1.Describe a wild animal that lives in your country.
2.Describe a dress/shirt you wore a for special occasion.
3.Describe a restuarant that you enjoyed going to.
4.Describe a typical day at school/college/work/university.
5.Describe a book that you enjoyed reading.
6.Descibe a painting you would like to have in your home.
7.Describe a something healthy you enjoy doing.
8.Descirbe a type of weather that you really dislike.
9.Describe a free time activity you enjoyed when you were younger.
10.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
11.Describe something that you would like to learn in the future.
12.Describe an unusual meal.
13.Describe a place in your home where you like to relax.
14.Describe an impressive English lesson.
15.Describe an advertisement you don't like.
16.Describe a useful website that you have visited.
17Describe a piece of electronic equipment that is useful for your family.
18.Descibe something that you have shared with others.
19.Descibe a gift you got.
20.Describe a successful business that you know.
21.Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.
22.Describe a time that you bought something and you were not happy.
23.Describe something you bought recently that made you happy.
24.Describe a difficult decision that you made.
25.Describe a traditional product in your country.
26.Describe a toy that you liked when you were a child.
27.Describe a big company that you would like to work in.
28.Describe a place that you go with family.
29.Describe a school which you studied.
30.Describe a city or country. you want to live the most in the future.
31.Describe an interesting neighbour you know.
32.Describe a TV program you like.
33.Describe a Film you like.
34.Describe a foreign food you would like to try.
35.Describe an invention that changed people's lives.
36.Describe a shopping street you would like to go.
37.Describe a time when someone helped you.
38.Describe a time you helped someone.
39.Describe your favourite piece of clothing.
40.Describe a positive change in your life.
41.Describe a family but not yours'.
42.Describe a historical building.
43.Describe the gift you given someone.
44.Describe a memorable event in your childhood.
45. Describe a your best friend.
46.Describe one work that you do in the evening
47.Describe a challange that you decided to take in your life.
48.Describe a open-air market that you love visiting.
49.Describe an item you got for free.
50. Describe a gadget that you use everyday.
51.Describe a time you made a mistake
52.Describe a favourite singer.
53.Describe a technology device you want own.
54.Describe an interesting story in your childhood.
55.Describe a habit that you used to have when you were a Child.
56.Describe a letter or email that you received.
57.Describe a sport you want to learn.
58.Describe a weekend activities.
59.Describe an interesting activity when you were at school.
60.Describe a punishment in your childhood.
61.Describe a party that you have attended.
62.Describe a person that communicate with your abroad.
63. Describe a person that you are interested in.
64.Describe a famous athlete you know.
65. Describe your favourite season of the year
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