


19 May, 06:30

Chet tilini bilish daraja aniqlash imtihoni (Multi-level) Speaking bo'limi namunaviy mavzu va savollari, Shu kitobdan tushayabdi ekan 🔥🔥



18 May, 17:02




17 May, 10:17

Aytishlaricha shu pdf dan tushayotgan emish speaking savollari. Erinmay javoblarini yozib chiqqan avtorga rahmat!

Bugunham shundagi mavzular tushdi.


17 May, 06:35

Multi-levelda tushadigan savollar va ularning ba'zi javoblari(kimdir tuzgan yoki ko'chirgan lekin mani ishim emas🙉🙊🙈)



17 May, 03:57

TOP 20 COLLOCATIONS to use for your writing and speaking sections to get 7 +


16 May, 11:10

2023-yil Multilevel speaking imtihonida tushgan part 2 lar to’plami.


14 May, 11:55

Destination C1-C2 new words🤩😊.



14 May, 11:39


Part 1
Your daily works
Do you listen music
How much time do you usually listen to music in a day
Part 2
Last  interesting activity  did you do in school
Part 3
Important things in friendship
Do you have friends from other countries



12 May, 11:26

Speaking Part 2

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12 May, 11:25

Synonyms for "HOT" 🥵
🔥 Scorching
🔥 Baking
🔥 Roasting
🔥 Broiling
🔥 Stifling
🔥 Sweltering
🔥 Unbearably hot
🔥 Boiling
🔥 Steaming hot
🔥 Searing
🔥 Blistering
🔥 Parching
🔥 Sizzling
🔥 Muggy

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11 May, 11:52


1.Describe a wild animal that lives in your country.
2.Describe a dress/shirt you wore a for special occasion.
3.Describe a restuarant that you enjoyed going to.
4.Describe a typical day at school/college/work/university.
5.Describe a book that you enjoyed reading.
6.Descibe a painting you would like to have in your home.
7.Describe a something healthy you enjoy doing.
8.Descirbe a type of weather that you really dislike.
9.Describe a free time activity you enjoyed when you were younger.
10.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
11.Describe something that you would like to learn in the future.
12.Describe an unusual meal.
13.Describe a place in your home where you like to relax.
14.Describe an impressive English lesson.
15.Describe an advertisement you don't like.
16.Describe a useful website that you have visited.
17Describe a piece of electronic equipment that is useful for your family.
18.Descibe something that you have shared with others.
19.Descibe a gift you got.
20.Describe a successful business that you know.
21.Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting.
22.Describe a time that you bought something and you were not happy.
23.Describe something  you bought recently that made you happy.
24.Describe a difficult decision that you made.
25.Describe a traditional product in your country.
26.Describe a toy that you liked when you were a child.
27.Describe a big company that you  would like  to work in.
28.Describe a place that you go with family.
29.Describe a school which you studied. 
30.Describe a city or country. you want to live the most in the future.
31.Describe an interesting neighbour you know.
32.Describe a TV program you like.
33.Describe a Film you like.
34.Describe a foreign food you would like to try.
35.Describe an invention that changed people's lives.
36.Describe a shopping street you would like to go.
37.Describe a time when someone helped you.
38.Describe a time you helped someone.
39.Describe  your favourite piece of clothing.
40.Describe a positive change in your life.
41.Describe a family but not yours'.
42.Describe a historical building.
43.Describe the gift you given someone.
44.Describe a memorable event in your childhood.
45. Describe a your best friend.
46.Describe one work that you do in the evening
47.Describe a challange that you decided to take in your life.
48.Describe a open-air market that you  love visiting.
49.Describe an item you got for free.
50. Describe a gadget that you use everyday.
51.Describe a time you made a mistake
52.Describe a favourite singer.
53.Describe a technology device you want own.
54.Describe an interesting story in your childhood.
55.Describe a habit that you used to have when you were a Child.
56.Describe a letter or email that you received.
57.Describe a sport you want to learn.
58.Describe a weekend activities.
59.Describe an interesting activity when you were at school.
60.Describe a punishment in your childhood.
61.Describe a party that you have attended.
62.Describe a person that communicate with your abroad.
63. Describe a person that you are interested in.
64.Describe a famous athlete you know.
65. Describe your favourite season of the year

