

Pediatric notes, summaries and knowledge exchanges.


20 Jan, 22:56

السلام عليكم، التوقّف مُتعمّد حتى لا يكون هناك تشتيت لمن دخلوا كورسات مراجعة.. نستأنف بإذن الله في بداية سبتمبر


20 Jan, 22:18

We will be discussing the most common topics that frequently appear in exams along with their related questions. Stay tuned 🌸


20 Jan, 22:11

Live stream finished (34 minutes)


20 Jan, 22:11

Live stream scheduled for


20 Jan, 22:11

Live stream started


20 Jan, 22:11

Try to think about this MCQ prior to the session today.. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♂️🤔💡

A 9-year-old boy presents to the emergency department with a history of asthma. He is experiencing a severe asthma exacerbation. His mother states that he has been using his albuterol inhaler every 2 hours without relief. On examination, he has the following vital signs: heart rate 120 bpm, respiratory rate 35 breaths/min, oxygen saturation 88% on room air, and he is using accessory muscles to breathe. What is the next best step in management?

A. Administer a nebulized albuterol treatment.

B. Start intravenous magnesium sulfate.

C. Intubate and start mechanical ventilation.

D. Administer intravenous corticosteroids.


20 Jan, 22:10


20 Jan, 22:10

Tomorrow 5pm will do a quick session. Stay tuned.


20 Jan, 21:59

We will be talking about 5 steps for achieving the best MCQ analysis (soon). Stay tuned


20 Jan, 21:52

I’ll make a talk about alternative boards in the coming days 👍


20 Jan, 21:48


20 Jan, 21:42

What is your opinion about the coming session? Vote please 🙏


20 Jan, 21:35

PTHrP in short:

In MCQ; if you find a high Ca with elevated concentrations of PTHrP, think of

⭐️ Hypercalcemia syndrome of malignancy ⭐️


20 Jan, 21:33

A 12-year-old girl is brought to the pediatric endocrinology clinic by her parents. They are concerned about her rapidly progressing pubertal development and associated complications.

The patient's history reveals that she started developing breast buds and pubic hair around the age of 5 years. She experienced her first menstrual period at 7 years of age, and her menstrual cycles have been irregular since then. The patient also reports intermittent bone pain, especially in her right leg.

Physical examination shows café-au-lait skin pigmentation over her trunk and extremities. Her breast development is at Tanner stage 4, and she has significant pubic and axillary hair growth. Palpation of the right lower extremity reveals a firm, non-tender bony swelling.

The patient's parents express concern about the risk of malignancy associated with her disease. Which of the following neoplasms has the highest prevalence in this condition?

a) Thyroid cancer
b) Breast cancer
c) Pituitary adenoma
d) Osteosarcoma


20 Jan, 21:32