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People's Party of Canada
05 Mar, 15:20
Quebec’s been cashing in on over HALF of Canada’s equalization payments for years—more than its fair share. And get this: Manitoba and the Atlantic provinces rely on Ottawa even MORE per capita. Time to stop tiptoeing around and face the truth: this isn’t about shame, it’s about fixing a broken system."@MaximeBernier @DanbQc
Years ago Oleary said that his problem with Maxime Bernier is that he agrees on everything he says!
Maxime Bernier’s healthcare bombshell—ditch Canada health transfers, give provinces tax points. Kevin O’Leary’s sold: ‘I buy it. He’s shaking things up!’ Loves the efficiency angle, says it’s tough to knock Bernier when he’s this on point. Provincial responsibility? Check. Good ideas? Double check.
But here’s the spicy twist: did O’Leary brag about Bernier to Trump at Mar-a-Lago? Imagine that convo! @MaximeBernier @DanbQc
In Canada, there is no other option than the People’s Party if you stand with Trump in wanting to end the pointless war in Ukraine as soon as possible.
Au Canada, il n’y a pas d’autre option que le Parti populaire si vous soutenez Trump dans sa volonté de mettre fin à la guerre inutile en Ukraine le plus tôt possible.
Only 6% of Canadians want more immigration. 49% say we need less. Not racist. Not radical—just the majority. So why am I 'extreme' for agreeing with them?
Mr. Singh loves diversity—except diversity of opinion. I say: come to Canada, share our values—equality, freedom, law. Common sense, not far-right. The leftist media? Activists, not journalists.
They ignore us to keep us down. Time for a real conversation." @MaximeBernier @DanbQc
Il y a 15 ans, Maxime Bernier a proposé un impôt uniforme, simple et équitable, qui mettrait fin à la jungle fiscale. Une autre idée audacieuse pour permettre aux Canadiens de garder plus d'argent. @MaximeBernier @DanbQc @ppopulaireca
Maxime Bernier a lancé cette bombe monétaire adossée à l'or en 2010, et elle est plus que jamais d'actualité en 2025. Avec l'inflation qui monte en flèche et la dette qui explose, est-ce la solution que nous avons ignorée trop longtemps ? @MaximeBernier @DanbQc
Maxime Bernier dropped this gold-backed money bomb in 2010—and it’s more relevant than ever in 2025. With inflation spiraling and debt exploding, is this the fix we’ve ignored too long? @MaximeBernier @DanbQc