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11 May, 06:20

📌 Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar 📘

1. Desire - istak, hoxish
2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
3. Pumpkin - qovoq
4. Experience - tajriba
5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
7. Child - bola
8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
9. Regret - pushaymonlik
10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
16. Reflection - aks, tasir
17. Passion - ehtiros
18. Umbrella - soyabon
19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
20. Banana - banan
21. Animal - jonivor
22. Perfection - mukammalik
23. Mother - ona
24. Important - muhim
25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
27. Butterfly - kapalak
28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
30. Summer - yoz
31. Incredible - juda ajoib
32. Inspiration - ilhombaxsh
33. Honey - asal
34. Holiday - bayram, tatil
35. Faith -ishonch
36. Hope - umid, umid qilmoq
37. Love - sevmoq, sevgi
38. Consequences - oqibat
39. Extra - qo'shimcha
40. Father - ota
41. Dandelion - qoqio't
42. Innuendo - tuhmat
43. Pray - ibodat qklmoq
44. Paradise - jannat
45. Imaginary - xayloliy
46. Pleasure - mamnun bo'lish
47. Measure - o'lchamoq
48. Happiness - baxt
49. Simultaneously - bir vaqtda bolgan
50. Destination - belgilangan joy
51. Insatiable - tariflab bumaydigan
52. Sky - osmon
53. Magnificent - ajoib, zo'r
54. Miracle - mo'jiza
55. Pronunciation - talaffuz qilmoq
56. Hurricane - kuchli dovul
57. Lullaby - alla
58. Jubilant - haddan tashqari hursand
59. Reliable - ishonchli
60. Light - yorug'
61. Universe - borliq, olam
62. Volcano - vulqon
63. Rise - o'sish
64. Pure - toza, beg'ubor
65. Amazing - ajablanadigan
66. Forever - har doim
67. Believe - ishonch, ishonmoq
68. Crazy - telba, aqldan ozgan
69. Smart - aqilli
70. Fate - taqdir, qismat
71. Accomplishment - muaffaqiyatli tamomlash
71. Sensation - his hayajon
72. Sleepwalker - uyqusirab yuradigan
73. Multiplication - ko'paytirish
74. Infidelity - bevafolik
75. Success - muaffaqiyat
76. Honey - asal
77. Exciting - hayajonlantiruvchi
78. Satisfactory - qoniqarli
79. Mercy - rahm shavqat
80. Essential - muhim
81. Humanity - insoniy
82. Disclose - oshkor qimoq
83. Unfortunately - afsuski, baxtga qarshi
84. Liberty - ozod, erkin
85. Library - kutubxona
86. Beautiful - chiroyli
87. Betray - hiyonat qilmoq
88. Grateful - minnatdor
89. Unbelievable - ishonchsiz
90. Naive - sodda, go'l
91. Smile - tabassum
92. Behavior - hulq
93. Impressive - tasirli
94. Procession - marosim, tantana
95. Admit - tan olmoq
96. Sophisticated - nozik, nazokatli
97. Maintain - davom etmoq
98. Suave - hushmuomila
99. Guilty - ayb
100. Sadness - g'amgin

