycete Taxonomy Society for Industrial Microbiology (pp. 227–291) (Dietz, X., & Thayer, Y., eds.), Arling - ton, VA.

4. Conference Proceedings

Format: Author(s), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the publication, name of the proceeding (bold), pages, place (City/Town, Country).

Example: Eshetu Dereso, Teame Geberagi, & Girma Adugna (2000). Significance of minor disease of Coffee arabica in Ethiopia. In: Proceedings of Workshop on Control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in Ethiopia (pp. 35–46), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

5. Theses

Format: Author(s), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the thesis, type of thesis (MSc or PhD), university, country.

Example: Alberts, M.J.A. (2004). A comparison of statistical methods to describe genotype × environment interaction and yield stability in multi-location maize trials. MSc Thesis, University of the Free State, South Africa.

6. Web References

Format: Author(s), year of publication (in parentheses), title of the article, site name, URL, access date (in parentheses).

Example: Toni, R.L., & Culvert, L.L. (2003). Safer hospital stay and reducing hospital-borne infections. Health Scout News. http://www.healthscout.com, (accessed January 9, 2010).

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:22

🍀 Random Sampling

Random sampling is a statistical technique to select a representative sample from a larger population, where each member has an equal chance of selection. This approach ensures that the sample is unbiased and accurately reflects the population.

🔹 Types of Random Sampling:

🎲 Simple Random Sampling: Individuals are selected randomly without specific criteria, often used in small, uniform populations.

🔹 Systematic Random Sampling: Every nth person is chosen, a useful method for large populations that need a systematic approach.

🔹 Stratified Random Sampling: The population is divided into subgroups (e.g., age, gender, income), and a random sample is taken from each, ensuring the sample represents the full population.

📊 Software Training




🔑 R


📈 and other related tools…

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 22:21

Sampling techniques 📊

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

30 Oct, 14:56

● A Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Language Education

✒️ Liu et al. (2024)
📚Social Education Research

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:28

Types of research 📚

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:26

Academic writing ✍️

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:18

Here are some of the best books on research methodology across various fields:

📕 "Research Methods for Business Students" by Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis, and Adrian Thornhill

Comprehensive guide for business students covering a range of research methods and techniques.

📕"The Craft of Research" by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams

Essential for anyone conducting academic research, focusing on the process and strategies for effective research.

📕 "Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches" by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell

Covers different research designs and approaches, providing practical guidance for selecting and implementing a research design.

📕 "Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches" by John W. Creswell

Focuses on qualitative research methodologies and helps researchers choose the most suitable approach for their study.

📕 "Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners" by Ranjit Kumar

Ideal for beginners, offering a clear and structured approach to understanding and conducting research.

📕 "Case Study Research: Design and Methods" by Robert K. Yin

Specializes in case study research, detailing the design and methods involved in conducting case studies effectively.

📕 "Research Methods: The Basics" by Nicholas Walliman

Provides a fundamental overview of research methods, suitable for newcomers to research.

📕 "Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research" by Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba

Focuses on qualitative research in the social sciences, emphasizing scientific inference and research design.

📕 "Research Methods in Education" by Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison

Comprehensive guide for conducting research in education, covering both qualitative and quantitative methods.

📕 "Survey Methodology" by Robert M. Groves, Floyd J. Fowler Jr., Mick P. Couper, James M. Lepkowski, Eleanor Singer, and Roger Tourangeau

Focuses on the design and implementation of surveys, covering the methodology in-depth.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:09

How to avoid plagiarism in research ✍️

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:05


© Statement of the problem needs to discuss the practical problems that you have observed or get in the form of feedback concerning the topic that you are interested in doing the investigation.

© In addition, you need to do an empirical review related to your topic and identify the gap that needs to be filled.

🔸 Research gap/ literature gap

@ It is based on review of theoretical and empirical literature.

@ Research gap refers to:

® Unavailability of studies on the issue of the study.

® Presence of very few studies on the issue under study.

® Lack of outdated studies on the issue of study.

® Due to conflicting findings on the issue under investigation.

® Practical problems noticed in an entity with no explanation of it in the empirical studies.

