Dernières publications de People's Party of Canada (@peoplespca) sur Telegram

Publications du canal People's Party of Canada

People's Party of Canada
The People's Party of Canada
Follow our leader @MaximeBernier
1,238 abonnés
875 photos
184 vidéos
Dernière mise à jour 09.03.2025 15:59

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Le dernier contenu partagé par People's Party of Canada sur Telegram

People's Party of Canada

15 Jan, 06:29


Amir Hart, our candidate for Thornhill, will be hosting a Meet & Greet Brunch on Sunday, January 19th from 12:30-2:00 PM in Concord!

This is an excellent opportunity to meet your candidate, connect with your community, and locally develop our party.

More information below:
People's Party of Canada

15 Jan, 06:28


Hey Alberta,

Join us in Edmonton January 25th 6:00-9:00 PM.

Bring a friend and see you all there!

King's University
9125 50 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2H3…
People's Party of Canada

15 Jan, 06:27


Michael Bator, the People's Party candidate for Burlington, is hosting another Breakfast Chat!

Join him on Saturday, January 25th from 10-11:30 AM at The Rose Garden in Burlington.

This is a great opportunity to meet your candidate to discuss your observations and concerns!
People's Party of Canada

14 Jan, 05:51


Crickets. Never forget.
People's Party of Canada

14 Jan, 05:50


The overwhelming evidence collected by @Inquiry_Canada, points to massive government overreach and a need for accountability for those that coerced the Covid-19 vaccines on Canadians and the response by our politicians for those individuals that disagreed with the government narrative.
Consider that 86,000 people were convicted at the Nuremburg trials for human rights violations, medical experimentation on humans without informed consent and using state power to commit violence against peaceful citizens.
Nuremberg type trials are necessary to restore the public trust and serve justice to those leaders that violated the human rights of Canadian citizens.
People's Party of Canada

14 Jan, 05:49


Roman Yevseyev is the People's Party candidate for Vaughan-Woodbridge!

Having a career spanning internationally, he brings this immense experience to provide his community with a platform which promotes economic growth, personal safety, and individual freedom.

People's Party of Canada

10 Jan, 04:00


Il a été de tous nos combats, à la défebse de tous les canadiens.

Il s’est comporté en véritable leader.

C’est l’homme d’un parti qu’on cherche à taire.

Il me fait l’honneur d’être présent lors de ma 500e émission de SAM EN DIRECT.

Le 1er février prochain, à LaScène Lebourgneuf, venez rencontrer @MaximeBernier

Venez lui dire MERCI !

People's Party of Canada

08 Jan, 07:07


Gender Ideologies in schools, Inflation, Housing crisis, Immigration and Health care are the important issues to my constituents.

Watch Full Episode to see how the People's Party of Canada's platform solves these issues.…

#genderideology #housingcrisis #inflation #immigration #invasion #HealthcareCrisis

People's Party of Canada

23 Dec, 07:50


Starting the day off at the doors with @ArtyomPpc

As a young party, It is up to us to introduce the PPC to the people who don’t know we exist
People's Party of Canada

20 Dec, 06:14


Join PPC advocate and "Purple Wave" author Alan Aubut as we unpack his bold views on Canada’s political failures, taxes, and the fight for freedom. @AlanAubutPPC #PPC #CanadaPolitics #PurpleWave…