@mandatlar_robot Yo'nalishlar va kirish ballari 🧾

@IELTS_darslari_bot | @Ingliz_tili_IELTS_1


11 May, 06:20

📌 Top-100 juda muhim bo'lgan inglizcha so'zlar 📘

1. Desire - istak, hoxish
2. Glory - sharaf, go'zallik
3. Pumpkin - qovoq
4. Experience - tajriba
5. Reconcile - yarash(tir)moq
6. Astonishing - hayratda qoldiradigan
7. Child - bola
8. Sophisticate - nozik, nafis
9. Regret - pushaymonlik
10. Rebel - isyon, isyonchi
11. Tranquil - bosilgan, vazmin
12. Sunrise - quyoshning otishi
13. Sunset - quyosh botishi
14. Fabulous - aqil bovar qilmas
15. Meadow - o'tloq, yaylov
16. Reflection - aks, tasir
17. Passion - ehtiros
18. Umbrella - soyabon
19. Lollipop - xo'razqand
20. Banana - banan
21. Animal - jonivor
22. Perfection - mukammalik
23. Mother - ona
24. Important - muhim
25. Gorgeous - juda yaxshi ajoib
26. Sweetheart - shirin qalb
27. Butterfly - kapalak
28. Godsend - g'oyibdan kelgan omad, baxt
29. Unique - yakkayu yagona
30. Summer - yoz
31. Incredible - juda ajoib
32. Inspiration - ilhombaxsh
33. Honey - asal
34. Holiday - bayram, tatil
35. Faith -ishonch
36. Hope - umid, umid qilmoq
37. Love - sevmoq, sevgi
38. Consequences - oqibat
39. Extra - qo'shimcha
40. Father - ota
41. Dandelion - qoqio't
42. Innuendo - tuhmat
43. Pray - ibodat qklmoq
44. Paradise - jannat
45. Imaginary - xayloliy
46. Pleasure - mamnun bo'lish
47. Measure - o'lchamoq
48. Happiness - baxt
49. Simultaneously - bir vaqtda bolgan
50. Destination - belgilangan joy
51. Insatiable - tariflab bumaydigan
52. Sky - osmon
53. Magnificent - ajoib, zo'r
54. Miracle - mo'jiza
55. Pronunciation - talaffuz qilmoq
56. Hurricane - kuchli dovul
57. Lullaby - alla
58. Jubilant - haddan tashqari hursand
59. Reliable - ishonchli
60. Light - yorug'
61. Universe - borliq, olam
62. Volcano - vulqon
63. Rise - o'sish
64. Pure - toza, beg'ubor
65. Amazing - ajablanadigan
66. Forever - har doim
67. Believe - ishonch, ishonmoq
68. Crazy - telba, aqldan ozgan
69. Smart - aqilli
70. Fate - taqdir, qismat
71. Accomplishment - muaffaqiyatli tamomlash
71. Sensation - his hayajon
72. Sleepwalker - uyqusirab yuradigan
73. Multiplication - ko'paytirish
74. Infidelity - bevafolik
75. Success - muaffaqiyat
76. Honey - asal
77. Exciting - hayajonlantiruvchi
78. Satisfactory - qoniqarli
79. Mercy - rahm shavqat
80. Essential - muhim
81. Humanity - insoniy
82. Disclose - oshkor qimoq
83. Unfortunately - afsuski, baxtga qarshi
84. Liberty - ozod, erkin
85. Library - kutubxona
86. Beautiful - chiroyli
87. Betray - hiyonat qilmoq
88. Grateful - minnatdor
89. Unbelievable - ishonchsiz
90. Naive - sodda, go'l
91. Smile - tabassum
92. Behavior - hulq
93. Impressive - tasirli
94. Procession - marosim, tantana
95. Admit - tan olmoq
96. Sophisticated - nozik, nazokatli
97. Maintain - davom etmoq
98. Suave - hushmuomila
99. Guilty - ayb
100. Sadness - g'amgin

@mandatlar_robot Yo'nalishlar va kirish ballari 🧾

@IELTS_darslari_bot | @Ingliz_tili_IELTS_1


11 May, 06:20

Topic vocabulary
•Apologise - kechirim so'ramoq
•Boyfriend - qizning yigiti
•Close - yaqin
•Confident - o'ziga ishongan, dadil
•Cool - zo'r
•Couple - juftlik, sevishganlar
•Decorate - bezatmoq
•Defend - himoya qilmoq
•Divorced - ajrashgan
•Flat - kvartira
•Generous - sahiy
•Girlfriend - yigitning sevgan qizi
•Grateful - minnatdor
•Guest - mehmon
•Independent - mustaqil
•Introduce - tanishtirmoq
•Loving - suyukli, mehribon
•Loyal - vafodor, sodiq
•Mood - kayfiyat
•Neighborhood - mahalla
•Ordinary - oddiy
•Patient - sabrli
•Private - shaxsiy
•Recognise - tanimoq
•Relation - aloqa; qarindosh
•Rent - ijaraga olmoq/ijara haqi
•Respect - hurmat/hurmat qilmoq
•Single - yakka, bo'ydoq
•Stranger - notanish, begona
•Trust - ishonmoq/ishonch

@mandatlar_robot Yo'nalishlar va kirish ballari 🧾

@IELTS_darslari_bot | @Ingliz_tili_IELTS_1


11 May, 06:19

Channel name was changed to «Speaking»


10 Jan, 15:12

Orada bir soat speaking


10 Jan, 15:12

Reading listening listening


10 Jan, 15:12

9:00 12:00 15:00 17:00. 19:00 21:00


02 Jan, 14:25



02 Jan, 14:23