🔸 Conceptual framework

Conceptual/theoretical framework of the study indicates the relationship   between variables.

The conceptual framework should show a diagrammatically demonstration of the relationship between the Independent and dependent variables.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:02

1. Descriptive research design

# It emphasis on determining the frequency with which something occurs or the extent to which two variables are correlated.

# It tries to discover answers to the question who, what, when, where, and sometimes how.

# It clearly describes a situation or behavior obtained at a particular time.

2. Explanatory research design

@ It investigates whether the value of one variable causes or determines the value of other variable.

@ It assesses relationship between variables in order to explain certain problems or events.

@ It attempts go explain the reasons for the phenomenon.

@ It uses theories or hypotheses to study about forces that  caused a certain phenomenon to occur.

@ It focuses on relationship between variables.

@ It uses different models of relationship.

3. Experimental research design

= It focuses on testing the change of variables by considering at least two groups (both experimental.

= It usually involves practical measurement of data using various methods.

= It is based on the principle of randomization. That is, to be representative, experiments should be done on random samples.

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

25 Oct, 23:01

Research designs 📊

+ Research design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data based on purpose of the study.

+ It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data aimed at answering specific research questions.

+ There are different research designs.

+ The selection of a research design depends on its purpose.

+ Some of commonly mentioned research designs are:

🔸 Qualitative Designs




🔸 Quantitative







🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

22 Oct, 17:49

Next 📘

Tools for literature review "project" 🧑‍💻

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

22 Oct, 17:17

How to write an outstanding resume 🌟👏

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

22 Oct, 17:04

Here's a few tips about how to write an effective and professional CV 🧑‍💻 📑 📝

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

22 Oct, 14:16


🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

21 Oct, 16:51

Next 📆

Soft skills vs hard skills 🧑‍💻

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

18 Oct, 23:42

For our English followers 👥

Here's a quick summary about the key elements that I have shared tonight concerning AI technologies and cotent creation 📗📚📊

Without further due...

Tonight's Topic:

Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Content Creation and Scientific Writing 💻📊📗

Written content generated by AI, known as artificial intelligence, is infiltrating the open-source website Wikipedia.

🔸 A research study aimed to investigate the impact and increase of AI-generated content on Wikipedia and its effect on the accuracy of information and bias.

📊 The following was found: 👇🏻

1. The percentage of articles discovered using AI on English Wikipedia:

5.36% of the new articles created in August 2024 contain AI-generated content 📝🤖.

German: 249 articles (6.37%) 🇩🇪.

French: 174 articles (5.55%) 🇫🇷.

Italian: 206 articles (6.86%) 🇮🇹.

🔍 Quality of Articles

Articles containing AI-generated content are characterized by lower quality in terms of references and their connection to Wikipedia content.

📉 Number of References:

AI-generated articles contain 30% fewer references compared to other articles.

🔗 External Links:

These articles have 70% fewer external links.

3. Manual Analysis 🧑‍💻

When examining articles classified as AI-generated content, it was found that some of these articles are used for promotional purposes, while others tend to present biased viewpoints.

Promotional articles:

8 out of 45 articles 📄

Articles on controversial topics:

8 articles out of 45 articles 📂

4. Use of AI in Translation and Writing 🗣️

Instances were discovered where AI was used as a translation tool or as a means to generate articles of acceptable quality, but these are still classified as generated content .

3 articles were created using machine translation and classified as AI-generated 📕

Conclusion: Content published after November 30, 2022, is questionable!

#ArtificialIntelligence #contentcreation #ResearchArticle #PhD #science

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

18 Oct, 23:26

Source used 📂

IT Arabia 📚

Telegram channel

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

18 Oct, 23:17

I will notify you when once I read the whole article and check whether or not the used referenced are trusted ones 🧑‍💻

🔸"PHD" prep Algeria #English #Didactics 🔹كل ما يخص التحضير لمسابقة الدكتوراه "لغة انجليزية

18 Oct, 23:08

Here's a percentile that shows the use of AI technologies in content creation (especially research articles) 🧑‍💻📄📊